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Posts posted by Pierrot

  1. Maybe people should start to realise, that you can`t control a chopper with the digital inputs from an keyboard, ore with the mouse.

    That is what analogue flight control systems are made for.

    Agreed. So it would be wonderful if there were veteran mode in which people need joystics to control chopper properly in ArmA. smile_o.gif

    *Still we need caded mode because none of all us have joystics. tounge2.gif

  2. When you have 1 bullet left in your M16 and use Burst fire, you hear 3x firing sound (as if you had 3 bullets in your magasine)

    So AmrA still prepares burst sounds for some rifles? huh.gif

    I think there is no need to prepare burst sounds if ArmA has a smart sound API; a smart sound API could easily generate burst sounds from one shot sound and deal with the case that there are only one or two bullets left in the magazine. huh.gif

  3. There are magazines which name is "HD" in OFP. I guess this stands for "high dispersion" or something to itroduce unskillful soldiers to OFP, for not only soldiers but also civilians in OFP, even though their skill is set low in the setting, are excellent snipers and kill you with only one shot.

    So I hope ArmA has unskillful soldiers who consume a lot of ammo to kill one enemy. How is it? huh.gif

  4. Why not just do it the way Counterstrike does it. When you are dead you can only speak to dead people. Also there is an option so you can only talk to the dead people on your team.

    Nice and simple!

    Ghosts (dead people) need a method to know what's going on in the lower world. So it would be fun if ghosts were able to listen to living people's conversations and to see their chats. Of course living people cannot hear and see ghosts'. tounge2.gif

  5. Harrier Pass ,this is how I would want a harrier to sound when it passes me, I want to hear the ear peircing roar. Not like a flying hoover, however Im sure the community should be able to apply this  smile_o.gif

    Echo, sound pitch and the transition of sound wave are hard coded. Not moddable.

  6. AAO has already the death channel. It avoids players sitll alive to hear hints from dead players. It has much to do especially in TFF and TDM rather than COOP.

    Quote[/b] ]So when 2 dead players on your server are talking shit while you are playing, and you mind it a lot, then why not tell them to stop, or start chatting over a TS channel or whatsoever?

    ArmA has VoIP instead of TS2. So how about adding death channel to VoIP and automatically guiding dead player to this death channel? tounge2.gif

  7. uTw  Harrier Video


    nice trip, looks like Flight Sim

    and thank you for original author.

    Nice vid. Thanks a lot.

    The flight seems to be better than OFP. But the engine sound is quite similar to OFP. Sometimes the engine seems to be halt. But real jets engines never halt in the air. It maintains the lowest RPM(e.g. 60%) even thoght a pilot set the engine idle. So the sound of jets engines must be high to some extent once the pilot starts engines. thumbs-up.gif

    I hope BIS will fix this in the patch.

  8. BTW, I want to control Color Teams more easily. In ofp, you have to select Color Teams every time in the action menu like this:

    0 -> 9(team) -> 1(Red Team)

    To improve this accessibility for sudden reactions, we need some shortcut keys.


    Shift + F1 : Select Red Team

    Shift + F2 : Select Blue Team

    Shift + F3 : Select Green Team...

    Ctrl + F1 : Assign Red Team

    Ctrl + F2 : Assign Blue Team

    Ctrl + F3 : Assign Green Team...

    Is there any idea? wink_o.gif

  9. Nice video, Shadak! Realy nice! Thanks yay.gif

    Well, did you see a bullet which penetrated human bodies? In other words, can you kill multiple people in line with only one shot? I confirm that bullets penetrate walls in your recent video but I'm not sure about human bodies. wink_o.gif

  10. If you could set a floating crosshair and vinish itself, the battle would be more real than that of OFP. When you attack targets, you have to see targets through your weapon's sight. The dot painted in the center of your display will never be useful. tounge2.gif Thanks BIS. notworthy.gif

  11. omg Pierrot you don't understand me m8 wink_o.gif

    I was complaining about locking missiles on your targets, not on flying objects, even those missiles that aren't lockable irl. You then said that there's this hellfire L, a lockable version, that's true, but my point was that in ofp every missile seems to be lockable, no matter what version of which misile you're using. That's the reason I called ofp's tows a "longbow tows".

