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About PhantomStalker

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. PhantomStalker

    The Sniper

    Im glad someone else agrees with me on that... even if it takes like a minute or two for the change to take place, its better then just having the same few bushes poking out from ya.
  2. PhantomStalker

    The Sniper

    very good idea! snipers have to watch out their dog tags and anything that could shine is not showing. They also have to make sure they dont have loose things that jingle and make noise.
  3. PhantomStalker

    The Sniper

    The way I see things is that the game itself should have enough features that people should only have to mod uniforms and maps etc... not do a whole ballistics system..
  4. PhantomStalker

    The Sniper

    When I made my sniper missions as a test for my sniper recruits if you killed the colonel in one shot they couldnt locate you. If you had to make a second they zeroed in on your location and fired. I never experienced uber see all AI, but then again the maps I made and played from my friends had the AI soldiers in various states of awareness, thats really the most realistic way. This worked well because if they had to take a second shot... they were not going to pass the mission. More then half that tried the mission got lost and couldnt even find the target for hours... I just completed my basic airborne and pathfinder training for VASF and during it I was out in the open and about 30 feet to my 10 o'clock was a platoon of soldiers on patrol... I was like "OH SHIT" and ducked into a ditch. I have no clue why they didnt see me, but perhaps they were looking somewhere else. This is how it should be , sometimes ya get lucky. and as for the shots echoing.... in op flash if you took the shot from far enough distance the person died before they heard the shot. I have seen it happen and tested it with friends, and it has happened to me. I'd also like to see snipers being able to use the 50 cal and disabling vehicles , as well as the ability to lase targets for airstrikes and the like.
  5. PhantomStalker

    The Sniper

    in op flash I was co founder and sniper trainer of a group called Red Storm. 90% of my game time in OFP was as a sniper. What I would like this post to be is sort of an end all discussion of the art and tactics of the sniper in op flash and what we hope it will be like in op flash 2. Ive been a sniper fan my whole life and OFP is the most realistic portrayal of what it is like being a sniper i've ever seen in a game. The only other game more realistic was the original SWAT, as they had all aspects of the actual shooting, but that was police sniping so 95% of what a sniper does was not there. The first thing I would like to see in ofp is a more realistic ghillie suit.... The one in OFP worked well but seemed more like how the viet cong just stuffed branches in their clothes in viet nam, then an actual ghillie suit. The ability to actually change your ghillie suit to the terrain type would also be amazing. I am sure it could be done quite easily and would make it more realistic as snipers do put material from the terrain on their suit wherever they are, its not the same thing for everything. More factors such as the wind and maybe even how clean the gun is would be a neat feature to make it more realistic as well. I cant think of anything more right now, but all of you snipers out there lets do some discussing.
  6. PhantomStalker

    What are you going to do?

    First thing im gonna do is go on the net and do some missions with VASF. then after a few hours of that I am going to check out the editor and hope its just like the op flash 1 editor but better, so I can make any type of real world mission I want. I will spend just as many hours making missions as playing probably.
  7. PhantomStalker

    wind and other environmental things affecting play

    once I figured out I could change modes I went to vet and never turned back. I like it when theres no gui and crap on the screen that helps you. I think to many of us the realism is what MAKES the game fun. I cant play games like quake, cs, moh, cod,etc etc for the simple reason they are unrealistic and annoying arcadey things. for some people realism=fun.
  8. PhantomStalker

    wind and other environmental things affecting play

    I would not mind more realistic ballistics, as long as they dont pull the bs swat 4 and bf2 did with like random bullets, so your aiming at a dude and bullets just go wherever they randomly well please. I want there to be a realistic rhyme and reason to where bullets go.
  9. PhantomStalker

    What can we expect from the new engine?

    I would rather have " sparse" islands... then small maps like bf2...
  10. PhantomStalker

    What can we expect from the new engine?

    listen.... everyone post r6 2 game made by redstorm= arcade crap. They sold out when they sold the game to ubisoft. Other then the old delta forces, and the old rainbow 6's.... op flash is really the only game that keeps the fps realism genre alive. Every other fps is total arcade quakey crap, cs, bf, moh, cod etc. Oh im sorry there is also hidden and dangerous but they even went arcade for the multiplayer while the single is very realistic. As for graphics I could give a crap less if they didnt even upgrade the graphics from op flash, I still love them. I do not want to see any major changes in armed assault that would make op flash any less then it was, which is the most realistic combat simulator ever made. I fear for arma and op flash 2... I know they say they are gonna make it even more real ... but you never know until the game is in your hands.
  11. PhantomStalker

    wind and other environmental things affecting play

    it could never be a personal option... if there was an option either way it would definitly be server side. Im suprised there is anyone BUT realism nuts who love op flash..its realism was unmatched.
  12. PhantomStalker

    Strategic decisions

    agreed on the making factories and producing tanks and stuff... if they want to make a mod for it like they did for original op flash, thats fine.. but I dont want that sort of stuff in the game. Atleast it wouldnt be under player control anyways.
  13. Since I hear op flash 2 will have animals and a more realistic environment, im wondering if that environment will affect the gameplay. will tanks get stuck in mud? will bad weather ground air ops? will wind affect a snipers bullet? Will the cold or the heat have effect on how your soldier moves and the overall "health"(not health bar) I would love as a sniper to not only have to adjust for bullet drop and elevation, but also the wind.
  14. PhantomStalker

    Strategic decisions

    Are a little specific to allow a commander to press the "everythings fine here, pull out forces at area 3" button, but a ingame waypointing system would make things like that possible (in the complex mode, if it's clear, move to next waypoint, for example), (or if troops at zx89 are 20m away, and are udner heavy fire, there could be an option, if a friendly squad is less than x meters, assist them) </ramble> - Ben waypoints are ok... so long as they do not show up as icons and crap on the screen in vet mode. If I like have in my notes the sector(aka ej45) for each waypoint.. and have to make it there myself, then thats fine... but nothing like any other fps games god please.
  15. PhantomStalker


    That reminds me of the first days of ww2ol, watching n00bs who thought it was aircraft were arcadey spinning around on the runway and crashing on takeoff rofl, if they were able to get off the ground anyways. Those were the days.