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Posts posted by Pierrot

  1. So "Killed" and "Hit" are only executed on the client that was killed/hit, where everything else is exec'd on both the server and client

    What I am concerned with is a time lag in multiplay. Usually in singleplay, these event handlers are driven as soon as each event happens. For example if you fire your rifle addon in which "Fired" event handler is set, then "Fired" event handler is driven without any delay. Let's think about a smoke effect which makes powder smoke from your rifle addon. If this smoke effect is related with the "Fired" event handler, this effect will be played at the same time. You will see your rifle fired and powder smoke generated at the same time.

    Then how about in multiplay? Can you ensure that the effect , which is related with "Fired" event handler, and the rifle shot are played simultaneously also in multiplay? If not, it would be an ugly effect; You would see smoke effect long after you'd fire your rifle. wink_o.gif

  2. Hi there! smile_o.gif

    In the latest patch (ver1.96), you can add many event handlers against addons. "Fired", "killed", "Dammaged" etc. These feature enables you to add more flexible response to addons.

    By the way, how does this event handler work in multiplay. Sometimes in multiplay, synchronism is very important. Do you know which computer controls event handlers in multiplay mode, client machine or server machine? wink_o.gif

    If server machine controls event handlers which are driven by client machine, there may be some lag because client and server is connected with some time difference. Consequently client side would have bad response in event handlers.

    If client machine cotrols event handlers which are driven by client machine, client side will have as good respons in multiplay as in singleplay in event handlers. But in this case, server machine cannot grasp precise time association.

    Which does OFP adopt?

  3. Hi there!

    I am making a vehicle addon in which missile-incoming warning sound is activated in "fired" EventHandlers.

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

    class EventHandlers


    IncomingMissile="_this select 0 vehicleRadio ""warning""";


    When missiles are launched against the unit, it says "warning! warning! missile launched!". However if many missiles are launched at the same time, then this sound is played as many times as launched missiles IN SERIES!! So it takes much times until it finishes playing the warning sound.

    So much so that I want to force the unit to stop playing the warning sound when new even handler is activated. And after it stops playing sound, then the new warning sound is played. No matter how many missiles are launched against this unit, it doesn't take much time to play warning sounds.

    Is it possible? wink_o.gif

  4. No new features will be added, we are lucky enough that BIS chose to produce another 'final' patch.


    I'm sorry to hear that. No new feature will be added? wink_o.gif

    I guess adding this locked on target detecting function to the latest patch is not so difficult. There is already that kind of Logic in OFP because there are guided missiles in OFP tounge_o.gif . Little modification will enable it in event handler.

    Anyway I hope 'final' patch will be released soon.

  5. When will stable version be released?

    Before that, I have a proposition.

    Let's think of following situations. You lock an enemy tank and fired an anti-tank missile. When "Fired" event handler is activated, I want save information about target tank into, let's say, "_objectTarget". Then you can chase it in scripts. You can measure distance between the target and the missile which you have fired. If you could know it, you would be able to change missile path as you like, for example howitzer. tounge_o.gif

  6. There are 2 kind of explosion. First is "destroyed explosion", when vehicle gets killed, effect is scipted by "killed" eventhandler. Second called "hit explosion", is came from OFP config.bin ( see "class explosion" part ). This is vastly modified version of origial OFP explosion effect. It does not matter where ammo eplodes - on vehicle or on ground -, it produces the same effect.

    I am going to make some rifle addons. Can I change its bullet hit animation using "Second called 'hit explosion'"? I want to add more smoke and sea spray when its bullets hit grounds and water.

  7. Great work! smile_o.gif

    By the way, how can you change explosions. When an unit is attacked, it is easy. You just simply use event handler in the unit and detect "hit". But how can you change explosions on the ground? When I launched rockets from chopper toward the ground on which there was no unit, its explosion is also realistic. But you cannot use event handler on the ground. How?wink_o.gif

  8. I see the config.cpp and scripts of "blood addon". It seems that it doesn't deal with position information. Only blood spray direction. So I guess even if you shoot hand or foot, blood always appears from the same place, let's say body. rock.gif

    By the way, bullet hit animation of rifle bullet and 30mm cannon is completely different. Where is this defined? Can you edit its animation freely?

