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Everything posted by Mr.Whitlow

  1. Mr.Whitlow

    ineffectiveness of aircraft vs tanks

    Just to let some of you know - those who are complaining about not being able to target enemy vehicles in choppers from distances until they show up as red dots; there is a solution, although it is not the easiest of them all. If you right click (I press it down for a second or two so that my camera doesn't change) it will target whatever your crosshair dot is aiming at (And anything around it up to a small range). So, like I said, it's not that easy, but if it hasn't detected you yet and you want to take it out with ease from a distance, it's definitely an option. You can just keep pressing it at an area if you're not sure exactly where they are due to fog or whatever. This will work regardless of whether or not you have a gunner.
  2. Mr.Whitlow

    will BI add a functioning AN/PEQ-2

    lol. When I first looked at your topic I was like "What the f£%^ is an AN/PEQ-2", thinking it was some obscure multi-purpose weapon used by the Zambians in the second Zargonian war. Then I realised it's that thing on the right of the barrels of some guns, and I've got to say: thank you, now I know what they are. I always wondered what they are for except for making the gun look more futuristic. So yeah, the functionality should definitely be added. Will it? Probably, at some time. I doubt they'd model it at some time but just leave it out, never to look upon it again. Who knows.
  3. Mr.Whitlow

    The A-10

    Even though the effects are not the best, I'm just pleased they did the cannon damage right (Or about right) Problems: No shaking in the cockpit when firing main cannon No smoke comes off the gun when firing. (Watch some videos if you don't understand. It doesn't matter how fast the A10 is traveling, you WILL see smoke coming out of the barrels at the front of the plane) Not even a really weak effect. I mean, come on, we already have that kind of thing in game with other guns. The cannon barrels do not spin whilst firing. There is practically NO animation related to the GAU-8 firing. The GAU-8 sound is... Quite poor. It's not as bad as the harrier's GAU-12, but it's no way near as 'beastly' as the real GAU-8 sounds. I'll be sure to check out the new sounds mentioned a few posts before me. Erm, I'm not quite sure on this one but I'll mention it anyways. The numbers on the HUD are a bit weird, they do not go along with the numbers at the top left. Now I'm not sure if this is actually a feature (American units being used rather than knots or whatever is used at the top left !?) or a problem. And finally, the impact explosions of the 12-inch long depleted uranium 'bullets' are so, so weak. Ooh, a medium-sized puff of smoke. Woo. That gun must be powerful. I think some minor explosions would do the trick, or bigger smoke, which lasts longer. (Not too sure on how they should look. In some videos I see the bullets exploding, in some I see a lot of smoke/dirt coming up (In desert areas) but I'm not sure if not seeing any explosions was just down to poor camera quality or distance from impact. This might also be down to different bullet types) Oh, and one thing. As someone else mentioned, the GAU-8 firing does not decrease the A-10's speed at all. The plane uses some anti-thrust-force-power... Thingamajig... Or whatever... As the gun fires, and so the myth is a load of crap. It really is.
  4. Mr.Whitlow

    Tips for firing the M136 AT-4 in ArmA

    It seems about right to me... Maybe a little bit slow... Judging from the videos I've seen. Although I watched them quite a while ago. Oh and I almost forgot to say: Good tips, thanks
  5. Mr.Whitlow

    Call of Duty Modern Warfare...

    thing is, its not even a "gameplay" footage I think most of it was in game footage taken from camera angles you normally wouldn't get, and some of it was just cut scenes. Right now I'm a little bit excited about this. It'll probably be crap, but the trailer looks pretty good, and a lot of the information released seems sketchy. Deformable environments is a very nice change which can completely change the tactics of a map, and should make MP a lot better - as long as it's not just a few walls which get blown up every round, memorised by everyone as a habit, which will make it even worse. I'd like to see some video-interviews with the devs and some real ingame footage from one of the levels. I need a lot more information on this title before I can make my mind up. I loved COD+UO, but COD2 was a huge letdown and to be honest a piss-take in terms of updates, and the time taken to get them out.
  6. Mr.Whitlow

    NEW ATI out performs 8800 and is cheeper

    Uh... ATi has had a rival for a very, very long time... That will not happen, you can be sure of that. ATi graphics cards work fine (With (Basically (0-1)) no difference in FPS) with NVidia motherboard chipsets, and vice versa for ATi crossfire motherboards. (I myself run an ATi X1800XT on a nVidia SLi motherboard) I doubt that's going to change, so I wouldn't worry about it. The X1950XTX already had very high clock speeds, so there was no need to improve numbers which were already very very high. Personally I'm not very sure about the accuracy of DailyTech's results. Here's one thing I noticed: Half Life 2: Episode 1 XTX: 117.9 XT: 118.9 Uh... So the XT performs better in this test? What the hell? Also: Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion XTX: 100.3 XT: 101.4 Again... Wtf? I know it's only a 1 FPS increase but still... It just doesn't make sense.
  7. Mr.Whitlow

    NEW ATI out performs 8800 and is cheeper

    Uh... ATi has had a rival for a very, very long time... That will not happen, you can be sure of that. ATi graphics cards work fine (With (Basically (0-1)) no difference in FPS) with NVidia motherboard chipsets, and vice versa for ATi crossfire motherboards. (I myself run an ATi X1800XT on a nVidia SLi motherboard) I doubt that's going to change, so I wouldn't worry about it. The X1950XTX already had very high clock speeds, so there was no need to improve numbers which were already very very high. Personally I'm not very sure about the accuracy of DailyTech's results. Here's one thing I noticed: Half Life 2: Episode 1 XTX: 117.9 XT: 118.9 Uh... So the XT performs better in this test? What the hell? Also: Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion XTX: 100.3 XT: 101.4 Again... Wtf? I know it's only a 1 FPS increase but still... It just doesn't make sense.
  8. Mr.Whitlow

