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Everything posted by NoRailgunner

  1. NoRailgunner

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Like one small bottle of "Export Ouzo" for Alpha testers and a crate of "Finest Czech Premium Beer" for those who will find OFP/CWA bugs/"features"? :cool:
  2. NoRailgunner

    [SP] We Dont Negotiate

    In the end this mission is using too many air support just for the "booom effect". Imo this mission could be a very good one-team stealth mission without trying to make too much noise - just to sneak in, do the job and make it back so the enemy don't know what happened.... of course you would need to adjust some settings so the guards/soldiers won't notice the helicopters. :)
  3. NoRailgunner

    Is Arma 3 authentic?

    Well lets see if this Iranian T-95/Merkava thingie will be supported by BMPT Ramka/Terminator vehicles. BIS said this time they made OPFOR really badass-awesome and not like a poor underdeveloped third/fourth country controlled by the usual madman/maniac. Its getting boring and cheesy if BLUFOR have to be "the best" equipped side/faction in every game.... hope that BIS make something on the sensor/radar/surveillance and communication part of A3. Let the player feel that it is 2035 and he is fighting against a well equipped and combat proven enemy. Btw how Iranian Forces/Navy could manage to occupy the Mediterranean/Aegean Sea without beeing pushed back at least by all the states that have a coastline to it? What happen to the (naval/air) forces of Spain, France and Italy?
  4. NoRailgunner

    Is Arma 3 authentic?

    Wrong, A3 aka "Limnos Incident" is set in 2035/07 and within the alternate reality/universe developed by BIS
  5. NoRailgunner

    Is Arma 3 authentic?

    Just cross fingers that BIS makes it all flawless working and consistent. Of course some A3 prototypes/demonstrators could have some rough technical edges/teething troubles so players can't fully rely on such "super-hitechweapons". Something more to think + consider about advantages/disadvantages of vehicles, weapons, features etc before using them would be awesome in A3.....
  6. NoRailgunner

    Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 (In the future)

    Like publishers/game devs did WW2 theme to death they will probably do it with future and superfuture setting. Where is the creativity or innovative gameplay/design with only profit and customer retention ruling the decisions? On the other hand just look at US market and see how many people just like + buy such simple shooter games.
  7. If people decide to use a binocular they usually want to watch through it and don't like start playing silly minigames with half/fully lowered binoculars. Agree that it would be nice to have an option to lower/raise binoculars but not by clicking "use binocular" key. Imo something like Shift + binoc key would be ok to lower/raise binocular.
  8. NoRailgunner

    Dad's Army

    Imo this is the wrong subforum for announcing/advertising mp matches/servers etc - try Forum: ARMA 2 & OA - SQUADS AND FANPAGES :)
  9. NoRailgunner

    Project CDF

    Somehow I got a lot of stuttering/lag with latest PCDF version after just test-flying the MiG-29 and MiG-21 over Chernarus. Had to kill process/restart A2OA.... :confused:
  10. NoRailgunner

    DayZ as a Standalone game...?

    There goes the military concept of a great game just to please even more casual players just shooting at retarded life forms..... :rolleyes:
  11. Please make a new all-in-one Unsung Mod pack incl. mission updates! Maybe even some training missions so people can get familiar with Unsung specials/features? :)
  12. New changelog is the same as in betabuild 92209? Is BIS going to improve AI for A2OA anymore or will the next betas/final "just experimenting/fixing here and there" until A3 is released??
  13. NoRailgunner

    SOPA - Internet as we know it about to be gone?

    Just something to read about CISPA : https://www.cdt.org/cispa-resource-page
  14. Just how many people would like to play A3 on lowest settings anyway? Maybe just wait until A3 is released and see which requirements are needed to enjoy A3 on "functional" graphic setting. Hardware prices will drop and perhaps it will make sense for them to upgrade or buy some new stuff.... On the other hand who knows, perhaps BIS finds a good solution so lowest/low settings will look reasonable good in A3? Guess BIS already knows that not everyone is going to buy "the best pc" just for A3 release. :)
  15. NoRailgunner

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Now all we need are some ingame pics/scenes showing how badass A3 OPFOR are with and without hi-tech. For examples small underwater mines connected through a net to catch & destroy such threats. Or some fast attack patrol boats incl. special weapons/ammo to make it no too easy for Blufor.... ;)
  16. NoRailgunner

    Arma 3 and the real world

    mr.g-c there are by far more casual players than simfans. Casual players don't like to wait or fly or drive or walk x amount of time, they want simple action, instant-gratificatons and be on top of whatever statistics. BIS can try to stay away from mainstream/casual games but one or another way they have to make some compromises to stay in business. ;)
  17. NoRailgunner

    Music Recommendations

    @Dead3yez thats chilling background tunes for making mornin' coffee... :)
  18. New TS v3.0.6 is on deck now keep calm and read the changelog: http://forum.teamspeak.com/showthread.php/73372-TeamSpeak-3-Client-Version-3-0-6-Released?p=313139#post313139 ;)
  19. If you fly from S > N over water towards Chernarus the land is black/dark and switches to normal in close distance. That was not visible/noticable in earlier or stable builds.... didn't test if any of those FFAA/SMAA settings should make a difference. Guess is somekind of performance tweak but it looks bad. Think the other issue I mentioned will be hopefully solved with A3 new lightning? Another thing that maybe went unnoticed is that vehicles do have their dust of trail starting too early in front of them. Guess something more important is that AI should not use their binoculars if they are under fire or starting/within a battle.
  20. F2F_BHO try "Fraeulein Myke" because of FRL ;)
  21. NoRailgunner

    Jungle Wars: Island of Lingor

    There is a strange shadow bug with the small door of those hangars - looks strechted. If you can paint those hangars with no image texture it would look imo much better. Maybe just like washed out green/grey/black color? Take your time to make a trip around and through Lingor with some AI to see where they go/drive weill and where they have some problems. Btw didn't test the rivers and how good the AI can get through via CRRC.... would be nice for some surprising maneuvers. Don't forget to make an tourist advertising video perhaps with El Presidente and his nice wife + daughter? :)
  22. NoRailgunner

    European Politics Thread.

    Just some news from Italy: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-04-21/italian-police-seize-1-5-billion-u-s-securities-from-man-s-car.html and older one http://edition.cnn.com/2012/02/17/world/europe/italy-counterfeit-bonds/index.html?hpt=hp_t3.
  23. While flying around I see those black/dark ground mask - never seen them before on default A2OA islands/maps. Is there a possibility to make them somehow less visible and noticeable? Another ugly issue is still in A2OA: those big light-squares that appear on places where light (+ fire) hits on the ground/terrain. With NVG one can see those light-squares on the ground/terrain....
  24. "If done properly"... everything can be great & awesome!! But who decides what is "good" and what is "bad" in the first place? Guess there are some guys who got stuck in a certain gamemode/mission type and even don't want to try something else because it could be fun too. Imagine the "stress" of enjoying multiple scenarious with different people..... :butbut:
  25. If you don't care about proper radio usage/procedures people do + will chitchat about everything.... There is a reason why soldiers are trained to think before speaking through the radio. ;)