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Everything posted by Oeil2Lynx

  1. Oeil2Lynx

    ww4 anims beta

    Thanx a lot man !
  2. Oeil2Lynx

    ww4 anims beta

    When I use your mod, RHS tanks doesn't work anymore : They can't be destroyed. I think it is because of the "destrType=DestructMan;" on their tanks. Any idea on how i can fix it ? this kind of destruction type works with BIS config, WGL5 and FDF one so far... but with yours doesn't work anymore ? dunno why. NB: happy new year all !
  3. Oeil2Lynx

    Operation Frenchpoint Release #6

    There's a grenade vest somewhere, check the weapon pack's read-me @RockIslandMarine : it's "Vive .."
  4. Oeil2Lynx

    RHS release 6

    Kyle forget about my PM... Thank you
  5. Oeil2Lynx

    RHS release 2

    i was talking about the exhaust smoke of the rockets.. i thought they looked like more like this (heavy black s**t ^^)
  6. Oeil2Lynx

    RHS release 2

    Thought the exhaust of rockets were black IRL
  7. Oeil2Lynx

    free RTS Spring 0.73b1 released

    jeez so many improvements since last time i tested it !
  8. Oeil2Lynx

    Tonal Update

    looks like tchad ¤some crazy 'wild fly' with F1 ct/cr...¤
  9. Oeil2Lynx

    OFP videography

    over pownage lol fuckin' great vid man
  10. Oeil2Lynx

    Football World Cup 2006 in Germany

    I wasn't disapointed, nice actors spending half of the time rolling, floating, crying, asking for a fault. football is gettin' worser and worser someday we'll have some vendetta on the football playground
  11. Oeil2Lynx

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    Thank you
  12. Oeil2Lynx

    The Art thread

    herre's a few of my works Knight(just a copy of a da vinci draw..) One of my favourite singer (from a photo) Sasuke Uchiwa(for those who know Naruto manga ^^)
  13. my first attempt at editing with 'toshop FDF, NIM clouds
  14. Oeil2Lynx

    increase the terrain detail in MP?

    never thought this could be possible... thanx for the tips
  15. Oeil2Lynx


    Don't laugh too loud.. i made my best
  16. Oeil2Lynx

    M2 addon

    nice one, love it but, it's floating 10cm above ground lvl
  17. WGL5 ..now it just need some awesome CTIs -If the 'repackage launcher' option was only show if near a rucksack or at least not in top of the actions menu, it would be great edit : Just a few hours ago, on zeus serveur.. a whole human squad got wiped out by a single damaged t72... you were there, don't you ? how can you say that ? ^^
  18. Merci ! *allready had most of the islands*
  19. The new GUI looks pretty Thx for removing the M1Ax comm MG. When in tank comm, or pilot in a chopper, I can't order my ai gunner to fire with the mouse, i must use keyboard. How can I change that ? anylink to dl the missions, without dling the full island pack ?
  20. Oeil2Lynx

    New materials penetration??

    I think that by materials they do mean err don't how to say that.. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class Terrain { ambient[]={1,1,1,1}; diffuse[]={1,1,1,1}; forcedDiffuse[]={0,0,0,0}; specular[]={0.03,0.03,0.03,0}; specularPower=3; emmisive[]={0,0,0,0}; }; class SpecularGlass { ambient[]={1,1,1,1}; diffuse[]={1,1,1,1}; forcedDiffuse[]={0,0,0,0}; specular[]={0.8,0.8,0.8,0}; specularPower=5; emmisive[]={0,0,0,0}; }; class Metal { ambient[]={1,1,1,1}; diffuse[]={1,1,1,1}; forcedDiffuse[]={0,0,0,0}; specular[]={0.2,0.2,0.2,0}; specularPower=5; emmisive[]={0,0,0,0}; }; that kind of stuff.. ? Am i wrong ?
  21. Oeil2Lynx


    Thank you ..i was about to get rid of my ofp addiction
  22. Oeil2Lynx

    Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

    a pair of boobs --> mature content hung rotting corpse--> teen rated some guys got strange vision of things or i miss understood something ? ps: what about that : uncovered woman face--> mature content tear apart your neighbour with a chainsaw--> 6+
  23. Oeil2Lynx

    Novajev Island Released

    wouhou finally! :i want to burried on that island:
  24. Oeil2Lynx

    Tonal Island bridge problem

    ahh, thought it was very low by default..
  25. Oeil2Lynx

    Tonal Island bridge problem

    so for mp games ..we just have to forget about the bridge ?