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Posts posted by Planck

  1. A fairly basic model.cfg should do for a simple rifle.

    class CfgSkeletons
       class Default;
       class Weapon: Default
           skeletonInherit = "Default";
    class CfgModels
       class Default
           sections[] = {};
           skeletonName = "";
       class Weapon: Default
       class R36: Weapon {};

    Pop it in the same folder with the config.cpp and the model + textures before binarizing.


  2. Your first post and you broke at least one forum rule already:

    §12) Do not type in all capital letters, all bold, or in a non-black font

    Typing in all caps equates (according to standard net etiquette) to yelling. It is also difficult and obnoxious to read such posts. This also applies to posting all in bold or all in a certain font colour just to try to make your words stand out, if your point is interesting enough or well written enough it will stand out. You're welcome of course to use different colours for parts of your post if it helps clarify certain areas, but typing complete messages in any colour other than black should be avoided.


  3. When you installed your BI Tools Drive, (P: ), mlod road models were also installed at the same time in 2 folders ... Roads and Roads2.

    Visitor needs mlod road models in order for roads to work, it cannot use binarized roads from a depboed game roads2.pbo.

    If you depboed the roads2.pbo from the game, you probably overwrote the mlod roads with the odol roads.

    You will need to reinstate the mlod roads, possibly by re-installing the Tools Drive ... unless you backed up the mlod roads that is.

