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Everything posted by Planck

  1. Planck

    Visitor 3 Quick Tutorial

    Seems Operyx has replaced the first post with a pretty picture, in effect deciding nobody is worthy of his initial wisdom. Throwing toys from prams benefits nobody. Planck
  2. Use MLOD format road models in Visitor, these have the snap-to points on them that help them stick to each other and you don't need to place them manually. ODOL format roads are binarized MLOD format roads that have the snap-to points removed during the binarizing process. Planck
  3. Make a blank mission in the editor with just the player, then save it. Go to where the mission is saved, usually: C:\Documents and Settings\ProfileName\My Documents\ArmA 2 Other Profiles\PlayerName\missions\ Make a script using: [] spawn { while {true} do { hint str (diag_fps); sleep .2; }; }; Put this script file in your mission folder, then reload your saved mission and put bob = this execVM "nameofyourscript.sqf"; in your initialisation field, or something similar. Preview your mission and wonder at your very own built in fps counter. :p Planck
  4. Planck

    Easter Eggs

    Refer to previously mentioned topics for this info. Closing. Planck
  5. Or use ArmA2's very own diag_fps command yourself to display FPS. Planck
  6. Demo of ArmA2 was released a while AFTER the game was released in Germany, so ... wrong. I believe it was released a little while after the 505 release. Planck
  7. @Grub As another person that has played since the beginning, I say go ahead and get it, a large percentage of problems people are having are due to their setup and hardware, they are in a minority compared to people that have no problems that break the game. I won't say you won't experience a glitch or two but nothing that won't be sorted or that you can fix yourself with adjustments. The game is simply superb. Planck
  8. Game runs fine here with latest nvidia drivers, no idea how you can make a completely inaccurate statement like that. Now, if you had said it doesn't work on your machine with latest drivers that might have been more accurate. Planck
  9. Planck

    set Airport side ?

    I think the primary airport on each island has the ID=0, any secondary airports after that are ID=1 ... etc On Utes there is only one airport, but on Chernarus there appears to be 3. So the command would be ID# setAirportSide side ... (1 setAirportSide west for example). This should set the second airport on Chernarus to side west. Planck
  10. This topic serves no purpose, it has no problem outlined to troubleshoot and only serves to encourage name calling and flamebaiting ... closing. Planck
  11. Planck

    Cant get addons working

    Make sure you aren't putting rar or zip files in your mod folder, the addons need to be extracted from those. The PBO files go in the mod folder. Planck
  12. Planck

    I just wanna be ME!!

    No he didn't he said in single player, not necessarily the campaign now is it. Planck
  13. Planck

    Knife or bayonets in upcoming patch?

    §9) Do not cross-post Do not post duplicate threads in more than one forum simply to get an answer quicker or to draw more attention to your post. Planck
  14. Planck

    I just wanna be ME!!

    Somehow I doubt BI would offer someone a job if they can't even figure out how to edit their character profile in the game. :p Planck
  15. Furthermore, the patch notes mention this very thing, some people should learn to read. Planck
  16. Planck

    config: some input after end of file

    :rolleyes: Planck
  17. Planck


    http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=72436 Closing Planck
  18. Simple way around this is to tell the AI to board after the human players are aboard. Planck
  19. Ah well, time to close I think. Planck
  20. Please don't crosspost. Closing. Planck
  21. Planck

    New beta patch 1.16

    @BlackEagle1 Why can't you play with your friends using your main 1.14 installation of ArmA. You did install beta 1.16 in the beta folder didn't you? You did then make a separate shortcut to run this beta version didn't you. If you had done this you could pick and choose which version to play. Planck
  22. Planck

    "Invisible" AI windows fix...

    Kyle_K_ski, Please type your main text in black, refer to the forum rules, specifically rule #12. :) Planck
  23. Planck

    Why is my gunner going rogue??

    "#2???" "Yeah boss?" "Eject" "OK boss" "Good Riddance" Planck
  24. Well, nobody else seems to be having the same exact problems you have. Are you sure you removed all your 3rd party addons and mods after patching? Are you sure you are not trying to run a save game/position from 1.02? Planck
  25. Planck

    Need to fix 1.3 Patch

    For the avoidance of doubt, ArmA2 has no 1.3 patch. If you installed a 1.3 patch then this might be the source of your problems. For myself, i have installed the 1.03 patch and have had no major problems whatsoever, in fact I have many improvements. Closing, as this is off-topic. Planck