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Everything posted by PanzerGrenadier

  1. PanzerGrenadier

    OMG. what do i do ?

    Well this is every op flash fans NIGHTMARE. After purchasing my new beast of a machine ready to install my beloved operation flash point and BANG 1/3 way installing. File Read Error: D:\Flashpoint\DTA\Data.pbo My cd has a tiny scratch on it which must be the problem. What am i gonna do, im not gonna have to buy the game again am i because of this little scratch which wont let me install . ? Any help or suggestions on what to do Greatly apreciated, im sure this has happened to sumone else ?? P.S i woulda gone to the tech support area but it looks pretty dormant and only used by 1 person called suma.
  2. PanzerGrenadier

    OMG. what do i do ?

    Hahaha ya big softy . You shlould add that too ur faq. Oh and you redrouge like a straw with that ?.
  3. PanzerGrenadier

    OMG. what do i do ?

    Well avon i know for a fact its not my pc's abilty, cos no doubt i have a better pc then urs, it is the scratch causing the error and i have read ur faq and it doesnt help for scratch's on the cd caused over time and extensive use. Thanks for the reaslistic responses bar avon's. No doubt codemasters will say you shoulda taken better care of it and no we will not replace it. So im gonna have to buy it again when it comes down in price ;\. Even though it is just a tiny lil scratch and it cant read the DTA\data.pbo file ).
  4. PanzerGrenadier

    OMG. what do i do ?

    Great sure ill get lots of help here ta
  5. PanzerGrenadier

    OMG. what do i do ?

    Well this is every op flash fans NIGHTMARE. After purchasing my new beast of a machine ready to install my beloved operation flash point and BANG 1/3 way installing. File Read Error: D:\Flashpoint\DTA\Data.pbo My cd has a tiny scratch on it which must be the problem. What am i gonna do, im not gonna have to buy the game again am i because of this little scratch which wont let me install . ? Any help or suggestions on what to do Greatly apreciated, im sure this has happened to sumone else ?? P.S i woulda gone to the tech support area but it looks pretty dormant and only used by 1 person called suma.
  6. PanzerGrenadier

    Demo's ??

    Not sure if this is a tech question or not really .. its pretty general . Like in half-life engine u can record a demo play away then watch it afterwards. Ahhh is this even possible in OFP ?? Could it be possible ?? Would anyone wanna take demo's i know i would. ?
  7. PanzerGrenadier

    Most hardware intensive game ever!!!

    bollucks mate
  8. PanzerGrenadier

    Most hardware intensive game ever!!!

    Try it on win98se with those f%$#king beasts of machines you guys have and i garuentee NO MORE CHUG !. Its the shitty new O/S MS keep bringing out. LONG LIVE 98SE [the pro gamers choice] . few more things turn v sync off !!! and no antialising ! and run in 16 bit god-damnit ! SMOOOTHNESS OO YEAH BOOYA
  9. PanzerGrenadier

    Cheats in Red Hammer?

    Heres a friendly tip.. fly low and fast and pin point the Vulcan from as far away as u can [using manual fire as always] spam rockets away at the vulcan infront and keep spamming until the damn thing explodes. Then at ur lesuire u can take out the tanks without being shot at. Hope this helps... Always take down and dont worry about wasting ammo on Anti-Air vehicles. However dont go wasting too much ammo on vehicles that cant shoot back. Also its not hard to restart the mission with hindsight and pass it. After all learn from your mistakes.
  10. PanzerGrenadier

    How outstanding OFP is compared to MOH?

    H&D2 better have a better choose ur own bloody controls. Not like in the first. That gay sniper rifle ruined it for me. Such a important and useful weapon taht should be zoomed in the moment u activate the scope not sit there crank the mouse wheel or up or down to zoom in ffs.
  11. PanzerGrenadier

    God Mode?

    "God mode, unlimited ammo and all other cheats are for childrens." What a classic remark this guy has a ego bigger then vegetas. GG mate u really am teh gay I agree with most of the people here. Creating a cheat mode for single player increases longetivity and gives a renuied reason to play the game find new ways to do things etc.. Then you can go back and try those new things out without the cheats. P.S i dont even play multi-player unless its lan and even then its pretty gay.. LONG LIVE SP. P.P.S after completing the game you should be able to re-do any mission with a vehicle and weapon of your choice. I was pretty dissapointed to not be able to at least choose my weapon when re-doin the missions anyway
  12. PanzerGrenadier

    How outstanding OFP is compared to MOH?

