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Everything posted by NsurgNt

  1. Steam gives nothing to the Arma community. The Arma community was thriving long before the introduction of Steam. Yes, it required a brain to be able to install mods, create content, setup and admin your own server. all these things are part of what made our community so great. The addition of Steam as a requirement to play Arma has allowed those who are not mature enough or knowledgeable enough or investigative enough to access something upon which those three qualities were a requirement. Since Steam has been a part of Arma, anyone with a finger and a payment method can purchase Arma and add mods without knowing anything about file structure. And therein lies the problem, The old community were people who had a hunger for knowledge that is absent in todays steam world. It is this ease of access that Steam has allowed and BIs hunger for more money that has changed the Arma community from what it once was, into what it has now become. Just my 2 cents.
  2. BI is to blame for the current state of the community, they decided to use Steam as a distribution platform instead of the original method of hard copy discs. Before steam, the Arma community was largely active duty, reservists and hardcore milsim enthusiasts and their friends who had learned about Arma largely by word of mouth. It was like a secret society only talked about in hushed whispers, well protected from the larger gaming world. Now its a giant clusterfoxtrot of ads, and money this, money that. Before the introduction of digital distribution, Arma2 was a game crafted by the community with attention to detail and and a love and dedication to realism found in no other game on earth. Nobody cared about money, everything was created out of love and a desire to maintain realism or to add things to the game that were not supplied by BI. Now it is all about the money, and I dont see that changing untill the money runs out or the community dwindles to nothing. F U very much Steam, for convincing the pc gaming world that they needed a program to be able to play the games they purchased. and that having someone hold your hand is better than learning to update and maintain your own games.
  3. Been with Codemasters for OFP then with BI. have multiple copies of all Arma games. just purchased A3 about a week ago. I am saddened by what this game has changed into. All about the money grubbing now. Spamming my game with ads to purchase content. 20 hits to kill an enemy. BI should just change their name to EA cause thats what they have become. BI has never been and will never be what made the Arma series of games great. It has always been and will always be the modders and mapmakers and the community of gamers and the players who make it great. BI provides a canvas that we all payed them for and we apply the paint that makes a beautiful masterpiece out of it, even though it is slightly torn and showing its age. Such great times with Arma 2 and now I have this game that makes me want to make an adblocker for it. I wish BI would go back to its roots and focus on this game again instead of trying to monitize everything. No i dont need a mobile ops arma game, or Argo or any other game that takes away from making this game the best it can be. Hard copies and no steam client necessary for the purchase and install of the game would be a great start. But i dont see that happening since it has become clear to me that BI is now primarily focused on the monitization aspect of gaming. Is Arma 3 as good as Arma 2?? Not on its best day IMHO. Not looking for Arma 4, having had a taste of Arma 3. Long time fan and above average supporter of BI. Just my 2 cents on the state of the game I once loved.
  4. NsurgNt

    ArmA 2: Operation Arrowhead - DEMO!

    Yes, very helpful. Thanks again for your assistance. Surprised it hasn't found its way to the bi wiki yet.
  5. NsurgNt

    ArmA 2: Operation Arrowhead - DEMO!

    Interesting, I will try it on the other map and see if it works for me. I also wasn't using the simple support module. I was using the artillery module alone. Do you know where I can find more info on the simple support module?? Thanks for your helpful response Capt. Sand ---------- Post added at 04:02 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:52 AM ---------- Yep this is the only company that I still support with my PC gaming dollars. And the fact that they release a demo that allows me to see how it will run on my system before I buy it is the main reason for that support, that and creating the greatest military sandbox in the world for me and my friends to play in. And the greatest community of any game I have ever played. Thank you BIS and all the community members who make this the best gaming experience on the planet.
  6. NsurgNt

    Crap Broken Textures

    !m running the new demo at about 23 fps, i have a p4 3.2 ht single core,an nvidia geforce 9600gt video card and a gig of ram on an old Dell XPS gen3 desktop. Yeah its lame but I can still play ArmA1 and run the OA demo and have fun playing it. Dont worry bout your system specs dude, We cant help unless we know what they are. Sounds like a video card or driver issue. Btw im still running XP and my system boots up with 12 processes at startup.
  7. NsurgNt

    ArmA 2: Operation Arrowhead - DEMO!

    Has anyone tested the modules in the demo?? There is a module for arty and vr arty and there is even a backpack for the m252 81mm mortar but i cant find any actual artillary piece. Does this feature work in the demo? The town construction set works, and so does the construction interface but you start with no cash. I tried to use ambient animals, but there is nothing in the wiki on it. One thing i did notice is that all the civilians are wearing the same outfit even though it says something diff for each one ie scarf,turban,vest. And I dont see anything in the wiki about the effect modules film grain , movie day & night or sepia. Anyone know what they do??
  8. NsurgNt

    How to properly install a mod.

