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Everything posted by Planck

  1. Planck

    selecting view of objects

    Ummm, shouldn't those castle building objects be under Artificial Objects rather than Nature Objects? Planck
  2. Planck

    Another Problem!

    Try moving everything to the root of P: ... P:\Samawah\data And change the paths accordingly. Planck
  3. Planck

    Two generic map questions

    I've said it before and I'll say it again ... You shouldn't need to manually convert .png to .paa in rvmat texture paths, it is all done automatically when you binarize and make your PBO using BI's tools. You do use the wonderful tools setup BI put together for you to minimise such problems? Planck
  4. Planck

    Problems with grass

    OOOOhhh yes, this is the almost famous clutter bug that I encountered with CWR. We found no solution as yet, the only way we managed to overcome it, albeit only as a temporary measure was to change some values for clutter (distance etc) in the config. This did not fix the issue, but only masked it and in the process induced some lag when using the CWR Demo. Planck
  5. Aha......no The way I work with this is............... I start a road net with a T junction or crossroads piece, depending on my needs. I end this road net usually with a road end piece.......*konec.p3d. Then I would start a new road net with a further T piece or crossroads piece and position it to continue from where the last one ended..all depending on my needs for the road nets I was working on at the time. I would eleborate a lot more, but my machine is sick atm and my extensive library of info and programs (Visitor etc) are not available on this machine. Planck
  6. As said.......never touched said gadget........... As for Vysilac_FM, the animations are probably set in any model.cfg used by BI when they originally binarized it for the game, much like the bridge destruct animations. Whether plants will work with building type destruct animations is another matter..................unless they are configured as buildings of course.....in that case they probably don't sway gently in the caribbean type ocean breeze. Planck
  7. I'm stumped then, why not show the config, someone might spot a mistook. Planck
  8. Planck

    Adding un-official addons to map

    Don't put the folder in ca. Put it in the root of p:\ Planck
  9. You could try renaming your classes by adding Land_ onto the start, I know this works for .wrp placed objects. Planck
  10. class Building is not inherited from class Thing. So, class Building : Thing {}; is wrong. class Thing inherits from class All.... class Building inherits from class Static which inherits from class All. Planck
  11. Planck

    Another Problem!

    Pure guess here, but I think it is failing on the mask import. Is your mask the same size as the sat image? Planck
  12. Planck

    New error !

    Well. what can I say........in my defense .... it was late, or early, depending on your viewpoint. Aye, you can remove the _detail bit too. Planck
  13. Planck

    New error !

    Actually, no.........I was wrong, it should be .png Other than that it is right. Planck
  14. Planck

    New error !

    Layers.cfg should use _mco as the textures: texture = "Sinai\data\terre_detail_mco.tga"; and texture = "Sinai\data\roche_detail_mco.tga"; Planck
  15. No, I can't recall ever coming across that error before. Planck
  16. Are you running Binarize as a single program? Or are you packing the island using BinPBO, which calls all other needed programs to help with the packing process, including Binarize. I have always used the same name for classname, .wrpname and pboname. Planck
  17. Planck


    You need the mlod roads that came with the rc3 tools installation, depboing the roads from arma will not work as they are binarized and do not have the snap-to points that the mlod roads have. The rc3 tools installation can also install the tools drive when you are installing the tools, this is in fact your p:\ drive, ot working folder. Inside you will find a ca folder, which has the mlod road folder within. Planck
  18. Planck

    Visitor 3 Quick Tutorial

    If you remove the lines that define the airfield the rpt will complain about it. Better to instead edit them thus: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> ilsPosition[] = {0,0,0}; ilsDirection[] = {0,0.08,1}; ilsTaxiIn[] = {}; ilsTaxiOff[] = {}; Planck
  19. Planck

    QG Addons

    Unfortunately 'tanker_wreck_1' and 'tanker_wreck_2' do not have any entries in any configs. Probably just intended as .wrp placed objects. Planck
  20. Planck

    Using Custom addons

    Try removing it from ca and put it in the root of p:\ in its own folder with its own textures, adjust paths in the model as necessary. Planck
  21. Planck

    Road confusion

    This is true, I have never found a way to save road definitions. It doesn't take too long to write the definitions that you want anyway, once done it is easy enough to import any road nets you have saved from a previous map, as long as they are for the same road definitions. Planck
  22. Planck

    Road confusion

    With a 'T' crossroads used as a 'key part' it is possible to have 3 directions for your road net to branch in, making each branch as long as you like by adding road pieces to it. With the proper crossroads 'silxsil' for example it is possible to have 4 branches coming from it, which likewise can be as long as you like. Planck
  23. Planck

    Road confusion

    Try using the crossroad piece as the 'key part' of a road net. This way you can have up to 3 or 4 roads leading from it. Planck
  24. None of the kasna models in ArmA have classnames, none are configured in any config files. Only reason I did so for CWR was in case we managed to get some sort of fountain animation working for it. kasna models include: kasna kasna_new kasna_new_bez kasna_sucha Planck
  25. Planck

    Real size ?

    A DEM file can be exported from MicroDem as xyz in addition to other formats. Planck