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Everything posted by Planck

  1. Are you using vanilla Arma2 1.04 .exe or one of the beta versions? Planck
  2. Planck


    The extracted bin.pbo in your p:/ drive must match the arma2.exe version you are using for buldozer. If you are pointing to the arma2.exe in the game then the bin folder in p:\ must be the same as the bin.pbo that the game is using. The same goes for other files in p:\ like config.cpp etc that are relevant to the arma2.exe you are using. Planck
  3. Planck

    Resistance install problems.

    Go here: http://www.flashpoint1985.com/download_ofp2009.html and act according to which package you have, check the section titled: What I need to download? Maybe that will help Planck
  4. Planck

    Looking for objects

    Aye, indeed ... for all those above listed: BuoyBig = "\ca\data\library\Buoy.p3d" BuoySmall = "\ca\data\library\Buoy_small.p3d Land_RedWhiteBarrier = "\ca\Structures\Misc\Armory\redWhiteBarrier\Svodidla_5m" ... [i]as mentioned already by Old Bear[/i] Land_arrows_desk_L "\ca\Structures\Misc\Armory\Arrow_sign2\arrows_desk_L" Land_arrows_desk_R "\ca\Structures\Misc\Armory\Arrow_sign2\arrows_desk_R" Planck
  5. Planck

    ANN TV STudio

    "TVStudio" I think, under class Thing. Planck
  6. Planck

    Is freetrack working now new beta

    All Freetrack queries now to this topic please: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=90969 Closing. Planck
  7. Planck

    RE: The Freetrack poll

    As the Freetrack Poll topic is now concluded this thread had lost its reason to live longer. Questions about Freetrack to this thread please: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=90969 Closing Planck
  8. Planck

    O2 saves wrong

    You use BinPBO, it calls Binarize all by itself. Planck
  9. This is ArmA section of forums, is this an ArmA question or an ArmA2 question? Planck
  10. Planck

    O2 saves wrong

    The BI tools suite for ArmA can be set up to do all the work for you. It uses BinPBO, BinMake, Binarize, etc. Planck
  11. Planck

    Nocni videni

    In English please. Planck
  12. Planck

    O2 saves wrong

    The sample models released by BI for ArmA had model.cfg's included for reference. Planck
  13. Planck

    O2 saves wrong

    If you open characters.pbo and replace models then pack it all up again then of course it won't work any more. The matching characters.pbo.bi.bisign will no longer be valid. Also if you used mlod models they will not be binarized and will then not have any model.cfg information baked into them. Planck
  14. Planck

    Strange Elitness error.

    Read the docs that came with Eliteness. Planck
  15. Planck

    Files from patch 1.16 and 1.17

    Sorry I can't help I have no knowledge of patch 1.15, you will have to wait till someone who knows about this patch comes along. :) Planck
  16. Planck

    Files from patch 1.16 and 1.17

    1.15 ???? Interesting. :D Planck
  17. Planck


    Aye, above link to MarksMans tut was broken, try this one: http://www.ofpec.com/addons_depot/index.php?action=details&id=111 Planck
  18. Planck

    help with config error

    It means that the game expected to find a CfgWorlds section when reading some config.cpp somewhere, but was dissappointed. Planck
  19. Planck

    Just installed Arma and its not working....

    Negative, the 1.17 beta patch replaces the 1.16 beta patch. Last full game patch was 1.14 and remains 1.14 thus far. The beta patches do not overwrite any aspect of the normal game version. Planck
  20. You should have the file KPTypes.dat in your Visitor3 folder. I don't have any file called KPTypes.cfg file in there either. Planck
  21. Key assignments for Buldozer are listed in ArmA and ArmA2 Controls dialog in-game. Show: All controls Infantry controls Vehicle controls Aircraft controls Buldozer controls Custom controls Planck
  22. Yes you can. Beta patches are installed in their own mod folder so they do not overwrite any normal game files. Planck
  23. Presumably the lights are part of the control tower and should be part of its config definition instead of a seperate definition, as the control tower already has a scope of 2 this will cover the lights also. /* Control_Tower by eddyd 16.09.07 */ class CfgPatches { class eddyD_objects { units[] = { "Control_Tower" }; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 1.000000; version = 0.10; }; }; class cfgVehicleClasses { class eddyD_objects { displayName = "eddyD_object"; }; }; class CfgVehicles { class House; class Control_Tower: House { attendant=1; scope=2; ladders[] = {{"start","end"},{"start1","end1"}}; armor=90000; mapSize=10; vehicleClass="eddyD_objects"; displayName="Control_Tower"; model="\Control_Tower\Control_Tower.p3d"; icon ="\Control_Tower\icon_tower.paa"; class MarkerLights { class Redblinking { name="svet1"; color[]={1.000000, 0.100000, 0.100000, 1}; ambient[]={1.000000, 0.100000, 0.100000, 1}; brightness=0.00500; blinking=0; }; class Whiteblinking { name="svet2"; color[]={1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000, 1}; ambient[]={1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000, 1}; brightness=0.00800; blinking=0; }; class Whiteblinking2: Whiteblinking1 { name="svet3"; brightness=0.00400; }; class Whiteblinking3: Whiteblinking2 { name="svet4"; }; class Whiteblinking4: Whiteblinking2 { name="svet5"; }; class Whiteblinking5: Whiteblinking2 { name="svet6"; }; class Whiteblinking6: Whiteblinking2 { name="svet7"; }; }; }; }; Hopefully this has helped a little. Planck
  24. Yes, it is, but only because I moved it here. :p Planck