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Everything posted by KorpeN

  1. KorpeN

    Female Fighters?

    Is there an important reason NOT to have female soldiers/guerillas/or whatever you want? Sometimes I cannot understand the way that BIS is thinking.
  2. the latest beta patch works fine. No Y lag and satisfying fps.
  3. No your solution doesnt have logic..the problem didnt solve. BIS fix the Y lag.... oh and this patch is the worst.Massive drop of fps. BIS get serious plz..
  4. If it was about smmothing why this is not happens with x axis?
  5. with the latest beta patch I have a weird lag on mouse at y axis... wtf?
  6. KorpeN

    Dragon Rising has been released

    noob...learn at least the controls before you criticize a game... and btw OFP2 >>> ArmA2
  7. KorpeN

    Dragon Rising has been released

    Hmmm...try press F once...really helps
  8. BIS plz remove the left mouse button as action button or at least put it as option to the control settings so everyone can choose if it is useful for him or not.There are many times that I accidentally move the mouse wheel when I have to shoot and the soldier acts different because I press the left m.button to shoot..I have been killed many times by this mistake.Make it as it was in ArmA1.
  9. KorpeN

    Important Fix for the next patch.

    Yes I agree..optimization is way more important but this thing has to do with the gameplay..it ruins it whatever fps you have.
  10. KorpeN

    Important Fix for the next patch.

    Yes I ve looked there..You cannot change it.
  11. KorpeN

    Important Fix for the next patch.

    Maybe the Coop guyz doesnt care too much about this problem but in PvP action where is so much tense you have to act quickly and sometimes this thing happens.It;s very annoying.At least put it as an option ..dont disable it at all..
  12. KorpeN

    Thank you, B.I.S.; Sign if you agree.

    I paid 50 euros.Sing for what?A buggy game?No I think 50 euros to BIS are enough.
  13. I think that patch to patch the game feels smoother.But still there are a lot work to do BIS.
  14. KorpeN

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Senseless spamming 3 pages now.This thread is for news not for grammar.Is there a moderator here or all these spammers are our friends so we dont touch them?
  15. Am I gonna be banned again?
  16. KorpeN

    Americas Army 3

    If ArmA2 had those animations (reloading,gun etc) and those physics it would be :681:
  17. KorpeN

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Traffic and civs are always an option in GTA for the hoster. I dont need to do any math.The feeling is that physics excuse of BIS is BS. They simply cannot/dont want (more money to invest) add physics.We have to live with that.Even GTA's AI is more realistic (not scripted) and GTA is not a sim.We have just to wait until ArmA2 released.We have much to discuss and laugh at. And if you insist about maths.Here do some math. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XgkGb9hJnXo
  18. KorpeN

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Up to 32 players And a much more "full" world than ArmA.