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Everything posted by Planck

  1. Planck

    Too many vertices problem

    What about using the other model you said only had 6 sections when loaded from your HD holding location? Planck
  2. Planck

    Texture Questions

    Should read: Planck
  3. Planck

    Too many vertices problem

    Good job boys, problem solved then? Planck
  4. Planck

    ODOL model crashes BINPBO

    An ODOL model is already binarized. When you binarize an MLOD model it is converted to an ODOL model, so what you are trying to do is not possible. All the game p3d's from the game PBO's are ODOL (binarized) models. You need an MLOD model in order to binarize it. Planck
  5. Planck

    Too many vertices problem

    Sorry I hadn't replied up to now, been busy, but, I had a quick look at the model in O2 and the first thing that struck me is the resolution lod has a large amount of sections (1097). This really needs to be fixed as well as anything else I can see. Will report back as soon as I can. Planck
  6. Dynamically spawn them, after mission start perhaps? :j: Planck
  7. Planck

    Too many vertices problem

    Strange stuff, if you like send me the model, or just the first lod if you like, I can take a look-see in my O2 and see if I get the same result. my email address is in my profile. Planck
  8. So, the sat image and the mask image are the same dimensions, but, do they both have the same colour depth? Planck
  9. Planck

    Upcoming Arma2 patch 1.05

    Link works fine for me, maybe your browser is blocking it for some reason. Anyway, time to close. Planck
  10. Planck

    Tools Released

    @kju Umm, ArmA2 has a roads2.pbo, I think this is what you meant to say ... :p Planck
  11. Suma today updated the Biki entry for this EH. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA:_Event_Handlers#HandleDamage Planck
  12. Planck

    Ok, this is an alarming discovery.

    Langnasen seems to have been trying hard to get banned and this has now come to pass. Planck
  13. Planck

    Ok, this is an alarming discovery.

    @banenwn Langnasen was given 2 infractions, one for posting an image > 100kb and the other for public disagreement with forum moderation, both of which are against forum rules. You also just earned an infraction for the second reason. Planck
  14. Nothing specific to troubleshoot here, seems to just be a useless rant ... Closing. Planck
  15. Go to your 'C:\Documents and Settings\Yourname\My Documents\ArmA' folder and rename or delete your ArmA.cfg file. I recommend just renaming it. Start the game and the cfg file should be recreated from scratch. Planck
  16. Planck

    Any chance of...(wish list)

    This should have been in the Addons Request topic here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=74039 Closing. Planck
  17. Planck

    Map bug help

    Check if the down cursor key is stuck, or if you have a joystick connected and active, make sure it is centred. Planck
  18. Possible the classname must be "Land_BaBe_hut2" Planck
  19. Is the model binarized or did you pack it for the game as an mlod? Planck
  20. Planck

    no crosshairs after 1.04 update

    If you select the difficulty that you want to play at then press the edit button you will get a list of various settings you can change, scroll down the list till you find the weapon crosshair option and check it is enabled. Planck
  21. @SuperRat, this is the Troublshooting board for troubleshooting the game only, for problems related to Addons and Mods try the appropriate board. http://forums.bistudio.com/forumdisplay.php?f=88 Planck
  22. Planck

    Probably get flamed to death for this

    Closing, use previously posted link to appropriate topic. Planck
  23. This doesn't seem to fit here, nothing specific to troubleshoot. More like a rant, will close, as it isn't doing anything useful. Planck
  24. @SS9 The M16, SPR and MG36 all use the same range of magazines. In fact many of the west listed rifles do. Check the Table here: http://www.ofpec.com/COMREF/index.php?action=read&id=210 Planck
  25. Presuming your tools suite and P: drive is set up correctly ... If you have generated your layers, by using Tools ... Import Satellite + Mask with your .pew file loaded into Visitor, have you have set your 'Folder - Textures' path correctly. Tools ... Project Preferences This tells Visitor and Buldozer where your terrain textures and layers are. For example: myislandprojectfolderinP:root\data This mean, my island project folder (in P: root) contains a data folder where the files can be found. If this is not set correctly then Visitor and Buldozer won't find them. Incidentally, when generating your layers files make sure Buldozer is not running. Planck