    Despite that, we're both agree that missile tracking should be reworked   wink_o.gif

    sorry, english is my 2nd language

    Sorry funnyguy1. English is not my mother tongue, too. tounge2.gif

    Yes, a tow in OFP is quite differernt from an actual tow. The actual tow is not lockable. I guess it is similar to AT4 in veteran mode in ofp. So the basic system of tow already exists in OFP. One more step, that is to say controlling tow missiles through monitors, is needed. notworthy.gif

  12. having those TOWS on cobra (still) lockable just kills the fun of flying the helos in ofp...

    It is said that actual hellfires can even lock on and hit slow flying objects like hovering choppers. But hellfires in ofp can't lock on flying objects. tounge2.gif It would be fun if you could capture flying objects in ArmA. In reality, longbow apaches must be able to lock on any target which reflects milliwave radar even though it is in the air. If ArmA simulated radar and radar reflections, you could easily lock on not only armed vehicles but also flying objects. Realistic simulations sometimes produce unbelievable tactics. thumbs-up.gif

    Quote[/b] ]@Pierrot: I wanted to make a quick post somewhere else and did confuse tows with hellfires saying something like "are the tows laser guided or still fire'n forget like in ofp". I know how both of them work though. Sure there are those longbow hellfires irl, but in ofp we have longbow hellfires and even longbow tows wink_o.gif (not to mention missiles launched from APC's) It just spoils the fun huh.gif

    Tows fired from cobras are not fire and forget missiles. It has nothing to do with longbow. You have to lock on and put a target in the center of HUD until tow hits the target in ofp. But actual tows must be guided with its special monitor and control device. A xenic lamp which is set in the tail of tow is turned on when launched. This xenic lamp is monitored through a camera which is set to the cobra and the tow is controled to be always seen in the center of the monitor. You can move the camera thus you can control the tow by moving the camera indirectly. Usually you control the camera so that the target is centered in the monitor to destroy it. I wish ArmA have simulated this procedure precisely. wink_o.gif

  13. *why tows and hellfires are fire and forget in ofp? crazy_o.gif that's one of the most important factors determining the usage of helos in the whole game (ok I admitt, I confused tows with hellfires somewhere)

    TOWs and hellfires(early model) is not fire and forget. TOWs are guided through wires and hellfires(early model) is laser guided weapon. So we have to designate targets until impact. But longbow apache can use the latest hellfires which are completely fire and forget. So it is only when we fire hellfires that we have to expose ourself to enemy. After we fire hellfires, we can hide beneath mountain ridges or behind some buildings. tounge2.gif

    In addition, longbow apache can use longbow system with which it can seach enemies without exposing its body. These tactics bring varieties to missions but neither OFP nor ArmA supports this system. huh.gif

  14. Theoretically it should be fairly easy to impliment in a patch, since the pilot still has a logical fire button (which usually issues the "Fire/Cease Fire" command to the gunner) which could be re-slaved to a "class PilotWeapons" and the gunners controls re-slaved to a "class GunnerWeapons"

    The only thing there is that you'd have to make use of the Fire/Hold Fire/Engage At Will options in the command menu a lot more (especially for AI gunners).

    Another problem is that we have to make a method to specify armaments of AI gunner. In OFP, we human pilots only have to push SPACE bar to select AI gunner's armaments because AI gunner always uses only one weapon. But if AI gunner uses more than one weapon at the same time, we sometimes need to set a pair of weapons lest AI gunner waste wrong weapons. Unfortunately, the number of possible pairs increases compared to that of OFP. wink_o.gif

    e.g. Let's think about a following case: one AA missile, one AT missile and machine gun. All possible pairs are;

    1. only machine gun

    2. only AA missile

    3. only AT missile

    4. machine gun and AA missile

    5. machine gun and AT missile.

