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Posts posted by Pierrot

  1. IR vision is a nice idea. smile_o.gif

    But it requires at least two textures; a visual texture and an IR texture. Moreover, the IR texture varies depending on a vehicle's engine status. If its engine on, it has a high temperature and if its engine off, it has a low temperature.

  2. Quote[/b] ]It is now more easier to drive vehicels and fly helicopters because tjhe control of them became more easier.

    What does it mean? wink_o.gif

    I think vehicles and choppers in OFP is enough easy to drive and fly. Vehicles have no manual gear change and don't slip even though you drive roughly. Choppers are so stable that you need not to care about an altitude.

    How can you make them easier than those of OFP? huh.gif

  3. I'd like to use following commands in the script.







    Pitch, roll and yaw are important factors for units. With these commands, you can control planes, ships and submarines as you like. For example, when a battleship get many torpedos, you can make it sink even vertically with her nose up (In OFP, ships are just sinking horizontally).

  4. TrackIR will introduce a lot of benefits to choppers.

    A pilot can control the cannon without a gunner. He views a target and just simply pull the trigger on it because the cannon always turns toward as same way as he sees.

    A pilot can choose and lock on a primary target among many enemies. He just simply see it and lock it on.

    Men, is there any ideal way of using TrackIR? smile_o.gif

  5. It seems much smoke and many particles in OFP cause a heavy lag in multiplays. Do you think BIS can reduce the lag in ArmA even if a lot of smoke and particles are generated in multiplays?

  6. I usually set the minimum and maximum height values when I am saving the lon/lat text file from wilbur.

    I sometimes use -3 for minimum value and usually leave the maximum value as it is.

    Then when I have the txt file loaded into WrpEdit I can make any minor corrections from there.


    Nice idea. smile_o.gif

    You pull the sea level above 3 meters instead of drawing the seabed.

  7. 1st) you need microdem, this a free program you can downoloaded from Geocomm you can also find there and a ton of dem files.

    To be sure, there are tons of dem files out there. But it seems they don't have any information about under the sea level (Many datas seem to define the height of the see as 0m wink_o.gif ). Do you edit the see part of the map in Wrpedit to redefine the sea-floor correctly?

  8. It's quite simple, and as i can hear, there are a lot of different methods.

    The method i use requires three steps and it's very easy to use but as far it has the limitation that you can create only 256X256 dimension islands, i haven't figured out how i could create bigger islands since i don't have much free time.

    anyway here is a sumary of the steps.

    1st) you need microdem, this a free program you can downoloaded from Geocomm you can also find there and a ton of dem files.

    2nd) you need the dem files of the area you want to create into an island use the above link for that to.

    3rd) you need to convert your dem file to a xyz file (you can also merge/resample etc) your dem to take better resolts. don't worry a bout that i'll send you a tutorial of how you could do that made by me.

    4th) this is a bit critical step you have to put your xyz file into the height converter (made by snypir) to make the xyz file into txt file. (you need to do there a lot of tests to find out which one is the best you want). (now i'm trying to make a converter for 512X512 islands but since wrpedit can import only 256X256 islands my effort is wasted until i figured out an othe way.)

    5th) now you can import the txt file into wrpedit and make the proper adjustments. then save it in wrp format and you can use it with wrptool too.

    (for visitor is an other story but i can tell you how you can do that if you like. )

    that's all, if you want more specific help in any step please email me and i'm glad to help you.

    PS. check also the OFPEC you can find there a lot of interesting tutorials to help you. i suggest readi ( A soldier's 5 on wrpedit) it's really helpfull tutorial and can make you understand a lot about the wrp file format.

    Sparky, Thank yor for your very detailed information.

    We need a lot of steps for file conversion.

    .dem -> .xyz -> .txt wink_o.gif

    BTW, do you know the site in which file formats of .xyz and .txt(for wrpedit) are explained? If you know them, you might be able to make a tool which converts .dem into .txt directly. biggrin_o.gif

    Well, you said there is another map editor which name is "Vistor ". Does Vistor also supports .txt for input file?

    Quote[/b] ]

    PS. you have you mail private, so if you like me to send you the tutorial of mine please, pm me your email address.

    Thank you. I'll send an E-mail to you later.



  9. I guess communication between pilot and gunner is difficult in OFP1. It is hard to guess what the pilot sees. In OFP1, the pilot orders a target suddenly and it takes some time for me to confirm it. If I could know the pilot's gazing point in real time, I would be able to respond to targets immediately.

  10. You can do that also in OFP, check your Difficulty settings

    Sure. You can remove the center dot by changing difficulty settings. But somebody might draw a new center dot on his own display. tounge_o.gif

    So just removing the center dot might invite cheaters in the multiplay. It is important to decrease the accuracy of hits or to add random movements to the direction of the rifle in the 1st/3rd view, so that the center dot of the cheater's display would just be an obstacle. biggrin_o.gif

  11. - Less zoom in the iron sighted weapons

    Less zoom in the iron sight removes the advantage of the iron sight itself. You would no longer use the iron sight.

    Therefore how about removing the center dot and the accuracy of hits in the 1st/3rd person view. Then you will have to use the iron sight to hit the target.

  12. Let me know about event handlers in VBS1 cause I don't have any VBS1. Can VBS1 define event handlers not only in class CfgVehicles, but also in class CfgWeapons? wink_o.gif

    If you add actions when a soldier fires a specific rifle, you have to define the event handler in class CfgVehicles, that is to say the soldier. But what will happen when a soldier of other class picks up the rifle and fires it? No, nothing happens because the soldier of other class has no event handler in its class CfgVehicles.

    If Armed Assault can add event handlers in class CfgWeapons of the rifle, then you need not care about who picks it up and fires it. Any soldier and any people has actions when he or she fires the rifle. smile_o.gif

  13. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">"Fired" string:weapon,string:muzzle,string:mode,string:ammo

    You know, this is a famous "Fired" event hander, which detects an event when you fired some armaments. It also tells you informations of weapon, muzzle, mode and ammo.

    I hope Armed Assault upgrades this "Fired" event handler. I want to know one more information; object:whoIsLocked.

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">"Fired" string:weapon,string:muzzle,string:mode,string:ammo,object:whoIsLocked

    Let's think of the case when you fire a missile. If you can get the object:whoIsLocked, you can also know where it is. Then you can control the missile maneuver.

    A famous anti-tank missile Hellfire first hops when fired, then it drops and hits the top of tanks: a top armor is often weak and Hellfire just hits that part. But OFP can not handle such missiles. It just only guide missiles directly to targets. Object:whoIsLocked information must introduce new missile maneuver to OFP. smile_o.gif

  14. Thans Korax smile_o.gif .

    Now I have one more question. I have talked about case that every addon in each client has the same event handler. But what will happen if some of the addons do not have the event handler. A mismatch of addon version may introduce this problem.

    Now you are a client which has an addon the event handler is planted. When you fire your rifle addon, then you will see the event handler effect without any delay. Whether other client machines' addons have the event handler or not has no effect upon what you see. But what will happen if another client fires his rifle addon in which no event handler is planted. Can you see the effect on his rifle? And there is no delay between his rifle's fire event and the effect? wink_o.gif
