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Everything posted by norsu

  1. norsu

    Zil 130/131 pack released!!!

    Hmm, with hiddenselections you could reduce the amount of models to 3 (firetruck, civilian trucks, army trucks) and thus reducing addon size several megs .
  2. norsu

    World championship in icehockey

    I'm sure they don't want to repeat last year's catastrophy :P.
  3. norsu

    Best servers for public play?

    The reason why some public servers have password, is just to keep the brainless players away. Usually you can get the password from an irc channel or from a website, so it's not a big deal .
  4. norsu

    What vehicles have you owned?

    My humble vehicle:
  5. norsu

    Zil 130/131 pack released!!!

    Maybe he just opened the pbo... But 64megs is a bit too much for trucks. I would suggest to use maybe at least two pbos, one for civilian trucks and one for army ones. Still very nice models and textures .
  6. norsu

    Ofp combat photography 2. no pics over 100kb

    You have been watching his shows too here in Germany ?
  7. norsu

    Finnish defence forces mod 1.2

    Shmel-1 is just like the Ranger UAV. And BMDs will also be there in few variants .
  8. Hmm, do you have selections osavolantkon and osavolantzac? You'll need those for JeepMG class, as they give the steering wheel correct turning angle. Check some of the released BIS models for reference.
  9. Volant is the steering wheel selection and it should work with every car class .
  10. Make it class: JeepMG, that'll do it.
  11. norsu

    New bas thread

    In case you want a single UH-1 from Nam Pack 2, http://ofp.gamezone.cz/index.php?showthis=2507 It's black though and has M60.
  12. norsu

    Orcs moskvich 2137

    Could you provide a link? As all my searches in ofp.info gave me nothing .
  13. norsu

    BRDM-1 & BMP-1

    LOL @translation :P Looking good, maybe a bit too much shading though .
  14. norsu

    Zil 130/131 pack relase soon!

    *Cough* Hiddenselections *Cough* edit Some quick calculations, for example model is 3mb and one 1024x1024 texture used 683kb. Multiply that with two for military versions and you'll get under 10 megs .
  15. norsu

    Rpg/law effectiveness

    That is true.
  16. norsu

    Why do you do it???

    It's fun and creative . I always try out editors and the like. And if they are easy enough, I'm hooked quite fast.
  17. norsu

    Mods seem to fade away....

    FDF mod is still alive after three releases and over one year of developement. And trust me, the next release is going to rock big time . Though without all other mods and addon makers who gave us permission to use their stuff, we wouldn't probably be at 1.3.
  18. norsu

    The Iraq thread 3

    Could be a typo as all other reports I've read give the number 12 .
  19. norsu

    S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Oblivion Lost

    Didn't all big iD games (Doom I, Doom II, Quake I and Quake II) have co-op mode ?
  20. norsu

    Poly count

    In my opinion it's more important to make good textures than heavily detailed model. Model with 10000 polys and rushed textures runs and looks worse than model with 2500 polys and excellent textures. For example the great looking MTLBs are just about 1800 polys .
  21. norsu

    New games

    Yeah me too, though I just that hope they won't screw it like Deus Ex 2 . And sad thing is also that there won't probably be any editor for it.
  22. norsu

    Real life photography/photo editing

    Last weekend's trip to Stralsund & Rügen (Germany). View from Königstuhl 342kb Königstuhl itself 354kb And Stralsund city hall & St. Nicolai 291kb Not that high quality though. *edit* Man it was really one hell of a wind there and I was there with my trusty old bike . Luckily local Gasthaus offered Hausgemacht Sauerfleisch mit Bratkartoffeln und Sose for a reasonable price .
  23. norsu

    Paa or jpeg

    Feer's tool gives pretty much same quality as in 32bit TGA-files so it should even beat JPG (at least in my textures). Though it should be wise to rely more on artistic detail.
  24. norsu

    Png2pac texture conversion tool

    Some of you (for example I) may get error messages about missing dll-files when using the GUI-version. You can download them from here http://mesadx.home.att.net/MDX_Download.html (just click the download dlls button, everything else is unrelated).
  25. norsu

    Wh40k dawn of war

    Looks nice, although I would like to see way more scratches etc. on those units. Orcs look way too cartoonish now IMO . But as a WH40K veteran (a nice Dark Angels army ) I'm probably going to by this game, it has that WH40K feeling.