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Everything posted by Mellet

  1. Mellet

    PLA MOD in progress

    Can you release the faces as a separate pack too please
  2. Mellet

    1st Infantry Division

    Hey this is the 75th website incase you wanted it http://75thrangerregiment.org/portal/index.php
  3. Mellet

    Hardware and settings for ArmA

    Hi, I was wondering how my new upgrades would run ArmA thanks alot. CPU- Intel Core 2 Duo 2.66GHZ or a Core 2 Quad 2.5GHZ (not sure which one to buy so hopefully you guys can tell me) GPU- EVGA 8800GT Ram- Cosair 2GB XMS2 Motherboard- Asus P5K ATX LGA775 P35
  4. Mellet

    ArmA Squad Directory

    Squad name- 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit Squad acronym- [26thMEU] Squad location- N.America, but we have one soldier from England Squad webpage- www.26thmeu.com Squad contact- Xfire Oscar420 Squad status- Recruiting+Active
  5. 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit We are a Tactical Realism unit that brings a new meaning to the word Brotherhood. The 26th MEU is led by real world military veterans and practices military tactics and strategies every battle. We are openly recruiting all who think they can handle the rigors of hard work and tough training. We do not have an age requirement but must request that every member act with the upmost respect and integrity. You will be promptly discharged if you fail to meet that requirement. Open Positions: 0311 Rifleman- The USMC believes every Marine is a Rifleman. Thus being in the infantry you will be required to understand all the concepts of open war combat and put your training from the 26th MEU to good use. 0369 Infantry Unit Leader- As a Fireteam leader or a Squad leader, you will be charged with the safety and well being of the Marine s under your command. Combat leadership is the hardest job in all the branches of the US Military, and thus it is just as hard in the 26th MEU. Once you undergo your required Time in Grade as a Rifleman, you will be trained to mast the art of leadership and lead men into battle. Basic and advanced small unit tactics will be taught and basic leadership and team management will be also learned by the upcoming trainee. 0331 Machine Gunner- The USMC machine gunner is one of the best trained Marines on the battlefield. Knowing the layout of the battlefield is key, and being able to support your brothers in arms is quite a challenge. After Boot Camp, you will be taught advanced support tactics and fire suppress tactics. The lives of many may rest on your knowledge and training, thus making you an asset to the 26th MEU. Navy Corpsman- The lives of your brothers are the number one priority of a Navy Corpsman. Once you complete Boot Camp, you may request training in becoming a Navy Corpsman. Once accepted, you will be given the rank of HR - Hospital Recruit (E-1). You will be trained in field hospital maintenance and medical tactics. Once you have completed your training you will be one of the few men on the battlefield more important than any officer or lumbering tank, you will be the saver of lives and beacon of hope for your injured comrades. These are some of the basic MOS’s(Military Occupation Service) that are available to you in the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit. A journey and adventure awaits those who dare take their first steps into the foray of battle, do YOU have what it takes? Come find out- http://www.26thmeu.com Oorah, Semper Fi