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About MarineSgt16

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. MarineSgt16

    -E3- Units (new camos)

    I don't know if someone has requested this or if your planning on making it but would it be possible to create a Airman Battle Uniform (ABU). I was really disappointed that there wasn't one for Arma 2.
  2. I wonder if someone could possible make the LAV-AD or if one already exists let me know where to download it. thanks in advance.
  3. Thanks I am currently using that but I was hoping for the Sgt York.
  4. I was wondering if there was a M247 Sergeant York available. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M247_Sergeant_York I know only 50 models were produce but I think that it would be kind of cool for the Us military units to have a dedicated anti aircraft platform
  5. The Model is a Logitech Extreme 3D It was working fine up until last week. any help would be appreciated
  6. I am having a problem getting the new update to work. every time I try to run it I receive this message. Filex\ace\addons\settings_external\CfgIdentities.hpp, line 1:/CfgIdentities/Identity.ACE_Original_Identity:Undefined base class 'Identity' any help could be appreciated
  7. also I download the self install one if that helps at all, because I don't understand the updater :rolleyes:
  8. I keep getting the error message (userconfig\ace\ace_clientside_config.hpp not found) any Ideas how to fix it cause I have found the file in my folder but it's still not loading. Is there a specific folder it needs to be in?
  9. MarineSgt16

    US Desert Vehicles (WIP)

    I set the mod as the only one running and it still had the problem it also happens on the FAA mod
  10. MarineSgt16

    US Desert Vehicles (WIP)

    I am having problems with your mod every time I try to start it up the main menu loads and the camera is underwater. also none of the mods I have selected load up
  11. MarineSgt16

    Nuclear Bomb Pack

    Looks really good
  12. Sorry about posting this but the rules doesn't specify what to do if a problem impacts multiple mods. when ever I try to run certain mods I get a error message statig I'm missing Extended_EventHandlers
  13. Just upgraded my memory and graphics card want to know if this game could run on my comp. Intel® Core 2 CPU 6400 @ 2.13 GHz Memory (Ram) 4.00GB ATI Radeon HD 3650 Over clocked
  14. I was wondering how well my computer could handle this game Intel core cpu 6400 @2.13GHz 2.00GB of RAM 256 mb ATI X1300 Pro 161GB Free (288Gb total) Dell DX061 Vista Home Premium