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Posts posted by Pierrot

  1. The AI are basically snipers, regardless of the difficulty, and that's totally unrealistic for a "wannabe" 'realistic' "warsim" or whatever they are aiming for...

    Agreed! tounge2.gif

    BIS mistakes "difficulty" for responsibility. Unskilled soldiers tend to spray bullets at random. They even engage middle range targets with their rifles in full auto mode only to find them almost missed. This is why US army removed full auto mode from M16 series.

    On the other hand, well-trained soldiers never fire their rifles in full auto mode except for ambush or CQB. They shoot bullets one by one exactly.

    This is the difference between noobs and well-trained soldiers. If BIS insists that ArmA is the ultimate realistic infantry sim on the world, they should implement properties of skill properly. smile_o.gif

  2. believe me , BMPs are designed to withstand machinegunfire (ok maybe not 20-30mm machineguns).

    There are very few points on a BMP vulnarable to small arms fire.(f.e. optics)

    I've heard it is often the case that 7.6mm penetrates side armor of BMP. tounge2.gif

  3. Sorry but here is something I don't really understand - if a soundcard can play only x number of sounds simultaneously, like x = 16, then how does a multi-core processor change that? The sounds must still go through the soundcard which has the limitation right?

    The point it that where do you merge sounds into stream.

    Conventional PC games including OFP and ArmA did it on sound card. These games put all sounds (gun-fire, explosion, communication voice and etc) into buffer on sound card and let it merge these sounds into one stream. Almost all the calculations concerning sounds are done in sound card, the load of CPU can be reduced low.

    On the other hand, new style of sound operations arouse in XBOX360 and PS3. These consoles have powerful multi-core processors in it and it is natural to do sound operations in one of these powerful processors. They merge hundreds of sounds into one audio stream(let's say stereo audio stream) in their processor then put it sound I/O stream to let you hear sound stream. The advantage of this style is that there is no limitation of sounds because the processor convert them into two-channel stereo stream (or 5.1ch surrounding sounds) in itself only to leave this sound stream to sound I/O for D/A conversion (All the sound cards from Creative high-end card to on-board low-end card have D/A converters). The actual limitation of the number of sounds depends on the processor. BTW, XBOX360 can handle 512 sounds simultaneously.

    Baddo, when the sound go through the sound card in the latter case, it has already converted to two-channel stereo audio stream, so it has nothing to do with the limitation of the sound card. tounge2.gif

  4. i suggest You read nice article about upcoming support for multi-threading in Source Engine (yes even huge company like Valve STILL uses only single threaded engine),

    it's well done text so even laic get some insight on how problematic this transition is ...

    Thanks Dwarden. smile_o.gif Yes, I know it's difficult to rewrite ArmA into multithreaded engine. But is it difficult to separate only sound operations into another core? If it were possible, any PC which has multi-core would be able to play hundreds of sounds simultaneously even though it has low-end sound card.

  5. i wrote 16 3D and 16 2D (hardware accelerated if enabled in options) sounds ...

    Oops, sorry tounge2.gif

    Quote[/b] ]don't mix XBOX360 there where processing unit helps to "hardware accelerate" 256 to 320 sounds ...

    different architecture approach

    Yeah, that's it! The powerful processor of XBOX360 enables sound hardware acceleration. ArmA does not take advantage of mulit processors at this stage. Although we prepare for dual core or quad core processor, ArmA uses only one of them and the rest of all is almost idling. Why not use these idling processors for sound operation? It might increase the number of simultaneous sounds dramatically. nener.gif

  6. I've heard that XBOX360 and PS3 manage sound proccessing in one of their cores. Although they do not have a sound card something like Sound Blaster, they can play 512 wave files simultaneously which exceed 128 wave files of Sound Blaster.

    ArmA seems to use only one core and other cores are almost idling. So how about using the idling core for sound proccessing like XBOX360 and PS3? I guess sound proccessing is quite independent of game proccessing so both cores will be used effectively. tounge2.gif

  7. Maybe if they are planning an expansion I'd guess we can expect that there, stuff like multithreading support, multicore support, SLI support, perhaps if an expansion is in plan and far enough in the future, Dx10 could be used to optimize the game and improve preformance.

