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Everything posted by NeilReed101

  1. NeilReed101

    OFPWH40Kv3 MOD

    Thanks for releasing this great mod , me and my boys enjoy playing it a lot, it was also good to see soem old farmland stuff made it into it ;-)
  2. Very high quality work! looking forward to hearing the wounded screams in the patch, btw any chance of class names weapons and units etc.. regards
  3. NeilReed101

    MH53E addon for ARMA released

    Yeah great stuff , for us ArmA1 players, very kind of you.
  4. NeilReed101

    Arma 1 abandoned?

    Very nice thank you!
  5. NeilReed101


    Hey Col. Gotta say golden age of ArmA seams to be continuing over here. who needs Arma2 when we have such great stuff comming out. Very nice work on the brits , reminds me of of watching who dares wins as a kid! which is a good thing, those soldiers look tough as old boots , if you need any voice acting for them pm me . regards Neil
  6. As far as i know pilfius does'nt work with Vista, well it didn't a year ago, check with razorwings i think he built it? this is all from memory so if iam wrong big apologies to all:D
  7. NeilReed101

    Arma 1 abandoned?

    I am a long time ofp arma player , and i have to say I just came back to ArmA after about a 2 year break , and it feels like christmas , with watkins island Usec(i think thats what there called) stuff nunivak men mando's scripts and a finished sixth sense mod , i prefer this to Ace ( whichis also great) I just cant stop downloading. In fact Someone said this could be the golden age of arma , well it could if it had another couple of years with a dedicated community. but that community is split now , again . Ofp was great at the start from the get go, and amazing by the end for its scripts and mods , i doubt anygame ever has had such a creative dedicated fanbase. I remember playing Ebud's Tropical island , and then the desert ones and then winter kolguyev with russian ski bikes and being so excited at all the new potential. and the bush wars mod , coc vte slx . etc at the end ofp had the best most diverse community. Arma on the other hand , was to put it mildly a flawed beauty when it came out. I baught it put it on , played the first cam"pain" mission , died a millon times trying to blow up that bridge , got some many graphical glitches it was unplayable on my rig , until some one ported over some fps friendly island (Solus) (Ace) and the patches kept coming and the community and bis created a better game , Arma was never supposed to be ofp2 Arma 2 was and even though my computer cant play arma2 no dual /quad core :mad: i think i will be able to eventually maybe next year when we have desert islands snow capped peaks Rh weapons units some mando magic. but for now i think i will reinstall ofp gty edition and download that newly finished 40k mod , whilst finalising my watkins moutain John carpenters The thing inspired scary mission , with them lovely tcp anims, and try to forget about all the nasty bugs.
  8. Hi , I am looking for the sound file for the ambient enviromental effects on desert island (default mode) i wish to change it or mute it , I have dpboed the sound files , but have had no look as of yet .
  9. Hi iam creating a mission that requires the computer to be on for 48 hours . but i only want the mission during the daylight hours between 7.30 and 3.30 how can i use skiptime command to skip time at 3.30 back or forward to 7.30 . constantly/ or looped. can i use a trigger that activates at 3.30pm all the time and skips time to 7.30am ? thanks
  10. Hi iam creating a mission that requires the computer to be on for 48 hours . but i only want the mission during the daylight hours between 7.30 and 3.30 how can i use skiptime command to skip time at 3.30 back or forward to 7.30 . constantly/ or looped. can i use a trigger that activates at 3.30pm constantly and skips time to 7.30am ?
  11. HI people , I know how to add a custom face to my profile , but i was wondering if anyone has released a stand-alone face addon pack with a config cpp so i can set face with more than one person with custom textures . i did it with ofp with this config : class CfgPatches { class Faces { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 1.20; }; }; class CfgFaces { class construction { name="construction"; texture="\newfaces\construction.jpg"; east=1; west=1; }; }; but i am pretty sure this will not work for arma ^_^ I am trying to add about 5 new faces is there any configs out there? thanks
  12. Hello everyone, I am creating a voice intiated artwork using the ofp engine for personal use, but iam stuck , i have created a mission where when i am a civillian  on desert isalnd, and when i speak into a micraphione via pilfius voice ativated keystrokes, a command the view switches to different camera angles showing pictures, sound and text i have inserted into the game via billboards. and then returns back to me the civillian poiunt of view. what i want is the civillians point of view to be completeley black , until it switches to the camera positions , and black when it switches back. so in effect the normal view is black until i speak the command , i want the effect to be instant . i thought it might be possible to do tjhis via scripts , but iam a graphic designer not a scripter, i also thought it might be possible to make the screen black via changing the crosshairs to a black screen with photoshop , but think there must be an easier option any ideas would be greatley appreaciated. kind regards reed101
  13. thank you . edit solved .i used the black in 9999 command after the camera , script for each camera , and in the init line this made it black from the start and after each camera . thanks for the help.
  14. Black screen: (well, almost) cutText ["","BLACK IN",9e6] Fade in, in 10 seconds: cutText ["","BLACK IN",10] thank you very much You could also make a picture to display on screen but that's a bit more complicated would that be using the set object command ?
  15. NeilReed101

