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About Odi.et.amo

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  1. Odi.et.amo

    Hardware Issues: Tips/Tricks/Solutions

    WTF is AGP memory? sorry 'bout this, but I'm really not that far with my PC skills to make some changes in BIOS, so, could you please tell me about it for dumb ones(so only for me)??
  2. Odi.et.amo

    Hardware Issues: Tips/Tricks/Solutions

    Believe or not, I have very similar problem, my game crashes every time.I've managed to solve the problem with the Createbuffer issue somehow(through changing some graphic option to low), but I still encounter crashing problem...i've tried to use =maxmem xxx command too, nothing...so I sended an e-mail to official suppport, and the've just responded with thing like "sorry for the problem, here's a free coupon for SprocketIdea), but you can try to contact them too.Just send three files: DxDiag.txt - ArmA.rpt - ArmA.bidmp and a description of your problem, maybe they could help you better than me...i made a topic in czech section on this forum, to solve those problems, but only solution they gave me was that =maxmem xxx command, so I'm really p****d off. I apologize I'm not able to fully help you and sorry for my English...
  3. Odi.et.amo

    Sprocket Troubleshooting thread.

    Hi to everybody, i apologize for this stupid question, bud I just have to ask... What exactly is a sprocketidea free coupon.Does it means that I am able to download some game free?because I can't find answer on sprocket page...really sorry for this dumb asking...