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Everything posted by MiniGunDad

  1. MiniGunDad


    Ok I’ve created the simple program which; • Creates a Pbo from a mission folder - does not check for files or validity • Extracts from Pbo all files to a folder. Simple I know but that was my intention. It utilizes Mac.ArmA.net (many thanks to ‘sbsmac’) and requires the user to have Net Framework 4 installed. It should work on any OS (XP Onwards) and with both 32Bit & 64Bit. However, I have only tested it on the following so can only confirm these; Win 7 Pro 32Bit Win 7 Ultimate 64Bit Vista Home 32Bit Win XP 32Bit If anyone would like a copy please let me know.
  2. MiniGunDad


    Leopotam: I've used Reflector before - but don't really want to hack into somones work. Would prefer code etc given freely and expalined just like Mac.ArmA.Net. which is more like what i wanted. Thanks for the link PvPscene and i see Leopotam you had a hand in some fixes to the assembly. So thank you again. I'll research and see if i can get some code working - will post with results.
  3. MiniGunDad


    Leopotam, thanks for the info. Hmmm seems this is a little more in-depth than i first thought. "Managed Wrappers" that is deep and i'm not to good with c++ though a revisit wont hurt :D I had a quick look at T_D Tools but again not much info on the dll functions. Think i'll do some more research on the web and see what gives. Thanks again.
  4. MiniGunDad


    I think that is what my first post was about! Sorry did not know which catergory/forum to put it in. ---------- Post added at 10:28 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:23 AM ---------- Yup DePbo.dll. The link takes me to a list of various files most of which are pbo utilities. The repository page just has links to revision history of something or other. I think i'm missing the plot here or my question was misread so i'll email you.
  5. MiniGunDad


    Ok - no response :( Time to get geeky; On reflection i suppose i can reference the Pbo.dll in say VB Net and access it's processes - so my question now is: what are the 'commands/functions' in the dll that i need to access?
  6. My framerate drop and low fps are not due to this fantastic 'MOD'. => After a clean of my GFX cards (GTX 285's) things seem to be a lot better again :bounce3: - i wasn't going to clean them as i could see very little dust but the display card cooling pipes were so hot i could not touch them :eek: There was some dust build and removing it has had a dramatic effect on the framerate. I'm wondering if this will clear all these little problems and perhaps a spring clean should be done every month or so - hey ho we live and learn :rolleyes: Update - ok -new card and still FPS is low (25-40)! This is with all set to V High. Switching to Normall config which is mox of Norm and Low and i still only get 45FPS. I think this scenario is just hardware hungry - still i cant stop playing it !!!
  7. Ok looks like i was mistaken as while i was searching for the answer to the following error; "Display Driver Stopped Responding and Has Recovered." which is something that has been bugging me for a month or so :mad: this error is littered all over the net and there doesn't seem to be much useful info on it. Well what seems to have caused this and also the low FPS is the air filter on my water cooler was clogged up with dust :p Cleaned it out and my CPU is now running 5c-10c cooler and i'm back to a consistent FPS.
  8. What outstanding work this addon is, as with everyone else i say well done and please keep up this great work!! The great Scenarios provide endless hours of entertainment and like everyone else i love it :bounce3: I have noticed though that ocassionally there appears to be a 'slow down' => framerate drops to unplayable. I'm gonna guess that it occurs when units are respawning as it does seem to occur during the battle lull. Is it me or has anyone else noticed this?
  9. MiniGunDad

    Lingor Domination

    Many thanks for a quick reply and yes you are understanding my question correctly. Looking at that line(s) i am understanding now - cos i'm using OA i need to remove the Stryker info and add the LAV25 info. Seems strange that for this pbo(DominationOA%20Lingor%202%2e54.lingor.pbo) the ACE_Stryker is default rather than the psoitioned LAV25. Perhaps this is a typo as the _ACEVER states a LAV25? :confused: :confused: Now i've tested the new pbo but still no joy - however it may well be a syntax/spelling error so i will do some more testing and post - unless someone knows better. ---------- Post added at 19:40 ---------- Previous post was at 18:59 ---------- The MHQ is in fact a LAV25 not a LAV25_HQ and also these classname script entries are case sensitive (MtvrReammo not MTVRReammo) - as i discovered :p - So to lift all vehicles in your OA version (not the Supply Truck though) the select case lines should be: Or omit the ones you want to restrict - i'm sure this could also be a bit tidier but it does the job If you have found this useful please post.
  10. MiniGunDad

    Urban Warfare

    Got more info from BIS. Apparantly this problem will be resolved with a Patch So i guess this is closed/resolved. :)
  11. MiniGunDad

    Urban Warfare

    Apologies for a late response/followup - i've been on my hols :) Reply from BIS is that 'it was not intentional' that during the patching to 1.52 that the Urban Warfare map should dissapear from the map selection menu. They also said they would look into this issue. Again i will post back after they have contacted me again. I suppose the good news is i wasn't going mad :p :D
  12. MiniGunDad

    Urban Warfare

    I can now play the map with the patch applied after extracting the necessary files prior to patching. I'm back to having fun again with this great scenario :) Many thanks for all the input esp Zipper5 who pushed me down the right avenue. :bounce3: I've also had a response from BIS and have basically asked why the map is not available after the patch. I will close this topic after i have some feed back from BIS. I will also post a full procedure on how to get th map if anyone requires - though the info is in the above threads.
  13. MiniGunDad