    Even MSFSX does not support multicore proccesser. Works for support multicore doesn't pay considering its performance. BIS however should work on primarily; upgrade for AI strategy, more detailed damage model, proper grass management, bullet penetration and deflection not only through static object but also through human body and vehicle.

  8. I understand that the wide angle of ironsight which is introduced in ArmA is for CQB or close combats. This mode is seldom used in middle or long range battle. So if you engage in middle range combat, the wide angle of ironsight is quite annoying. Switching to zoomed ironsight just by pressing one key("v") is desirable just like OFP.

    So how about introducing toggle key for swiching zoom and wide angle in ironsight? If you are engaging in large battle field, you set your ironsight zoomed. You can grab a detailed view of enemies rapidly with single click "v". And once you enter a town or a village in which CQB or close combat is expected to happen, you set your ironsight wide angle. Now you can sight the enemy with considering circumstances around you. tounge2.gif

  9. Now we have two or three steps to shoot enemy on ironsight.

    Normal view ( -> zoomed normal view) -> normal ironsight -> zoomed ironsight

    But in this bothering proccess I am often shot by enemies because it takes much time to sight the enemy. I'd like a simple proccess just like OFP;

    Normal view -> zoomed ironsight

  10. It's to counter-balance the fact the AI can see you at long distances so you should be able to see them or it's there as an alternative to a hard stare/concentrate.  whistle.gif

    Yeah, as long as there is a limitaton of resolution, we should have an alternative method. But still we need zoom action in ironsight? I guess there is no zoom action in ironsight in OFP. When you press "V" key, you simple see the ironsight with zoomed view. I guess this step is natural and cannot understand why BIS introduced nonzoomed ironsight in ArmA. wink_o.gif

  11. Neither ArmA nor OFP supports walking on moving vehicles. This is why you can't see full functional aircraft carrier addons in ArmA or OFP.

    The one we saw in the video was maybe aided with scripts. I guess BIS still couldn't build acceptable elevator scripts yet.

  12. There is no wind that influences long range shoots.

    Bullets don't loose speed over distance, they don't even loose speed when penetrating an object or richochet of the ground.

    Kinetic energy of bullets has relation with bullets speed. But bullets in ArmA loose its kinetic energy over distance without loosing their speed? wink_o.gif

  13. Crosshair and zoom makes ironsight totally useless. The accurancy when using crosshair plus zoom is same or better than using ironsigt but your view is obstructed with weapon in ironsight view.

    Totally agreed! notworthy.gif

    Ultimate realistic simulator doesn't need zoom. If you want to zoom, just should use your binocular. Moreover I can't figure out zoom in ironsight view. What does this step correspond in real rife? When you use ironsight, your right(left) eye is already close to the ironsight. There is no room for zoom action. huh.gif

    Quote[/b] ]5) The M249 needs tweaking as it is scarily accurate when prone, i wouldnt say the crosshair needs any inaccuracies on it though.

    The stability and the accuracy of M249 exceeds those of M4 or M16. I guess the problem comes from crosshairs. If the floating crosshair was invisible, you have to use ironsight or see tracers to adjust your sight. This would bring difficulty in managing of M249 without distorting realistic parameters of M249. tounge2.gif

  14. I think the best one I saw was in "Rainbow Six Lockdown" where it would draw a "ghost trajectory" for your grenade before you "threw" it.

    In OFP/ArmA, you have to look up at the sky when you throw grenaeds further. How can you adjust the impact point without looking at the ground? wink_o.gif

  15. I guess inertia and mass are key elements for ultra realistic infantry sim. tounge2.gif

    M4: light and handy rifle. You can handle it and sight a target rapidly but its accuracy is not good because once you fire, M4 bounces a lot. You need to shoot it in single mode if you want to hit a target accurately.

    M249: heavy and stable machine gun. Its heavy mass makes itself inertial and slow. You will feel a little difficulty to sight a target rapidly compared with M4 and other assault rifles but its accuracy both in single and fullauto mode exceeds M4 dramatically because its mass almost kills bounces.

    Does ArmA supports inertia and mass in weapons correctly? wink_o.gif
