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About MrNothing

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. MrNothing

    [OA] A-stan marines WIP

    I know what you mean i'm not asking to make them super clean i just think that the bi marpat colors look a bit dull and i guess greyed out. Basically im asking so it looks a bit more like this : | http://img122.imageshack.us/img122/4872/marsoc1stmsobda11ve7.jpg http://img391.imageshack.us/img391/3803/marsocjtac1nr1.jpg http://img135.imageshack.us/img135/3601/msoagdepcertex051tc1.jpg http://img135.imageshack.us/img135/1528/msoagdepcertex041bo5.jpg
  2. MrNothing

    [OA] A-stan marines WIP

    Great release ! Cause you're planning to finish this pack last, would it be possible to re make the woodland marpat or find a better version already released ? imo i find the colors on the wood marpat really washed out. Possible you could add M81 camo too ? Anyways keep up the great work and can't wait to see the final release
  3. MrNothing

    RH Mk18 1.0 pack

    Nice wip ! Like the M39 alot. Also got some suggestion's you might like http://www.vltor.com/socom_pics.htm#TanSniper2 VLTOR M14/M1A mod stock http://www.athenswater.com/images/M21A5CHEBR-SASS-2.jpg http://www.athenswater.com/images/M21A5CHEBR-SASS.jpg http://www.athenswater.com/images/M21A5CHEBR-SASS-3.jpg http://i2.guns.ru/forums/icons/forum_pictures/002461/2461098.jpg Crazy Horse M21A5
  4. MrNothing

    Binkowski's WIP thread

    Nice wips ! They look great and i'm really loving the DEA units. Anyways i got a question 1)Ever consider making units having a mix of acu/multicam ? Been going on mil threads and lately been seeing soldiers with a mix of camo's depending the regions they're in http://www.defense.gov/dodcmsshare/homepagephoto/2010-05/hires_100501-A-4830W-056c.jpg
  5. Looks great ! These will definitely be better then the default arma 2 force recon. Just one thing i wanted to note. Are you using the woodland marpat from arma on the woodland units ? Cause i think the color looks a bit faded/washed out.
  6. If you need ref photo's, this will help. http://www.militaryphotos.net/forums/showthread.php?146249-MARSOC-Marine-Special-Operations-Command They also wear M81 in afghanistan so they can look the same as the ANA and not stand out as marines.
  7. MrNothing

    TF86 Navy SEALs Pack

    Great pack ! Currently am using it and love them. But, do you think you could make a ace config that doesn't remove the backpacks ? I like the looks of the back packs on the seals but without the default bis weapons.
  8. Could be possible http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9sLjucUU83c&feature=related in the nbc report, the mission consisted of US special forces, Afgan paramilitary, NATO troops and DEA agents. So it could be possible that they're being supported by other forces or at least in this one. Anyways, just some more video's with DEA's wearing different camo's. In the beginning of the video, you can see them wearing acu and dcu, at 1:59, they seem to be wearing desert DPM (maybe wrong if they are DEA or not) and at 4:18 it looks like they're wearing olive green flight suits. Last video hoped this helped.
  9. you snapped. But no really they're looking good. and - http://vimeo.com/6722474 in the video, some of the DEA agents wear acu and AOR 1/desert marpat. Just wanted to throw that out.
  10. I think its clear enough to say that USRanger709 obviously knows what he's talking about, as he been part of the SOF community himself and that he's got hardcore proof to back up everything he says.
  11. Great work and love the hk 416 addon ! i've got an isssue though. When im in the editor and place a ace weapon box (in my case the US special weapons box), i guess this error half way when the mission is loading. it says no entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/ACE_SOC_M4A1_GL.M4_Muzzle.' i close the box and reload the mission. After, when i try to use a ace M4A1 with a m203, there's no ammo in the weapon at all and i'm not able to select the ammo too. Every other weapon works except for the ace M4's with M203's. Some help please and thanks ! I have the latest updated version of both ace and acex and i also have a separate addon file with weapons and units and vehicles.
  12. Just wanted to say to the whole ACE mod crew a fantastic and well done job ! Appreciate much of the new content the mod has placed in-game and i would say has made it alot more live. Am looking forward to seeing future updates for ACE !
  13. MrNothing

    Generic Army Special Forces

    last off topic reply lol well actually, its ussocom. my bad on topic - looks really great. hoping to see some true sf units with the current gear they wear in the future !
  14. wow - that's really nice. kinda throwing this out, but if you got spare time after you release the re textures you think you could do a woodland and arid capdat ? kinda want to see some canadians in action lol