    Loose the friggen ego's eh... There two totally different games i wouldnt even bother comparing them. MoH does things OFP doesnt and visa versa. Now Ghost Recon is a game that should be compared to OFP. Even though i reckon OFP woops its ass and has way more potential and longetivity. But hey thats just my opinion. Also the Omaha level was awsome untill i completed it.. i mean it woulda raped so much to be able to clear more then 1 bloody bunker .. to run accross the dunes blowing away more germans and more bunkers allowing ur troops to flow thru with less lead headed their way. Also the fact that blood wasnt inbuilt into the game was a disasterous step and i hope they go broke !.
  13. PanzerGrenadier

    Red Hammer was Great

    WHATS NEXT ? Is that it or are we going to have MORE single player FUN and EXCITEMENT. As im afraid i only play op flash single player as I love the in depth gameplay being able to complete missions all different ways etc. Also in Red Hammer are there hidden vehicles in the levels. Such as the Hind in Red Dawn. Cheers .
  14. PanzerGrenadier

    Red Hammer was Great

    Yes ... i think u misunderstood what i mean though.. Are there vehicles that are not part of the objectives that we can find in red hammer,, can u edit vehicles into the campaign ??
  15. PanzerGrenadier

    Do you use custom faces during MP

    rofl ... well i cant stand multi player games unless its lan. Online is just a right joke as far as im concerned... I mean You should be able to join a bloody game once its started this is rediculous. I dont even bother anymore. If you use gamespy to find ur games. When u leave the game because iether its in progress or whatever u go to the OFP menu screen... Then u have to quit back to desktop research gamespy then load up again ... what a bloody joke :\. Long live single player and new missions/campaigns. I hope BIS and Codemasters forget the multi side of things for the minute and concentrate on more 1 player campaigns editing and new features. Amen
  16. PanzerGrenadier

    Why is US soo anti-communist?

    Wobble you have quoted me yet i dont know why ?. Why have u quoted that sentance. You have not said anything about it.
  17. PanzerGrenadier

    Why is US soo anti-communist?

    Wobble you have quoted me yet i dont know why ?. Why have u quoted that sentance. You have not said anything about it.
  18. PanzerGrenadier

    Why is US soo anti-communist?

    Two sides buddy..... Anti US and Anti communism... The only people that would be stupid enuff to use nuclear weapons are Terrorists, thats why all Nations must unite to WIPE out Terrosim as these are teh villians without a state and which could inflict such a disasterous weapon without the threat of Atomic weapons being used against them as they have no state.
  19. PanzerGrenadier

    Why is US soo anti-communist?

    Two sides buddy..... Anti US and Anti communism... The only people that would be stupid enuff to use nuclear weapons are Terrorists, thats why all Nations must unite to WIPE out Terrosim as these are teh villians without a state and which could inflict such a disasterous weapon without the threat of Atomic weapons being used against them as they have no state.
  20. PanzerGrenadier

    Between the Lines Add-On preview

    Well if you want another campaign to add to flashpoint. Get it..... but if a couple of spelling errors really upsets u then dont bother ... pussys. Maybe its chuggy cos u cant set ur shit up right foo! i have worse specs then u and my shit runs fkn sweet. I reckon its great, but i wish it was free.
  21. PanzerGrenadier

    Size matters

    That doesnt do op flash justice at all ..... ive seen sum real special places in op flash which make that pic seem like a dead end .
  22. PanzerGrenadier

    What Command addition would you like?

    There should be a command that u can select troops to follow and guard an area/unit. Also to be able to select a few men to patrol a perimiter. There should also be a command to make troops assualt a position rather then merley say move here, in which case they keep running into the enemy fire.. Also what placebo said about being able to send more then 1 unit at a time to ream/heal would certainly be less time consuming.
  23. PanzerGrenadier


    How bout using the full terms us newbs meant to know what VBS is ? Please
  24. PanzerGrenadier


    Dont get me wrong i like the rain how it is but, time and time again im like oh its raining i wander how long its been raining for... sorta deal as its not very noticable especially on the skyline. . Anyway i just love op flash i wish they would put me on the design team as im choc a bloc fulla ideas . I'd work for free just too see sum new elements looked at .
  25. PanzerGrenadier


    What does the ofp team think about these ideas