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Posts posted by Panda-PL-

  1. OFrP grenades won't work with this either.

    If some mod doesn't use EXH it will not work with any other mod.

    No use complaining to ACE team about it.

    Quote[/b] ]I also seem to loose a LOT of stuff from the editor when the ACE is running. Some of these are units from the game (civilians, partisans, etc.)
    Adressed by Sickboy earlier. They are hidden to avoid using them by mistake. You can bring them back if you want to.
    Quote[/b] ]This mod works on all servers or only on servers using it
    Dig earlier in the thread. Was explained.

  2. I think there's usually an error log written somewhere,

    indicating problems in loading models.

    Search your C:\Documents and Settings\ for an Arma.rpt file. Open it, it will have lots of stuff in it.

    If you have trouble finding the correct lines just delete entire content, run and crash the game, reopen the file - there should be some lines, most of them are quite harmless (warning:blablabla), but you might read something out of them.

  3. Ok, I found the setting.

    In modo select the material you're using (shader tree box on the right)>RMB>Properties>Smoothing Angle.

    Set it to 60 or any angle you find pleasent for your eyes (must work good with your cyllindrical surfaces). Then importing via .obj into O2 set the exact same angle. It is accurate enougth for me not to see difference.

    Have fun with your work DaSquade.

    /I also tested out a 3ds reimport method but I don't think it will be needed./

  4. First some hipoly shots:


    I've been modelling in Wings untill recently but my M4 hipoly is above 120k now and I have trouble even with exporting it, the programm was definitely not ment to deal with that heavy model (although quite efficient at making one).

    So I'm trying out Modo and it seems nice (Blender unfortunately also suffers from the same performance problems and ontop of that it has an a... backwards design philosophy).

    I have a problem figuring out something...

    Ironically it's a problem with LOWpoly.

    I am checking out Modo 302 right now and I think I am able to make a bake mapped/painted lowpoly working inside Modo itself but I don't know how to keep consistency between Modo Lowpoly hard edges and the hard edges in O2 after import. And without 100% correspondence between two meshes my hipoly derrived normal map won't be worth a thing.

    In other words: how to make this one hard edge either soft in modo or remain hard durring import.


    I checked the export and it's not even consistent with what I see in Modo.


    I would preffer to set all lowpoly edges to soft in modo and force hard edges by splitting the lowpoly mesh, then render the normal and set all edges to soft in O2 to have full consistency but I don't know how to force modo to do that (that is stop automatic hardness function).

    I can, using split, set soft edges to hard, but the other way around I am forceless: if modo thinks it ought to be hard I have no say, it seems.

    Another sollution would be to use the hard edges finder in O2 upon import but... I need to know the exact angle and it is not the default 60 degrees because if I import with 60 deg setting the hard edge I have shown you eralier becomes smooth.

    And no, mendling with edge weight maps doesn't change the non-subdivided model in any way.

  5. I suggest using vector functions and modeltoworld and back for helicopters. The helicopters in ArmA IMO lack only two things:

    -better steering at high speeds (esp. rudder).

    -autorotaion effects at high attack angles (so you don't have problems with comming out of dives).

    The default BIS heli simply looses steering when you fly fast. You can loose controll allmost completely (and crash, yes) even in a very shallow dive if it's too long.

  6. Seaking is kicking some serious butt. smile_o.gif

    I like the cammo pattern.

    I would change glass material to make it less whiteish but I suspect the current one is a placeholder.

    (BTW I am sure you know it but you can use your own fresnel texture in glass material - decide exactly how much enviroment map is visible for each angle - someone once asked about it on the fiorums and I left some HowTo).

  7. Given that anyone that wants to try their hand at modeling gets shot down, I'm not surprised the modeling community is so small.

    In case of arts forums it goes like that:

    People don't put enougth work and result is poor, yet they expect to hear praises. Normally, on an arts forums they get only criticisms, people point out every single thing that went wrong, sometimes even advice different technique or going back to the basics. They take a few days to think about it and come to conclusion that if every single person says they should try harder then they should try harder. They come back with better work and people tell them they have improived.

