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About Mcpl-Ripcord

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Mcpl-Ripcord

    Arma 2 Addon request thread

    I would like to see IR Strobe Lights on Infantry units and maybe IR glow sticks on vehicle antenna so I can ID them (in the air or on the ground) from the enemy. Is this possible?
  2. Alex72 that was a good vid, here is 1 I found where the arty is landing much closer to the camera and the Whooosh can be heard very well. fast forward to 2:23 http://www.apacheclips.com/media/8307/Incoming_Artillery/ if this sound could be implemented I would have nightmares after playing. Can't wait for this awesome sound mod. sound is what really drives immersion.
  3. OMG finally a sound mod that "sounds" real. Thank you Chammy and Protegimus I used your sound mod in Arma because it was the most overall realistic sounding, and have been (im)patiently waiting on your Arma2 version. I knew you wouldn't let us down.
  4. Mcpl-Ripcord

    Wizz 1.3

    nice idea... from a game play standpoint, since some type of indicator is better then none but. I don't remember my vision blurring or blacking out when taking incoming fire. it isn't something you can visually replicate, as it isn't visually impairing it's more a over heightened sense of your surroundings. sorry I guess this doesn't help. perhaps a better way would be to have a small translucent white rim around the screen and have everything inside it become more saturated with color when rounds strike or zip close by ...kinda like a white out (almost a light headed effect) if you over exert yourself or stub your toe, blackout is the opposite of the effect I am thinking about..but even a white out isn't accurate, but it is more accurate then blackout..it is very subtle..sorry now I'm just rambling, it is a hard thing to describe and even harder to visually simulate.
  5. Mcpl-Ripcord

    VopSound 2.1

    please tell me this means you are working on your own sound mod it really was the best all around sound mod for Arma... It would be a welcome addition to Arma II since the current sounds are.. well lacking
  6. Mcpl-Ripcord

    SLX Mod WIP

    The Mod is VFAI - AI Extension http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=83926 Thank you again for being so expedient on fixing the problems.
  7. Mcpl-Ripcord

    SLX Mod WIP

    thank you very much for the time you put into this mod. a few things that bother me though. *My guy goes into a prone position all by himself at times during combat..I would prefer to choose when that happens, especially when it happens as I'm trying to put rounds down range (this has happened while I was behind the cover of a building not in harms way at all) *The exaggerated breathing get's annoying especially when you are perfectly healthy/behind cover and are about to try and engage the enemy but can't because for some reason you are breathing so hard you can't maintain a proper sight picture. *At approximately 150m I have had to put one and a half mags (45 rounds) into an enemy center of mass in order to kill him. *AI block doorways and stairwells. *Enemy AI use smoke as a "cover" instead of a wall or building right next to them ..example they drop smoke (VFAI - AI Extension Mod) and all converge in it (perhaps that is a VFAI issue) other then that superb work, I did however turn a few things off like the weapon and bullet sounds as they to be honest were not very good. KUDOS to you! can't wait for a polished product that kicks ass.
  8. as a member of the Canadian military I approve of this mod :D while it is true we no longer use G wagons while out and about I did see some being used in Kandahar..although that was months ago and only for driving around base and for OPs around the city.
  9. Get of your high horse and stop being so defensive. I stated my opinion that Chammy's mod presented a higher % of realistic sounds..even added a :D to show I wasn't trying to be a prick. It is after all my opinion. you retaliate with which to me looks like you are comparing "realistic sound" to just louder. I then state my opinion on that, with a slight jab at you followed by yet another smiley to show I mean no offense. trying to loosen things up cause you obviously got all bent out of shape about my comment. My "take on realism" is based on 14 years in the Military and being in 6 different war zones, so I tend to have a higher standard of what I think sounds "real" then those that base their sound on what they hear in movies ( again this is not directed at you so remain calm ) and I am truly sorry I am not a modder nor have the skills to mod, I guess I'll just have to make do with serving my country and let others with the skills serve the arma community. on a side note your A-10 mod was the first mod I installed for Arma2, because it is the best there is out there.
  10. to me realistic does not = LOUD..maybe to you, but not to me. "realistic" means the right sounds. I would think since your supposed to be a sound modder you would understand that :rolleyes:
  11. regardless it was the most "over all" realistic sound mod out there so it did "pwn" all other sound mods :D and It is the one i am hoping gets released for arma2..i tried VOP..then got rid of it.
  12. Mcpl-Ripcord

    ARMA2 put you off the Army ?

    I am currently in the Army and have been for quite awhile. If this game (1 shot and you die) had been around when I joined It would have not changed my decision, I was young and gave no thought to the consequences. I have been in 5 war zones 2 of them were "Peacekeeping" but the threat was still there. OFP/Arma and Arma 2 while being as "realistic" as you can get by sitting behind a computer can never match the sites,smells and the sheer terrifying sounds of war, but it does do a good job in letting you know the abruptness of war..your alive 1 second then BOOM you cease to exist, and most times you don't see it coming.
  13. Mcpl-Ripcord

    Win 7

    My experience with Win 7 was less then spectacular my current OS is Vista 64bit, I heard Win 7 was running arma2 much better so I decided to give it a shot. After updating everything on Win 7 I installed Arma2, it ran worse then on Vista, stutters,lag and even a few CTD's which had never happened on vista. amazing i know :eek: On Win 7 I had to play with everything set to low or disabled in order to get a playable game..on Vista I have everything on high. It's odd to say but I was happy to re-install Vista. the problems with win 7 could be for a multitude of reasons. I did a full wipe of my HD to install win 7, I only play 2 video games Arma1 and now 2 so wipeing my HD is no big loss. It was a fresh, clean and completely up to date version of Win 7 RC so whatever the reason for it being poorer performance in Arma2 as opposed to other peoples I do not know. That's just my experience..yours of course may be completely different.
  14. This is how we do it. Contact left! (or pick your direction right ) anything to your front or rear is given by a clock location 6 o'clock is rear etc etc Everyone in the platoon,section or fire team goes prone,kneels whatever is best for cover and faces left (or direction said) then move into an extended line facing the direction of the attack then whomever saw the "target" says clock location now a more accurate direction is given since we r all now facing the proper direction 12 o'clock is to every ones front "description of what is attacking us" (armor,infantry,dog etc etc) Range in meters.. 200m (if the attacker is hard to see there may be a "follow my trace" which the person who saw the attacker fires on the position where he saw them and we fire in the same place once the tracer round has been fired or before if we see the rounds clearly striking. then a firing order ...suppressing fire etc etc generally we don't wait till everyone is facing the same way to start "winning the firefight" we also don't wait for a Firing order to start shooting if we see the attacker..we just lay down fire to try to keep their heads down while we move into position and make a plan of attack. it isn't like that all the time but that is the formula we use
  15. Mcpl-Ripcord

    Weapon transition (THIS IS IMPORTANT)

    What unit are you in? the C9 isn't my usual issued weapon (i mentioned it do to the pertinence to the topic) but as the situation dictates i have used it from time to time. I'm also no longer a Master corporal (haven't been for 2 years now) and in Afghanistan i always had a sidearm regardless of what weapon i was carrying at the time.