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About PlatformKing

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    Private First Class
  1. PlatformKing

    Can't connect to MP games

    The only thing I was running was lowplants - my init looked like this: "C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA\beta\arma.exe" -mod=beta;DBE1;lowplants -nosplash -maxmem=768 Still can't fathom it. PK
  2. PlatformKing

    Can't connect to MP games

    I have searched the forums but can't find any threads that match this problem. I can connect and get to the lobby of multiplayer games but when I try to join the game I get this message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgModels/default.sections'. Any thoughts?
  3. Is anyone else getting crashes on the map screen at briefing? My specs are posted in an earlier.
  4. PlatformKing

    Will these specs run ArmA well?

    I'm running Vista Home Premium and had no end of problems. I can play ok but get off the briefing as fast you can!!
  5. I've been using Kegety's Lowplants and got a lot more play time before crashes on my machine. Just a thought to anyone who hasn't tried it yet.
  6. Thx Suma. I also installed the hotfixes in the Biki page and managed to get about 15 minutes of play just now. It still seems to like crashing on the map page however. Anyone got any more advice about maxmem or page file options? Still stuck and tearing my hair out! Also noticed that when playing either a mission or on the editor my processor is going mad and there is a lot HD access. PK
  7. I've had no more than 10 minutes of Arma working before it crashes so far. It either hangs in the game or (more often) it hangs on the map/briefing screen. I'm runnng Arma Gold (1.08). My system is: MICRO-STAR MS-7367 AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 6000+ 2046MB RAM DirectX 10 - don't know how to get rid of DX10!!! See my other post NVIDIA GeForce 8400 GS - 7.15.0011.6925 - forceware 169.25 Digital Output Device (SPDIF) - onboard audio I have patched to 1.09 and no change win xp sp2 compatibility mode tried the -maxmem=512
  8. PlatformKing

    Rollback Directx10 to 9

    The question is how?
  9. PlatformKing

    Rollback Directx10 to 9

    How do I rollback Directx10 to Dx9? Anyone? Is it as simple as installing DX9 again? PK
  10. See thread topic. How do I rollback directx 10 to version 9? PK
  11. PlatformKing

    New system purchase UK

    Sorry, sarbe, didn't know which forum to post in so I went for this one. Mods can move this if the want!
  12. PlatformKing

    New system purchase UK

    Oh yeah, also wanted to ask if it's now safe to go over to Vista? Should I still get an XP sytem instead? Sorry for the dumb noob questions but like I said I haven't made a major system purchase for almost 6 years!
  13. PlatformKing

    New system purchase UK

    Hey all, after having the same system from Aria since 2002 which has been upgraded here and there over the years, I'm looking to get a decent gaming system. Just wondering which are the best sites to go to for a budget of £400 (perhaps more). All I need is the base unit and I'm not bothered about a modded case etc just the essentials but at decent quality so I can play ArmA and Ofp at good detail settings. Ta all. PK
  14. PlatformKing

    Pegasus Bridge island

    Hey all, does anyone know of map of this area from D-Day or one that is like it? It has 2 small bridges over parallel rivers (one is a canal but who's counting) and would be a great mini island to play. PK
  15. PlatformKing

    PhD Research assistance greatly appreciated

    I'd be up for answering questions. PM me. PK