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Master gamawa

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Everything posted by Master gamawa

  1. Master gamawa

    RTS - Farm Wars

    Tigga please!!!
  2. Master gamawa

    How to make teammate change his weapon

    tell him to drop the pistol?
  3. Master gamawa

    Has anybody got full performance

    Dunno.. Some people get aroused like that I guess. Pilots prefer it too.
  4. Master gamawa

    Is triggered waypoints broken?

    I usually put the first way point a couple of yards away from the unit. They take two steps and they stop until the trigger is activated.
  5. Master gamawa

    Bitter Chill-help!!

    As soon as you get out of the trunk RUN AWAY! I took a north east route and hid under some trees, killed a few dudes on the top of the hill and escaped.
  6. Master gamawa

    Into the Storm ??? help !

    You have to do those in the right order or the mission dies on you. Search the forums for details. I cannot remember what I did. I think it was 1. house 2. moving tank 3. tank under netting.
  7. Well I think I found your problem. :) You have to understand us man. Most of us have been there since Operation Flashpoint. We know the story. We got the thousand yard stare. Jaded bitter veterans we are... And we know the Arma series is always rough when it starts. We have dealt with most bugs and we have more or less expressed the same complaints. It's gonna work eventually. Don't you know the golden rule? If you want to enjoy the Arma series you must buy the game a year after it comes out~!
  8. Master gamawa

    Is triggered waypoints broken?

    You need two way points. One to set the start position and a second to set the destination. sync the trigger to the first waypoint. The second waypoint is where you want the unit to move after the activation of the trigger.
  9. Some do, some don't. There is a topic about it. Use search!
  10. Master gamawa

    Question about 2 scenarios.

    Both? First clear the village and THEN pretend to be the dudes you killed in order to destroy the convoy?
  11. Yo! Download Arma Launcher all of you. It saves time and effort and you don't have to mess with shortcuts and commands at all. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=410 You can also create different profiles and save them!
  12. Master gamawa

    Taking screenshots? How? What utility?

    fraps! it shows you frames per second too and captures video.
  13. Master gamawa

    Has anybody got full performance

    Well, I can run the game with everything on Very High at 1680x1050 resolution (fillrate 100%) as long as my view distance is less than 2000. I get 30-40 fps everywhere except the big cities where it drops a bit. Sometimes it drops a lot! :) I don't remember my exact specs. I have a dual or quad core processor, 4 gigs of ram and an NVIDIA 285 something or other card with 1gig or video memory? Dunno. Don't care! Now the view distance is potentially too large to even be able to talk about full settings. Some people with a rig similar to mine may want to play with 5000m view distance which means that they have to compromise with their other graphics settings. Of course I see no reason to have my post process effects and antialiasing to very high unless I am taking screenshots. When I play I prefer to have pp, aa and grass to low because it launches my frame rate to 60. I don't think there is a machine out there that can play Arma2 on full settings since the view distance parameter is affecting everything and it has to do with personal preference.
  14. Master gamawa

    Boot Camp trainings

    This will eventually bite you in the ass dude. If you ever get stuck somehow it will probably be because you didn't do the training.
  15. Master gamawa

    How to select units 11+

    yes. and then the rest of the numbers, depending on the size of you squad... Imagine that f11 and f12 are like switches that allow you to use the f1-f10 keys for the rest of the squad...
  16. Master gamawa

    Lagg Solution

    Dear arma2disapointed. I think you are a maniac. A crazy train! A loose canon! An anrgy droning robot stuck in a loop for ever. I don't think your problem will be solved no matter how many cores you get. Even if BIS sets view distance to 5 million km. Even if characters become 2d sprites WITH NO ANIMATION PLEAS! There is nothing ANYONE can do for you! I had to get this off my chest.
  17. Master gamawa

    helo wont fly

    Press space/communication/support chose air transfer and then click on the map!
  18. Master gamawa

    What about date of new patch ???

    It's magic!!!
  19. Master gamawa

    Placebo the Nazi mod

    Dear longers. Are you by any chance a mod in a forum? Man you don't know how unforgiving and tedious work it is to keep a forum in order.It's like Vietnam. Vietnam with WORDS man!
  20. Master gamawa

    What about date of new patch ???

    In fact every time you ask about the new patch you push the release date back ONE WHOLE MONTH! It's all your fault, that's all I am saying!
  21. 'Tis True Gone be the days when you could wipe out a whole city as long as you had enough ammo. I used to play coop Armed Assault with my friends and we had games ending up with us dying 5-6 times and killing around 300 dudes each. It was fun but it wasn't challenging. Sometimes I would play solo missions in the editor and I would place a dozen enemy squads in a city and kill them all, alone. That doesn't make any sense unless you are fighting the dumbest army in the world. Now I find it difficult to deal with ONE squad. I am scared shitless! The new AI doesn't fuck around man and I like that. I don't need to put 700 enemy units in the game anymore since a few well placed squads will do the trick. I used to complain about that because I suffered from the "protagonist complex". You know. "I am the HERO and I will kill ALL OF THEM!" Arma 2 is closer to a simulation where you are just a little cogwheel in the Grear War Machine. Doing your part to help... stuff like that.
  22. Master gamawa

    Obvoisly we want some gore

    I personally don't find gore any fun. Have you ever seen real gore, dude? No, I don't mean horror movie gore. I mean like a bad car crash or something happening in front of your eyes? Have you seen pieces of brain on the road? Have you seen what internal bleeding does to a man's eyes? Do you know that a person injured in the lower torso smells like shit? I cannot understand what you consider 'fun' about gore. But I can sure imagine you fainting at the sight of real blood!
  23. Master gamawa

    Military experiences past/present/future

    I was an azimuth operator for this outdated piece of shit: The only good thing about being in the Airforce is that you train with WW2 weapons. I am serious. My first target practice was with a M1 Garand and a Bren MG. We used the G3 for guard duty. :)
  24. Master gamawa

    More units mod Arma2

    There are other strategy games that do that fine. I know Arma is very flexible but let's not get carried away... yet. Arma works best a simulation of a soldiers duties. Soon people will start asking for lightsabers and space exploration for Arma2!
  25. Master gamawa

    Make Arma series under subscription ?

    How can I stress NO enough? Ok imagine a supernova of NO sending deadly NO radiation through the universe of No, while the Gods of No scream "NOOOO" in agony! No I would never subscribe to any game ever. Arma is awesome because you pay 50 euros for the engine and then the community creates everything!