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About NaveReyem

  • Rank
    Lance Corporal


  • Interests
  1. NaveReyem

    OFP 2.. by codemasters?

    OFP 2 by codemasters?
  2. NaveReyem

    ArmA for PS3 or xbox 360?

    yeah i know there are no official plans for anything like this, i just wanted a poll for.. just say IF they did decide to do it, which system people would prefer.
  3. NaveReyem

    ArmA for PS3 or xbox 360?

    yeah bingo, i sortof agree with that, i think mouse is better than a joystick, but playing a joystick can still be en'joy'able, heck, i like halo, and im not afraid to admit it. anyways, bohemia already proved that an Ofp based control scheme can work fine on a console controller with ofp:e, so i wouldnt really use the Mouse vs Joystick argument here.
  4. NaveReyem

    ArmA for PS3 or xbox 360?

    i was just thinking, with armed assault needing so much computing power to run, why not take it to the console market with xbox 360.. i mean, Bohemia has done it with Flashpoint:Elite (which was way underrated) but why not go to the next level, make it for the playstation 3. With its cell processor it should be able to maximize everything you could in Armed Assault with no problems, but xbox360 already has xbox live up and usable.. so which one should they port to (if any)?
  5. NaveReyem

    What DO you like in ArmA?

    i like how After youre done shooting people, you stop and look around and realize there is little puffy floaty things coming off of little white flowers and floating away in the wind, that blew my mind, all those little things like this that you dont see unless you stop for a few minutes.
  6. NaveReyem


  7. NaveReyem

    Sprocket Troubleshooting thread.

    lol, thanks alot super64, i realized this about the fourth time i reeinstalled it because i kept patching to czech 1.01, but i left it alone and it worked, i look at the bottom and it says 1.01, im like.. wow.. im dumb, anyways, thanks for the help, i got most of my problems solved! thanks!
  8. NaveReyem

    Sprocket Troubleshooting thread.

    Hey i finally got mine downloaded and installed, it works, i did the online activation jiggy, but after i play, and exit out, i insall patch 1.01, then starforce comes up saying i need to install things, i do, and it asks for a cd-number or something, i tried my cd-key that came with the e-mail and the product number as well, both said invalid, how do i get around this or what did i do wrong? ohh yeah, and patch 1.02 might do this too, and about the czech, i cant read it, and i fear the Czech to english may not work with sprocket download? or even just 1.02?
  9. NaveReyem

    Demo Coming soon?

    Yeah, i jsut noticed this.. Download Section oh the top of the mani section in that page it says Demo is coming soon, was that always there or what? sry for the stupid post.
  10. NaveReyem

    Great JIP mission ideas

    wow, i like that lobby idea, makes me think of something like a mission to where its like Life, a continous in game thing, where you get a job, get money, buy things, AI would be interactive of course, lol, a betting rink, you could log off and the dedicated server would save your account name with the money and things, next time you log on youre right where you left off, could get some cool multiplayer experiences with JIP!
  11. NaveReyem

    Cast Away

    Cast Away Website! is up, if youre interested go check out teh forums!
  12. NaveReyem

    Cast Away

    Hey guys, i wont be doing anything too much, just helping with scripting side of things, and camera work/sound editing.
  13. maybe you should make the thing Resistance instead of civilian, i dont know if itll make any difference but Civilians are usually messed up when it comes to sides.(at least i think)
  14. NaveReyem

    CreateUnit problems

    OHh i didnt know that, thank you!