    1.06 (US) A-10/Nightvision footage

    Thanks for the video. Damn, that ESRB warning looks like it'll get pretty annoying after a while... One question: Can the A-10's 30mm GAU-8/A cannon (The big mofo on the front) take out tanks / APCs within seconds? (I know the harrier's GAU-12 can take out tanks/APCs but that takes about 20 seconds of continuous fire)
  9. Mr.Whitlow

    Average age of the Armed Assault player

    15 1/2. Mental age of 18+, with some rare childish humour and irn-bru overdoses. (J/k with the irn-bru)
  10. Mr.Whitlow

    Final Countdown

    Sheesh. This mission is so imperfect it's almost funny in some parts. Started the mission in the stryker as usual, it veered off the road at some stage (~250m away from target destination) and went over to a small house in the middle of a field. All disembarked, etc. bla bla. There was a BMP-2 sitting in the middle of a field further up. Having killed the 2 soldiers outside of it (And had not got in it for some reason), I climbed in, got an AI to drive and just gunned my way over to the camp. It was sort of OK up to there. Killed the RACS troops with ease, went over to the camp. It seemed like I was given a choice, but it copped out at the last moment and skipped to the next mission. I did all that stuff. As soon as the player swap became available I chose to pilot a cobra. (There are 4-5) Flew over. Had to retry like 15 times because I kept on getting shot through the trees by the Shilkas (Damn them to hell)... Took them out, then exhausted the rest of my hellfires on the T-72s. Then took another cobra. Did the same. There was a checkpoint saying 'check camp' so I looked at the directions and there was nothing there, just a field. Great. I did more camp-checking, all of which was to no avail. Then I got a command; 'wait'. So I waited. Then suddenly the mission completed after 15 seconds of waiting. (Also, my chopper lost control and crashed into a bunker as that happened) And... That was it. The news follow up was OK (I was expecting it to continue), and then the speech at the end was pretty much completely useless. (Seriously, wtf... "Oh, shit. Gordon died." - "Who?" (Exactly what I was thinking)) And that was the end. "Oh shit". I'm glad that I was able to completely disable Bagango's defences with a cobra and a half (I took another chopper after I used up all of my hellfires and FFARs) though. Was quite fun taking out all those tanks with the hellfires. The one fun part of the mission. Oh and by the way, there are pilotable harriers in the level, after the unit swap becomes available (Just swap a few times. There're 2 controllable pilots near harriers). You get the objective: "Provide air strike (Or support, whatever)" I tried to do it but I failed, sort of. I think I took only 1 tank. Think I need a bit more plane practice. (To the guy who was disappointed at the supposed non-existence of plane flying in the campaign) All in all, the mission was nothing less than poop, to be honest. Oh well. At least there's MP. (Which I like, a lot)
  11. Mr.Whitlow

    getting kicked

    Yeah, as mentioned before there's the 20kb limit on face paints. If you can't meet that target then just use a default one I guess. Additionally, FYI, the (SES) server has been locked down occasionally over the past few days as to prevent the server from getting overpopulated / laggy / having all the choppers crashed / blown up whilst on the evolution map. If, when you do fix your custom face, you still get a message saying kicked from server, it will be because the server is locked. Just had to tell you that
  12. Mr.Whitlow

    RHS Hind v1.0 for ArmA

    That's no rockets. It's a 23mm Cannon Pod. MfG Lee Cannon pod, eh? Roger. It's just... They fire and move exactly like the FFARs do, and have the same blast radius etc. so I just assumed that's what they are. Understood, anyway. Right. It's just, he didn't quote anyone and I don't wanna read through 7-and-a-bit pages to find out what he's really talking about. You're right about all the other choppers being the same, I've never seen any other AI-piloted chopper attacking ground targets... Except for one time when some guy on a co-op map (flashpoint rearmed) decided to shoot at the Mi17 and their MG gunner started firing back very inaccurately, but that's pretty minor...
  13. Mr.Whitlow

    RHS Hind v1.0 for ArmA

    Uh, I'm pretty sure I remember being able to fire the 40 FFARs you get with the AT version. I just turned on manual fire and blasted away. Great work with the hind the CAS version is just... Wow... Having 500 rockets (Called something something HE), going at 6 rockets per firing... it's insane. Not to mention the fact that they (At least, it seems to be so by the size of the explosions) are the same as FFARs. And yeah, also, the ATGMs acted really wierdly sometimes. Like, I targeted a Stryker ICV M2 which was right in front of me, 300m away, and the rocket, for some reason, did a sort of spin to the right, then did a sharp turn the the left around some trees which it didn't even have to go around, then missed the stryker, hitting the ground in front of it. And the next one did the exact same thing. Third one worked as I closed in to about 150m. I did, however, get some decent kills with them most of the time so I'm O.K. with that
  14. Mr.Whitlow

    dual core fix and possible tk solution

    What? 20-35 is not a jutter-fest. If you think so, it's probably 'cause you're not actually looking at your FPS but just guesstimating it. I'd say below 25 is bad, below 20 is a jutterfest. 25+ is not a jutter-fest, absolutely not. 30+ is smooth. Are you actually looking at your FPS? If so, with what program?
  15. Mr.Whitlow

    Multiplayer browser problem

    Phew! I'm glad it's not just me then. Got exactly the same problem.