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Posts posted by manzilla

  1. lol this is comical. I bet some people are crying pretty hard. "OMG I can't wait. It's a very important game."

    Oh well I'm just excited to be able to be part of the alpha. I look forward to playing. When I get to is no big deal.


    LOL this really is funny. Not a good way to start off guys. You're gonna get a lot of flack about this. Sorry to see

  2. Oh well, at least we'll be having fun times playing. Personally I hate Steam but to not buy a game I'm excited to play just b/c it's on a platform I don't like seems childish. Man life really is hard.

    I feel for you guys that don't have the money atm. I've been there. I'm tempted to purchase a few copies as gifts for a few peeps. I'll see what I can do. There's a few of you guys that definitely deserve a gifted copy for all the time, sweat and crap from the ungrateful whiners you've put up with over the years.

  3. Is there a bug with regards to switching teams? I think I remember this from my mission making days. Something about if you switch to a different team and then back to main group leader/commander the HC function will not work any more. ie you cant order the other teams around any more

    I'm playing the most recent beta but the problem always seems to occur in the most recent release. No mods running

  4. Hi all. Been a while since I've posted but I'm here to say damn right I'll be buying the supporter edition. After a decade of enjoyment from OFP to A2 it's the least I can do. I look forward to purchasing it and coming back to the community. I'm pumped to make some missions for you all and hopefully this time I'll spend more time doing that. As much as I've loved the games over the years the community is the real force behind this game. Respect to all of that contributed over the years. A big thanks to you all and to BIS.

  5. Thank you BIS and FINALLY! lol I was just about to delete this game due to lack of integration but luckily I decided to check ArmAholic and what do ya know.....patch! You guys came thru. TKoH is a great game but there's only so much I could enjoy without integration. Here's hoping this patch does what I think it does.

    Regardless thank you for not abandoning this and giving us something else to do while waiting for A3. You guys are solid developers. Cheers fellers and hang in there.

  6. Whatever the case will be I'm pumped for whatever they give and whenever it comes. I'm just grateful to see that BIS is still at it. I've loved this series since the early days of OFP.

    On another front, it's good to see that a lot of you are still around after all these years. This community, man, therein lies the strength of these games. I'll be back once A3 hits for sure. Mission making FTW!(My favorite thing about these games)

    <----- Post 5050 mang.

  7. "Deploy across 15 new missions in the singleplayer campaign, scenarios and procedural template gameplay modes"

    Dammit I read this as a 15 mission campaign, not 15 total new missions. :( The end of the campaign was a let down. You guys really need to make missions more in depth. There's so many awesome things this game is capable of and you guys never really seem to use all that stuff in missions.

  8. Alright I'm having a little trouble getting past the "Search the building" objective. The marker on the map says it's a hospital but when I get there the building isn't there. Looks like it was destroyed. I'm right on top of the marker and I commented to myself something about "the stairs being out and I need to find another way." LOL The building ain't even there. I've searched the area for another building but none seem enterable.

    Anyone else have this problem? any idea how to pass it?

  9. Check the following ticket: https://dev-heaven.net/issues/39442


    My apologies Xeno but I'm having trouble drawing any conclusion from that discussion. From what I gather due to the way BIS implemented/released this DLC it will be very difficult to make it ACE compatible. Is that correct?

    I didn't realize it was so different than PMC and BAF. That's really a shame. Not sure why BIS did it like that. Woulda been better if it was "required" via DLC or lite via a future patch. Not a good move BIS IMHO. It kinda makes it pointless for me to make missions using the new DLC. :(

    By the way, glad to see you ACE guys are still at it. After all these years that's incredible. That's dedication and nobody can ever blame you guys for not giving a s&^t. Respek to you guys.

  10. This really does feel rushed. I hope it is just rushed and not laziness. I've been playing the campaign and while I am having fun it feels like very little effort was put into it. When I first read the amount of missions in the campaign I was pretty excited. Unfortunately after playing it I gotta say it's very bland. This doesn't feel like the usual BIS campaign. What I was really hoping for was a great campaign to inspire me to get back into mission making.

    I do appreciate the added content though. Hopefully you plan to fix things up in future patches.

  11. Can't wait until they release the Alpha- any ideas when it will be released, and how people can access it?

    Yes, of course there's an idea. They've recently confirm that it will be released when it's ready. As far as how when the time comes BIS will let us know here(forums) and by other means.

    Reading the first post is fun!

    we're actively working on the details of what will be on offer and how it will be accessed. Expect a formal announcement with simple, clear details soonâ„¢

  12. btw, when do you think you release it? beginning, middle or end of the week?

    When it's finished I reckon. ;) Answering that can be a pain in the ass and is pointless. There's always that(those) a*&hole(s) that cries(cry) cause the date one thought

    couldn't be met. It's a shame but people can be little babies.


    I haven't checked out your stuff in a while(nor played the game) and I'm very happy to still you're still at it. These later versions are excellent.

    Thanks again for all the work + time you've dedicated to this stuff over the years.
