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Everything posted by Planck

  1. Planck

    Arma Music?

    If you depbo the sounds.pbo, there is a music folder in there that has various music tracks with death in the file name, all in .ogg format. Planck
  2. Planck

    Thinking of buying

    Sorry gnasha but your excuse does not wash, you may or may not be dyslexic, but typing 'u' instead of 'you' has absolutely zero to do with dyslexia and everything to do with laziness. For someone who is dyslexic you are very good at spelling dyslexic and everything else, seems you only have trouble with 'you', Personally I think you are using it as an excuse to once again type 'u' instead of 'you'. :p And aye, buy new, not second hand. :) Planck
  3. Do you have the relevant files in P:\ca, if not then binarize will not be able to read them during the binarize operation. Planck
  4. Planck

    ACE2 Medics/corpman dont heal?

    ACE2 thread please, link as above. Closing. Planck
  5. Try weapons.pbo ... Data\aimpoint_dot_ca.paa Planck
  6. Planck

    where and how do I extract pbos?

    Crosspost ... closing. Planck
  7. Crosspost ... closing. Planck
  8. BISTools for Arma1 are no good for ArmA2, get the ArmA2 Tools.Edit: Moved to new thread in ArmA1 Planck
  9. Nawww, it was my poetic license, I meant in air2.pbo, once unpacked there is a uh1y folder inside with the relevant config. Last post adjusted to help reduce confusion. Planck
  10. Planck

    Resistance reference guides

    Try this one: http://www.ofpec.com/ed_depot/index.php?action=list&game=OFP Planck
  11. Once again ... In the editor you must put down the players unit on the map, once you have the unit you will be playing placed on the map, Empty objects and Game Logic will be available for use. If you want to be blufor then place a blufor unit for the player, if you want to be opfor then choose an opfor unit for the player. Whichever you choose is irrelevant, until you have placed a unit for the player you will not have Empty objects or Game Logic available for placement. Planck
  12. You must place a 'player' unit in the editor before 'Empty' objects becomes available for use. Planck
  13. The weapons, ammo and magazines are configured in the weapons.pbo config. The fact that those choppers use which weapon and magazines is listed in the config for the choppers. In air2.pbo (uh1y folder config): weapons[] = {"FFARLauncher_14"}; magazines[] = {"14Rnd_FFAR"}; and weapons[] = {"M134"}; magazines[] = {"2000Rnd_762x51_M134"}; for the gun In air.pbo config (for MH60S): weapons[] = {"M240_veh"}; magazines[] = {"100Rnd_762x51_M240","100Rnd_762x51_M240","100Rnd_762x51_M240"}; and weapons[] = {"M240_veh_2"}; for the other gun. Planck
  14. If you save from the editor you can save as a User mission and it is saved to a folder. Or You can export as Single Player or Multiplayer mission, in which case it is made into a PBO. Planck
  15. Please read the instructions again! It clearly states it will install the patch to the folder where you have ArmA2 installed .. wherever that might be. It then states what the default location is if you didn't change it when you installed ArmA2. Planck
  16. One topic per problem please. Planck
  17. Planck

    An easy way to learn to model bodies???

    http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=83808 Second post. Planck
  18. This should work fine provided you have an extracted misc folder from ArmA2 in your p: drive for Visitor to see, including the config.bin from misc too. Planck
  19. All the Helipad models have a config entry and thus a classname: "HeliH" = heli_h_army.p3d "HeliHEmpty" = empty.p3d "HeliHRescue" = Heli_H_rescue.p3d "HeliHCivil" = heli_h_civil.p3d Planck
  20. Plants and rocks have no config entries and thus have no classnames. They are wrp placed objects only for ArmA2 standard plants and rocks. Planck
  21. Planck

    Basic Arma 2 Soldier

    http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=83808 Second post. Planck
  22. Planck


    In characters.pbo (characters\Heads\config.bin) Planck
  23. And where are Grasss6,Grasss8,Grasss9,Grasss13,Grasss14,Grasss15,Grasss16,Grasss17,Grasss19,Grasss20,Grasss21 and Grasss22 defined? @Old Bear Buldozer/Visitor starts conversion of .png files to .paa files automatically, no need to do it manually. Planck
  24. You only need to change to the bin.pbo contents from 1.05 if you are using the arma2.exe from 1.05 as buldozer. In short, the bin.pbo contents must match or have come with the version of the arma2.exe you are using, otherwise you get a mismatch. If you are using the arma2.exe that came with the tools drive then use the bin folder that came with it also. Planck