    Nam units

    these models look very nice... watching the progress i can see the huge improvements that have being made with these models . i remeber in ofp the unsung mod had some great variation of rifles, m14 etc.. maybe you could find some and add these to your units for variation? Great work non the less .
  16. NeilReed101

    Project Alien

    Hi guys , just stopping by to show some love  the colony is looking nice, keep up the good work , here is some graphics /nostromo and colony singage designed by ron cobb, i used them in my board thought they might come in handy for airlocks and such, alien ship signage good luck guys i wish you well with this project regards reed101
  17. NeilReed101

    hamas mujahideen

    i had this problem in ofp , and it was an addon conflict, not sure what to do though, i just got rid of most of my addons
  18. NeilReed101

    Addon or mod for kids

    i like civvie missions , i remeber one on ofp where you were a investigator detetive and you had to interview people over the island for clues like scooby doo, no killing just music talking and driving, cool . on the other hand my kids enjoy the creative aspect of ofp and arma placing objects in the editor , and seeing them in game , but the prefer ofp at the momment because it has more editor stuff , lego warz , 40k mod and star wars. i would be cool to be able to play on the climbing frames swings see saws ect
  19. NeilReed101

    Project Alien

    hi guys just dropping a line to say good luck with this , i am a concept artist/ texture/ graphic designer, and i am in the middle of creating a board game on the film alien i, have loads of refrerence metrerial, on the subject , including floor plans of the the nostromo, plus tons of other stuff weapons , refernce time line links background info , mostly on the film alien , but i also have the alien quadrillogy nine disk boxset and alien vs predator film , if you need anything give me a click regards neilreed101
  20. NeilReed101

    Dawn of the Yomies

    nice work, look forward to the new textures btw i remeber the yommies from ofp , even before the infamous scott's zombie mod and the farmland mod /horror packs, are they any relation?
  21. NeilReed101

    Battlefields Everon SP

    Hi all , this is my first mission/conversion it's a port of the bis classic c02Battlefields from ofp ,i also explained how i did it in the readme , iam not a addon creator scripter or mission maker so its just a straight port as good as i could , you will need Sgt ace's Everon 1.0 for it to work , its not being tested on anyone eles comp so let me know any bugs othere than listed , although i cant promise to be able to fix em Regards Neilreed101 Needed 1.07.5157 Everon 0.1 Alpha by Sgt.Ace Battlefields sp retro mission (Kindly re edited by MehMan ) Battlefields ver1.1 and now also HeavyMetal Heavymetal download And a beta of CleansweepII CleansweepII Beta
  22. WOW! this looks fantastic, great work mate keep it up .
  23. NeilReed101

    SAP_Everon v1.0

    nice work Sgt .Ace and three as well , take a well deserved break mate .
  24. NeilReed101

    1.08 Troubleshooting thread.

    ohh no i thought this was the patch to end all patches but more woes, i get terrible frame rates now and lod issues , wa much better under beta 7, using 7800gtx dell card latest drivers