    Urban Warfare

    Zipper5 thanks for the response. the file does not contain anything when i UNPBO it? This is strange as the file is 54MB but extracts to a folder with a file of 28KB!! ---------- Post added at 07:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:16 PM ---------- Ok - downloaded the Eliteness tool and tada i can extract the necessary files. I now have the MP_UrbanWarfare.Zargabad :yay: I'll give it a go and post back. I'm off on my hols so maybe sometime before i post. :p
  14. MiniGunDad

    Urban Warfare

    I've UNPBO the mission.pbo file at C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\AddOns but this does not hold the Urban Warfare map - well it does but with the chenarus extension not the Zargabad map. (Something i'd found previously when looking for the TDM template). In fact none of the extracted folders have the zagarbad / takistan extension. I am now somewhat confused - if it's not in the missions file where is it - or is it interpolated from the chenarus map? :confused: Can anyone answer this little problem or do i have to email support (decided to email anyway - let's see what response i get)..... ;)
  15. MiniGunDad

    Urban Warfare

    Ok - i've uninstalled and reinstalled ArmA2 and OA. Hey presto - Urban Warfare is now availabe in the Zargabad map selection. It's called 'CTI Urban Warfare' i played it on Expert and it's very difficult as the three sides battle for the town. I must say though it is engrossing as you have to cross roads and duck in buildings constantly checking for the enemy. However, there appears to be a strange "bug" - every so often the screen goes black and the 'Receiving' quote appears on screen - after 5-8s this dissappears and you can continue. Not great if you've just turned a corner and the guy with a tea towel on his head is standing there :( Also it just CTD - not sure why, maybe just one of those CTD moments :rolleyes: My intention now is to UNPBO the missions and extract the CTI Urban Warfare folder. Then install 1.52 patch and then load the CTI Urban Warfare via my profiles folder. Will post back when done.
  16. MiniGunDad

    Urban Warfare

    Ok thanks for you response, think i'll wipe and reinstall and also google for the 'ca' folder issue.
  17. MiniGunDad

    Urban Warfare

    Ok - quickly made a Zagrabad map and pasted copied items from the Urban Warfare Chenarus map, shuffled things about a bit as the camps and stuff were on top of buildings etc. I tried to start the map and it hangs on the 'receiving' screen. Had to Tab-Alt out. Interestingly the Urban Warfare map in the 'choose' list is listed as Urban Warfare Prototype which is definitely from ArmA2 not OA. So i believe in the OA 1.52 update the Urban Warfare was removed. I will wait until tonight (6hrs) and if no one can provide an answer i'll uninstall and reinstall and post back.
  18. MiniGunDad

    Urban Warfare

    kyfohatl - firstly many thanks for such a detailed answer. :) I did all the extraction but i used UnPBO which i already had. The folder is there => MP_UrbanWarfare but it's under the Chenarus map extension. (I know you said you don't have OA) In OA it was the map Zargabad or whatever it is. Now i believe i can copy and paste to the required map in the editor - well i presume so - i will give that a go and see how it goes and then post again later today. One other thing what is 'ca' i don't have a folder called 'ca'? When playing i have seen an error (when opening ammo box) something like "cant find file ca/ something or other" So am i missing something? Thanks in advance.
  19. MiniGunDad

    Urban Warfare

    Ok so no reply - did i dream it? Anyone? Someone answer, before i wipe the installation and reinstall to check my sanity :p
  20. After reading here http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=78651&highlight=TDM i tried to extract a TDM armawizard file (with unPBO) but it just produces blank folders :confused: Am i doing something wrong? ---------- Post added at 11:34 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:05 AM ---------- I miss-read the post Dur! Got it now.
  21. MiniGunDad

    Custom TDM

    I had a go at the PVP Mission Wizard and what a great piece of software it is. However I edited my TDM map and i noticed that the score only counts when i die - the AI is not taken into account. I added AIKills=1 to the description but to no avail. Also the terrain is lacking any grass - adjusted to 50 & 3.125 no change just flat & no grass. Team killing resurrection doesn't seem to work? It maybe the way i'm adjusting things but any help greatly appreciated.
  22. Have a look here http://www.pcspecialist.co.uk/laptop-computers/ totally customisable and you'll get more for your money.
  23. MiniGunDad

    Custom TDM

    That could be just the ticket - i'll give that a bash tonight. Thanks :bounce3:
  24. MiniGunDad

    Custom TDM

    Ok, well thanks very much for taking the time to discuss this - i'm on track now with hours of scripting and map tinkering ahead
  25. MiniGunDad

    Custom TDM

    Ok added chenarus suffix to MPT06_TeamDeathmatch.Chernarus and put that in my profiles MPMission folder. It is now visible in Chernarus menu as the TDM option is now Blue (editable). I click Edit and up pops the map - Functions & Trigger items on map but (what looks like) one 'red' soldier on map (in the sea) click and drag it and you get one 'green' guy, click again and another green guy, click again and so on and so on. You have to move the 16 green guys to get to the 16 red guys. Also bunched here is the respawn zones so if you play as it is you are all 2 foot apart and blasting each other :p Takes some doing to separate out and make something useful. Anyway i'm up and running - i assume i can do the same to the paradrop and urban warfare folders? :confused: I tried the urban warfare but ArmA 2 froze Ctrl Alt Del out only way to stop it. Are these just for OA?