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Everything posted by NeoArmageddon

  1. Client can use Scripts to disable grass too... (like viewdistance).
  2. _nObject = position player nearestObject 123456 http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/nearestObject_id
  3. NeoArmageddon

    Friendly identification

    Nope, we at Armed Tactics use our real life faces in arma... and it works great... we can identifie each other in seconds
  4. Trigger and marker must be used as strings.... (i hope i understand your question). "triggername" blablabla "marker" setmarkerpos blabla
  5. NeoArmageddon

    Removeable Silencer

    Dont know, if this looks good....think of the "borders" around transparence objects (maybe the roter while flying) specialy in front of water.... that maybe looks strange... I think the removeweapon -> addweapon way is better....
  6. NeoArmageddon

    Zombie Mission

    Öhm.... maybe you can create zombies or civilians on east side... that would solve your problems.... my zombies are allways on the independent side, so you can make them friendly with nobody...
  7. For me it works fine, if i just Alt+Tab while an editor preview is running..... maybe its Vista? Or my windows admin setting?
  8. Yes, but Alt+Tab will pause the output and you can edit or delete it.
  9. NeoArmageddon

    attachto idea

    Try it with the C130... setdir don't work. I just tested it in MP, dont know about SP, but i think MP is the more important part for somethink like walking in a plane (CTI etc).
  10. NeoArmageddon

    attachto idea

    Not really... i already tried this but the attachto sets the dir of the soldier always to the dir of the c130... so aiming and moving in the c130 is not possible. It seems that setdir dont work with attached objects. But you can load cargo like jeeps with this in a c130... this is no problem.... attached when crew==0 and detached when crew>0
  11. Yes, it runs on server too, if its initalized in the init. With this you can make the server take control of the clients. Just make a if (isserver) then { startMyScript=random 1.0; publicvariable "startMyScript"; execVM "myscript.sqf"; }; Now the server take control of executing the myscript.sqf on the clients (and runs it in the server too). This gives you also the ability to store data like scores, objectives, units, cash etc on the server.
  12. Try this: while {GameIsRunning} do { {_x domove getpos player;}foreach list triggerwichhasallopforinit; sleep 5; };
  13. For markers there is a nice solution: If (isserver) then { _marker setMarkerColor [0,0,0]; }; SetMarkerColorLocal is Local and SetMarkerColor is global... it can be executed on every client/server. Maybe you want to mark every players position: Just run a Loop in the init.sqf, that makes a "_playermarker setmarkerpos getpos player;". For executing other scripts on every client, you can make a publicvariableeventhandler. This handler is executed if a variable was changed over a publicvariable "variable" from another client. Write in the init: "startMyScript" addPublicVariableEventHandler {execVM "myscript.sqf";} If a client changes the variable startMyScript and sends it via publicvariable "startMyScript"; the script "myscript.sqf" is executed on every OTHER client. The handler wont fire on the client, that have send the publicvariable... A solution for this is: startMyScript=random 1.0; publicvariable "startMyScript"; execVM "myscript.sqf";
  14. 1. Its playable! It was playable since release and i just found some minor bugs (bugs in campaign, sometimes cant connect to server) but no great bugs that make the game unplayable (like in so many other games released those days (stalker, söldner, and many more). 2. Maybe you must check your internet connection. I never heard about randomly disconnecting from multiplayer. There is jsut a connceting bug. Maybe you modified your ArmA2 to get english instead of german language? Maybe the servercheckfiles are kicking you. 3. BIS has a great support for its games! I cant find something similar at codemasters... and they havent made a game like OFP or ArmA yet! Just some racing games with a lot of hdr and some CGI vids from something between joint operations and battlefield. Edit: I didnt noticed that there are already 3 sites of posts in this thread, i just read the first page.
  15. Sure, place a trigger with Opfor present and multiple activation and name it. Now you can get every opfor unit via list triggername Forexample {_x setdammage 1;}foreach list triggerwichhasallopforinit;
  16. init.sqf is executed as sqf but every .sqf script that is executed via exec wont run correctly... Thats the reason why you foreach dont run in more than one line.
  17. NeoArmageddon

    Eventhandlers in configs.

    @nullsystems But if anybody makes another addon, that adds something to the CAManBase, your addon will be overwritten. If you wait for a new version of extendediniteventhandlers this would be easier.
  18. NeoArmageddon

    MP questions!

    No and Yes... the most mission are tagged like DM, CTF, CTI, Coop, Team etc but some missions can surprise you, maybe an RPG, maybe a Zombiesurvival or a racing mission... everything is possible^^ But most time, you will know the mission, you are joining...
  19. If you want, i can set up my script for you. You just have to select the location and to build a base or something and playe the players (and briefing etc).
  20. the arma2.rpt is not logged dwhile the game runs. You can even delete it while playing^^
  21. NeoArmageddon

    Zombie Mission

    BAD! I created a horde of zombies, controlled with domove commands and/or waypoints... They run towards me, but if the first zombie were shot, they micoai take control and the zombies searched for the next cover ^^ There they lie down for mins.... no horror.... no action.... just some bloody civilians behind bushes... setbehaviour "Careless" -> Useless dissableai "move" -> bad idea, they do less than nothing invinite loop of domove commands -> ai runs 1 meter, stand, waits 1-4 mins and run 1 meter again.... But i have good news too: I managed it to make ArmA2 look like Stalker:CS with some collorcorrection and grain... it looks great even at day.
  22. NeoArmageddon

    WIP: Stuff you are working on 2!

    Mondkalb and me are working on an remake of an old squadintern map just called camping. You can go camping on chernarus with new tents, campfires, bbq, radio, hunting and other hunters/campers. And all packed in a little module. Inventoryitem for every tent,radio etc and a bag is included^^ Here a pic Scruffy made during a test at our server: http://img2.abload.de/img/unbenanntcov5.jpg All models by Mondkalb and nearly all scripts by me. Maybe we will release it... but we are not sure yet.
  23. ArmA2 .fsm < MicroAI < Waypoints Editor < Waypoints Commander < domove-command Yes, domove "deactivate" other waypoints. But i wrote a script for ArmA1 where a hill is endless attacked by enemy waves (they can be customize). I can send it to you, just PM me @Helmut_AUT
  24. I would use .sqf with for [{_i=0},{_i<=9},{_i=_i+1}] do { player globalChat format["%1",_i]; }; With this method _i mussnt be initialized with private.
  25. Thats maybe the cutscene. There is no SoldierWB anymore. Open the mappbo and change the mission.sqm from the cutscene. Replace SoldierWB with USMC_Soldier