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Posts posted by profe

  1. What I mean is that who ever developes this "OFP 2" (not BIS) it will be a suicidal project to their company. I think I can speak for all of us when I say that it won't be nearly as successful as OFP was, or as well as the true OFP sequel will be (the unnamed project from BIS).

    I certainly will not buy (boycott) this "OFP 2" that Codemasters is claiming they will "publish" simply because it is NOT OFP 2, because it wasn't made by BIS at all. The company that will make OFP 2 will prove to us that they are idea stealers and can't think up a game on their own so they rely on an already made game (OFP) to gain their ideas from and then continue with it in a completely different game and then call it a sequel. It will also certainly diminish Codemaster’s credibility completely, if it hasn't already, with the OFP community.

    lol. And how does the all mighty you know this as fact?

    You are asuming that OFP2 will suck for the simple reason that it is not developed by BIS, then somehow you know nobody will like it, and that developers will die of starvation because it is doomed to failure. And furthermore you are already calling them unoriginal for developing the sequel they will be paid to develope.

    You are ridiculous. Codemasters has stated that it will not be a dumbed down arcadeish version of OFP, even if they don't follow through on this, I don't see how you can already claim otherwise.

    Your mewling is unnecesary, why don't you just relax and wait till we really have something to judge by. We might infact end up with 2 great ofp inspired games instead of one.

  2. I get an error when I jump, Sound otw_halo_nosie not found.

    Anyone else getting this?

    edit: ok it only seems to happen when using mods, nice addon, but has a few bugs.

    The halo noise keeps playing even after you are on the ground.

    You can fire the gun while dropping.

    You stop very abruptly when the parachute is deployed which means there's no need to deploy the parachute at a certain altituted to avoid becoming a stain in the ground. Right now you could probably deploy at 10m from the ground and land safely.

    Looking good, keep it up.

  3. Its pretty cool, but I didn't like the rainbowy colors used on the translucent skin, when you activate the camo the model is quite different on the outside, also you can still see yourself in first person view. It also seems the enemy can see you but they will just not shoot at you (they kept following me with their sight).

    Needs some fixing, would go great with the TO82 tank.

  4. no prob, I think its a good start, needs polish. Try to make the textures moredetailed, they are too pixelated, the models themselves could use some more detail, they are very boxy, that effect thing when you use the jumps looks out of place, the guns need faster rate of fires and don't seem to do a lot of damage, and if you could get some leg anims it would be pretty kick ass. Just some crits.

  5. Yea, I couldn't find the unit either, however it does appear in the empty category once you've placed the player. I love the stealth, skin could use some work though. Keep it up.

    Btw I'd love to make some infantry with stealth capabilities, not for release just for personal use with some buddies in a lan, but I'm new to the whole addon making business. Think I could get a hand?