    So we have to select one mode among five possibilities. Shall we use action menu together with SPACE bar? But it is danger to be involved in selecting action menu while flying near the threats. tounge2.gif

  15. Real attack helicopters can fire machine gun and other missiles simultaneously. And rocket is mainly commended to pilots. Why isn't this style adopted in ArmA?

    For example,


    Left mouse : various missiles (cyclic)

    Right mouse : machine gun (fixed)


    Left mouse : rocket (fixed)

    But right mouse is reserved for lock on? Hmm... huh.gif

  16. And much time has passed since OFP is released. notworthy.gif At that time, we had at most 32 hardware sounds which can be played simultaneously. But today, we have up to 128 hardware sounds and much more would be able in the by-and-by. Now It's time to discuss useful usage of these sounds. I suggest that two or three sounds be allocated to each fullauto firing. A sound of the first round would be continued untile the next round or the next round but one. This would bring dramatic reality to ArmA.

    Placebo, what do you think about it? thumbs-up.gif

    I found a video in which .50cal of a boat is firing.


    Amazingly it seems to have more than one firing sound at the same time and overlap with each other. Apparently it has more realistic fullauto sounds than those of OFP. wow_o.gif Does really ArmA supports realitic fullauto sounds finally? wink_o.gif

    On the other hand, I also see a movie in which various rifles (AK47, M4, M249) are firing in fullauto mode. But in this case, only one sound is allocated in each rifle and firing sounds don't overlap with each other. So I get quite confused. confused_o.gif Is there any difference between rifles and static guns?

  17. I'd like to have realistic weapon control as much as realistic flight model. A real gunner of AH-64 can control its 30mm chain gun with his helmet. When he sees a target, the gun barrel also sees the target. Now we have TrackIR in ArmA, why don't you use this usufull device instead of the helmet sight? tounge2.gif

  18. I never thought of flying choppers in OFP or BF series anywhere near as hard as the sims. Gunship was the most realistic helo flightsim I have ever played. Very hard compared to BF or OFP.

    I have ever also played GUNSHIP2000. smile_o.gif

    It was very hard to maintain constant altitude. When I tried to stop, my helicopter easily got hopped to expose myself to many enemies. tounge2.gif

  19. Next thing you know people will be asking for realistic startup engine procedures...

    Realistic startup procedures might be easily realised by mods. But it is very hard to realise realistic flight model by mods. What BIS had better pay their time to is definitly realistic flight model.

    In reality, we can exchange kinetic energy and position energy freely. A chopper flying high altitude can easily get speed at the cost of altitude and a chopper flying fast can easily get altitude at the cost of its speed. A chopper with enough speed can safely land even though its engine stalls. Realistic flight model must bring much variety to missions.

    But at the same time, it often requires joystics to control realistic choppers: delicate control over throttle and trim is needed. Unfortunately, not all people have joystics. Many of us have to control choppers with only mouse and keyboard.

    So how about introducing Veteral and Caded modes in the flight model? In the Caded mode, choppers can easily be controlled only by mouse and keyboard just like OFP. In the Veteran mode, joystic is the best device to control choppers. Some delicate and skillful technique is needed but realistic maneuvers such as barrel roll, loop and emergency landing are able.

  20. I'd like to ask people who have ArmA about following questions. ArmA has finally supported penetrations and ricochets.

    -Does .50cal(12.7mm) penetrate a car and kill an enemy hiding behind (or in) the car?

    -Does a rifle bullet penetrate human body? A small fast bullet like 5.56mm has enough power to penetrate human body. Theoretically, even one bullet can kill two enemies in line at the same time.

    -In the Gulf War, Iraqi T-72 fired SABOT against American M1 at maximum range. But the SABOT bounced on the hard armor of M1 miserably and caused no damage to it. Respecting the above fact, does ArmA support ricochets of SABOTS?
