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Everything posted by Planck

  1. If the condition on the trigger was to fire when the enemy was detected then I don't understand the problem. The enemy was detected so the trigger fired, even though the tank was still outside the triggers actual area, the condition to fire the trigger was satisfied. Maybe add 'and enemy in thislist' or somesuch to the trigger condition. Hoping I didn't miss anything important there. Planck
  2. Planck

    The Osprey Question.

    I think maybe - 'door1_top' and 'door1_bottom'. Planck
  3. Planck

    Nvidia GTX295 Fix (60-90fps)

    Milamber, Please don't submit the same post multiple times. Planck
  4. http://www.ofpec.com/COMREF/index.php?action=read&id=210 Planck
  5. Planck

    Any news from b.i.???

    The patch will be released as soon as it is ready and will include a fix or two .... well maybe 3, possibly 4, then again it might be more. All you need to know is ... a patch is being worked on and will be released when it is ready, it won't be released if it isn't ready, sounds reasonable to me. Planck
  6. Planck

    A way to remove profanity

    Didn't see a single suggestion in the opening post so this is off-topic in this board. As the 'question' has been more or less answered anyway, I think it is time to close it. Planck
  7. Moved and closing. Planck
  8. Or Weapon Class - Mk82BombLauncher Magazine Class - 3Rnd_Mk82 Planck
  9. Planck

    clunky controls

    Can't see a single suggestion here at all, time to close. Planck
  10. I tried creating a rabbit in the Editor and adding him to the players group. He became my #2 and moved wherever I told him to go, I moved him to a spot 700m away from me and he didn't disappear. Planck
  11. Planck

    L118 light gun HELP.

    Aye, L118 was a british design subsequently adopted by the US and made under license in the USA as M119A1. Planck
  12. Planck

    Editor has lost files

    A player unit must be placed on the map before Empty Objects is available. Planck
  13. Planck

    Please b.i.

    There is absolutely no point in BI releasing a patch before it is ready, it makes no sense. It has been stated that a patch will be released when it is ready, it cannot be released before can it now? Patience. Planck
  14. Latest off-topic posts deleted, lets see if we can keep it on topic now. :) Planck
  15. The axis a and axis b values for triggers denote the radius, so if you specify 1000m then it will be 1000m radius giving you 2000m diameter area. This is so whether you use the ellipse trigger shape or the rectangular trigger shape. This is nothing new and has been the same from the beginning ... OFP. Planck
  16. Planck

    texture trouble

    Is the terrain underneath completely flat? Planck
  17. Planck

    illegal copys may degrade?

    Never heard of it, which probably means many many others have never heard of it, possibly explains why it didn't need any protection. :p Planck
  18. Planck

    Arma2 roads vs Arma1

    Only MLOD road models have working 'snap to' points. Planck
  19. Planck

    Grids / Proper MGRS

    Grid system is fine, X runs from bottom to top and Y runs from west to east. Nothing wrong there at all, unless you are referring to the Map coordinate system which is completely different. Planck
  20. Planck

    Animation Suggestion

    Was there a suggestion somewhere in there? Perhaps you can reword it so it translates as some sort of suggestion. Planck
  21. Planck

    dont start censorship.

    Duplicate .... closing!! Planck
  22. Planck

    Help please?

    Why would you need to replace the UH1Y with the MH60S? Just don't use the UH1Y, use the MH60S, problem solved ... no? Planck
  23. Planck

    XM8 Squad support weapon

    I don't understand, what is your question? Incidentally this has absolutely nothing to do with troubleshooting tools. Maybe you were making a suggestion ... Moving to Suggestions board. Planck