  9. I would ask Kegety.

    I am not familiar with "Blood Addon", but can it display blood wherever an unit is shot?

    Let's think about an tank. If you shoot  left side of the tank with rifle, spark must be also generated at left side of the tank, if possible at exact point on which the bullet hits. For that purpose, you have to know exact position [x, y, z]. Is it possible wink_o.gif ?

  10. It's probably possible but it would require advanced scripting...

    Where do you define such a script? In misson file, or in addon?

    I guess it would be possible if only you could know

    when the bullet hit a target (or when the bullet disappeared),

    where the bullet hit or disappeared (position = [x, y, z]),

    what the bullet hit (armor, house, dirt, water).

    If you could tell above information, you would be able to realize bullet hit animation. smile_o.gif

  11. It's probably possible but it would require advanced scripting...


    To be sure, "Real explosion mod(?)" changes ammo hit animations. How does it do that?

    Besides, I want to add variety to bullet hit animation:

    a) Sparks are generated when bullets hit armors.

    b) Powder of stone splashes when bullets hit houses.

    c) Powder of dirt splashes when bullets hit the ground.

    d) Water splashes when bullets hit the water.

  12. Hi all!

    Is there any way to detect the ground texture on which a target unit is?

    If we knew the ground texture, for example grass, water, road(runway), desert or snow, we could put appropriate chopper dust! i.e. when the chopper is flying close over a desert, sand dust will be raised and when over a snowfield, then snow dust will be!

  13. Quote[/b] ]dammaged seems to trigger when a part in the vehicle is damaged, for example when you shoot a guy in the head


    the dammaged handler triggers with "hlava" selection name.

    Can you apply "Dammaged" EH not only to human units but also to vehicle units? For example, tanks and choppers. It would be great if we could detect dammaged parts of vehicles, e.g. main rotor of chopper, leg of tank, cannon of tank and so on.

    By the way, is "hlava" selection name defined by OFP? Can we change it or define new selection name?

  14. Hi there!

    I have a question about Event Handler. There are "Dammaged" and "Hit" EH.

    "Dammaged" string:selectionName,scalar:howMuch

    "Hit" object:causedBy,scalar:howMuch

    What is the difference between this two EHs. I confirm that "Hit" EH works when the unit is attacked and receives dammage, but can't confirm when "Dammaged" EH is called. Do you know when and in what circumstances "Dammaged" EH will be called?

  15. I often hear somebody speak Russian voice in multiplay. I have Resistance but not Red Hammer. Why can I hear Russian voice? Does Resistance have Russian voice? And where in my hard disk? confused.gif

  16. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Kegetys @ Feb. 22 2003,18:51)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">There are programs out there which can make this kind of patchers for you, but I dont know any by name...<span id='postcolor'>

    Cool! That's it. If you get information about it, please tell me.

  17. I ask other server to upload my add-on. This is not my server and I cannot upload files freely. This is why I want to release small file size patch. Because this patch is very small, I can put it on free servers.

    Thanks Leone. I read


    But I could not understand details. Is it difficult to make one exe file like official patch?

    Yes kegetys, I guess official pathces check original pbo file, meybe check sum. I would be glad to put this function to my patch, but it must not be easy.

  18. I want to make auto installer which adds and deletes files in pbo files. Yes, there are several tools which extract pbo files, ie "PBO Tool", "PBO Descryptor" etc. But I want to make one executable file, that is to say "installer" like official patches.

    I have released some add-ons and I want to release patches which edit files in pbo. If I could get information about structure of pbo, I would be able to make the installer using VC++. Do you know the structure of pbo file? wink.gif