    This model works in practice.

    It's the model used in art schools and universities.

    Now imagine a different situation. This time 80% of people write orgasmic replies (I belive DeviantArt used to look like that). The person feels confident and comforted. He makes even more effortless works, wastes time he could use for improving himself. The honest minority is pacified and finally moves on to another forum. The arts forums change into a circle of commutual reaffirmation.

    There was a private canadian school in Poland where later model was used to "let children develop freely". They basically praised everything. It went bankrupt after parents sued it for making their children useless slobs. Not a single child out of the school was up to the public school standard of graduate.

    Yes: the parents proved in civil court their children were hurt by the method.

    There is a lesson there to learn.

  8. Some people are blowing this way out of proportion. It's kinda silly. huh.gif

    That's your oppinion and I think you are mistaken.

    Also, it has nothing to do with what I wrote. It's a red hairing.

    First off the OP made it a big issue by flaming Nephilm.

    Now you say I should feel sorry because I sounded my oppinion (in much, much kinder words). Because I was honest.

    Because I think of this forums as a learning forums, a place to get your ass kicked not a place to stroke your ego (or another organ).

  9. The problem is you create enviroment where less effort = more appriciation.

    Lame excuses. We all do things for free and as a hobby. The difference is some people want hard earned appriciation and others want it cheap and fast.

    We all have two hands and a brain, there is no excuse.

    Finally, just so you guys know what the problem is, an intresting sticky from an arts forums...sticky

    If you give appriciation to people who do not produce anything of significant value you kill the motivation to improve. You make the guy comfortable in his lazyness.

    And ontop of that you spamm the forums.

    To say people are free not to read spamm is a lame joke.

    Zipper: Scubaman3d started modelling from modiffying my models. This is educational. Importing is not.

    IF you want to respond I expect arguments. Arguments that were allready rebutted cannot be recycled.

    My bottom line is: if it looks like turds don't say it's candy.

  10. The thread is not about your models because there is nothing to say about them. You will not fix the models or work on them. I would suggest some things but you started by saying you don't accept any constructive critisizm (you will not work on models).

    EDIT: I will underline it for you:

    Funny how after calling Nephilm lame b*** you suddenly retreat to your corner and play a victim.

    Where I live this is disrespectfull and makes you look childish.

    You are wrong to assume it's not about facts. Copyrights are a sensitive issue in OFP/ArmA community.

    And on poor quality of your addon and little effort you put in it you in practice agree... So where is this a personal attack?

    If telling people they should care more and work harder is offending then I appologise.

    Don't like your works being called lame? I never had a problem with that, just work harder or take a break.

    Plantiff, I don't allways check the forums.

    Finally... anyone has the right to complain about your addon being of poor quality. Where do people get this weird notion they can escape critisizm by simply saying they put no effort in their model. How does that work?

    Why you attack people for just saying they are tired of imports from games that are years old? Ports never work unless there is effort involved.

    If you have no time then logically speaking it should take longer to make an addon. But I find it's quite the opposite in ArmA. It takes me months to make anything but some people who seem to have less time do it much faster.

  11. Didn't GSC give permission to use their stuff?

    You're not gonna tell me they wrote "you can use our stuff" and that's the whole licence.  icon_rolleyes.gif

    Source please.

    The ommision of this subject and lack of response are two red flags allready. I am surprised he did not post a link in his first post.

    Quote[/b] ]And my suggestions is that this thread now focus on the man's addon
    What work? Did you see screenshots?

  12. Importing the models and textures is ZERO EFFORT in my book.

    This is exactly what I have to do after I finish my model and make all the maps.

    It takes so little time I do not even mention this stage and even that you've done wrong.

    And you don't even have the time to make a config.


    Do you even have PERMISSION?

    Stalker is copyrighted. crazy_o.gif