    Sup ben, the wiki is your friend. 8) http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Addons and for the shortcuts here is a link to that as well http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/modfolders hope this helps! If you need further assistance shoot me a pm and I will be happy to help.
  9. NsurgNt

    ArmA Addon request thread

    Thanks for your response Col. I had made an earlier request to have the paq-4 made operational since it was working in VBS2. And I would have thought making a camel or burro would be fairly easy and add more realism to the mid eastern maps that were produced but I am not a modeler or scripter so perhaps it was not as easy as I thought it might be. Always seemed a bit unrealistic to have paq-4 's on the weapons that were not working for night missions. And to have a camel or small burro to hide an IED in or to be used to block a convoy that was about to come under attack would have been really great.
  10. I have a small request for some animals, mainly a camel and a small burro for the mideastern theatre. I am hoping that by the time I upgrade my pc and finally get ArmA 2 these will be available along with some cool middle eastern maps like tolafarush, sakakah, and avgani. Till then I continue to play ArmA 1 and dream. Apologies in advance if these animals have already been requested.
  11. NsurgNt

    ArmA Addon request thread

    I know someone released a rabbit addon and I was wondering if anyone had tried to make a camel or donkey for the middle eastern themed maps?? Maybe even one of those big ass spiders they have over there :p or a yak or water buffalo? Are these creations beyond the scope of the engines ability or do they just require a major time and effort commitment???
  12. NsurgNt

    WARMOD release

    Thanks for your contribution to the arma community Gunter. 8) Glad to see some are still playing this most excellent game.
  13. NsurgNt

    CSM Betav2 Released!!

    Did this ever get finished? Anybody know?? Was there ever a beta v3?? or a fixed beta v2?? And if so where can i download it. Any info Chammy?? I cant afford to get a new pc and a new copy of arma 2 to be able to enjoy your new mod. 8(
  14. NsurgNt

    All servers not working?

    I used to use armaspy but the thread says in the last post that it is a virus or hacker tool. Can anyone confirm that its not safe to use for getting a list of servers when the gamespy master is down??? Or was it a false positive.??? I still dont get a list. And it seems like a good program for doing this.
  15. WEll I was going to release the stand alone CSM Beta2 this past weekend , but I only had a few responses for some assitance on the Config. Â Although Binkster has finally made his presence on MSN thank GOd so we will see now. I had checked out several other sound mods and noticed that there are some sounds from my mod in theirs as well. Cham. Seriously. Get the sounds to Durg. He's been there from the start man. Willing, knowledgable and part of the CSM Team. I don't understand what the problem is. He whipped up a config for ENTIRE set of sounds you sent over to me, in one night....sometime before I went AWOL on the Armed Assault front. It needed a "bit" of work but...one night's work...pretty amazing. I know it's "your" mod, but you spent alot of time on those sounds and they really shouldn't be held back any longer. They're all of utmost excellence. Sorry I haven't been around - had to make some sudden, drastic changes in the 3/4 months. Hope all is well with your g/f and your kid. How's that new house? Â Im just sayin!
  16. Any idea what day AFTER the 19th it might be coming out?? Or is that as rumsfeld would say, an unknown known? Btw save me some some cake.
  17. NsurgNt

    ArmA Addon request thread

    I just finished watching the VBS2 VTK 1.19 trailer. And I noticed that the paq-4 units are operational in the video. So naturally I started wondering if anyone in the ArmA community was working on duplicating this effect. Or if there is an addon or mod that makes them functional could someone point me in that direction. I searched the forums and got no results for paq-4. So please consider this a request. Any info on this matter is greatly appreciated and thanks in advance for your time and response.
  18. NsurgNt

    Patch 1.14 Troubleshooting

    Worked like a champ. Wish all my probs were solved that easy. Thanks again. Your efficiency and knowledge are now legendary among the people of my planet!
  19. NsurgNt

    Patch 1.14 Troubleshooting

    Thank you for your prompt and courteous attention, Yes i have added a unit and groups, cant remember if i set it to playable though.But your assistance is a great help in pointing me in the direction i need to go. Ill post back if this was the problem. Have a good one, and thanks for deleting my repost.
  20. NsurgNt

    Patch 1.14 Troubleshooting

    I am still missing the EMPTY and GAMELOGIC entry in my editor, this occoured after I installed QG and updated it to 1.14 Anyone else missing these entrys in their editor? Does anyone have any idea why they are no longer there. Sorry bout all the headbanging, seems it helps to get your questions answered if you have at least one in your post Thanks in advance for any assistance that may be offered
  21. NsurgNt

    Patch 1.14 Troubleshooting

    I have queens gambit installed and patched to 1.14, every since I installed QG and updated to 1.14, when I enter the editor I seem to be missing the game logic and empty choices that were there before I upgraded.:wall: Any assistance or logical Ideas would be greatly appreciated. BTW my rig is what I consider substandard for playing arma, but I still manage to have fun and really find it to be the one game out of the many that draws me back into it. My specz P4 3.2 core duo 800mhz FS bus 1 gig generic ram X800XT platinum 256 ram 7800 rpm drive Only 12 processes at startup though, I think that helps greatly.
  22. NsurgNt


    Nothing that password protecting your server and inviting players who know how to play as a team wouldnt solve. And since its only a four man server, prolly wouldnt be to hard to kick and ban anyone who deviates from said gameplay style.
  23. NsurgNt

    Best SoundMod..!

    Chammys is like fine wine, it's only gonna get better with age Cant wait for them to open the next bottle!
  24. NsurgNt

    Chammys Sound Mod

    It looks like theres no space between the mod. I do mine like this, see below. "C:\Program Files\Atari\ArmA\arma.exe" -nosplash -mod=@CSM;@TrueView;@ArmAEffects There is a space between the quotation mark and the dash I dont see it in your example. Hope this helps!
  25. NsurgNt

    Chammys Sound Mod

    Just wanna give ArmAVidz a formal welcome to the CSM team Im sure that your video making skills will show CSM 1.0 for the truly excellent mod that it is and will become as time and tweaking will demonstrate. Wanna take this time to once again Thank Chammy, Evenlease, Durg78 and ArmAVidz for their time, effort and dedication to the ArmA community. I look forward to the 1.0 release. Thanks guys, for all you do this buds for you!