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Posts posted by profe

  1. I'm no expert either, but there are plenty of anime/japanese mechs that don't go flying around with swords and lasers like your standard gundam. Even in the gundam universe you'll find a lot of mechs that emphasize on firepower. A good example is the 8thMS series where the mechs were a farcry from the traditional army vanquishing gundam. But yea the japanese can really go overboard.

    Also front mission mechs actually do have aspects of martial arts, at least in the first front mission games you could create purely melee mechs with those batons and whatnot.

    I tend to favor japanese designs because they tend to be a way more detailed than western style. I really like the designs in steel battalion, but those are HUGE and probably wouldn't fit well in arma.

  2. Hey, fixed arc is better than nothing. In fact, I think fixed arc would be the best compromise without having to do whole new animations for turning inside the vehicle. Unless you mean you can't aim up or down, in which case I agree, that would be a problem, though in the mh6 video he seems to be able to shoot down from the chopper.

  3. Thanks everyone for the feedback.

    I am currently working on some more features:

    - explosion debris on crash

    - Possible complete destruction (vehicle is deleted) if destroyed by a heavy explosion

    - Different explosion effects for different vehicles (perhaps wheels and stuff flying away like Scrub said, although I would like to keep the script addon-free for universal compatibility)

    - burning wreckage causes damage to nearby infantry

    - Multiplayer compatibility

    I welcome any more suggestions.

    what if you make the falling debry kick up dust like bullets? I think it would look really cool.

  4. Quote[/b] ]I'm a texture artist myself (done lot of stuff in flight simming for IL-2 and Lomac) and could help wherever you'd like assistance in terms of textures.

    The paintscheme above won't be hard to to; all I need is someone explaining me the basics of how textures work in OFP.

    maybe shadow has still the .psd, if he allows you to modify one of the camo, it will be very easy to add a new version.

    Hey guys, Shadow has been asking for help all over the thread, maybe you guys should contact him directly since you both seem to have interest and talent.

  5. Depends on which model of superhind. The Mk.III/IV has an updated cockpit with western style avionics and instruments(MFDs, instead of analog instruments) and a different cannon, while the Mk.V, has a completely redesigned cockpit. If you are interested I could get you some ref pics of the mk.IV, or maybe get in touch with RockofSL, I believe he has plans to work on a mk.V so he probably has more references.


    click services/products /mkIV mk.V.
