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Everything posted by PainDealer

  1. PainDealer

    Estonian soldier

    no... it was born dead
  2. PainDealer

    Update site?

    the Xbox version ain't gonna be a best seller anyway... I think some of the old fans might buy it but Xbox palyers are too busy playing sci-fi and racing games
  3. PainDealer

    Oxygen crashing

    I have the same problem. open 2 O2 windows and CTD
  4. PainDealer

    Unsung - updates

    I'd so much love to help you guys out but I don't know a shit about making addons it makes me frustrated cos I know you guys are shorthanded and I can't do anything for you.
  5. PainDealer

    Resident Evil Mod?

    I never thought of the other little frog looking fellas in RE
  6. PainDealer

    Unsung - updates

    I haven't been waiting for anything as much as I've been waiting for this since the release of FDF-mod
  7. PainDealer

    Update site?

    I gotta agree with that. I've already got this creepy feeling there's not much going on with the project.
  8. PainDealer


  9. PainDealer

    Resident Evil Mod?

    would be cool indeed. maybe the zombie guys could start a new RE project after they get things done
  10. PainDealer

    Unsung - updates

    damn you all these screens make me so impatient
  11. PainDealer

    Unsung - updates

    now that "the secrets of the train" have been cracked I think the only limit from now on is imagination
  12. PainDealer

    American civil war mod close release!!!

    nevermind what I wrote should have read another topic and drunk less beer
  13. PainDealer

    American civil war mod close release!!!

    I think that would be good for me. at least for starters. but isn't it a bit unfair that you shoot the horse and the guy riding it dies too?
  14. PainDealer

    Which ennemis for the campaign?

    well there's nothing more realistic than the US invading another country
  15. PainDealer

    bullet penetration

    well if it's not like CS bullet penetration (easily through concrete)
  16. PainDealer

    American civil war mod close release!!!

    that would be nice. and an update of how far the progress is atm
  17. PainDealer

    EDF Mod

    ouch!! that wrenched my gut
  18. PainDealer

    EDF Mod

    well let's hope they are still working on it... I have a horrible feeling bout it tho
  19. PainDealer

    American civil war mod close release!!!

    looking way too good
  20. PainDealer


    well I think BIS guys are smart enough not to do a "War on Terror" thingy. the whole war is totally fake. only thing real in it is casualties
  21. PainDealer

    Which ennemis for the campaign?

    how about a "civil war" in the EU and the mighty swiss put their spoon in the soup and try to put an end to the war without anyone else knowing
  22. PainDealer

    Which ennemis for the campaign?

    have you totally forgotten Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Bosnia and such the americans have gone to various places with no profit and nothing to achieve so I wouldn't be surprised
  23. PainDealer

    EDF Mod

    bumped up :P that's why you should try it out to learn something new. how many ppl knew a crap about the Finnish Defence Forces? and FDF Mod is nearly (if not) the most popular mod atm.
  24. PainDealer


    I think you should give some credit to the one who first invented it (in case it wasn't you) http://www.shade-of-grey.com/stuff/swf/roflattack.swf
  25. PainDealer

    Which ennemis for the campaign?

    why do ppl always want the russians as the bad men? I've thought of the swiss banks and all that nazi gold there. who would be interested in it? who has the rights to steal it? who has the capability of invading any country in the world (at least thinks he has)? who is the leader of the world (at least he thinks he is)? that's right the greedy Mr G. W. Bush and the US of A