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Posts posted by Monkwarrior

  1. Merci.

    The problem is that the script is not run by the AI.

    In the beginning of the script there is a sleep 10 (line 24).

    When I am commander and order the AI to drive the tank starts moving right away. So the AI driver ignores the sleep 10 (and the rest of the script).

    When I am driver myself the sleep 10 is run and after that the rest of the script.

    Here is the script: http://www.pastebin.org/50009

    Thanks, Monk.

    ps ah there is Dengibtsesschon, I will investigate your suggestions gentlemen

  2. Gents,

    My goal is adding a delayed startengine effect for our vehicles.

    I defined the following eventhandler for that:

    (_this select 0) addEventHandler ["engine", {_this execVM "\I44_base_scripts\EH\tank_start.sqf";}];

    In the tank_start.sqf we coded the timedelay and the startingsounds for some vehicles.

    The problem is when I'm in a tank as a commander and I order the AI driver to move forward the tank starts moving right away. The tank_start.sqf is only played at my client, the AI seems to ignore it.

    How can I make sure the AI has to wait too a certain time before they are able to move the tank ?

    I'm sure I'm overlooking something, but what ?

    Thanks for your time gentlemen, Monk.

  3. The only perspective I'm getting that's worth a candle is from the countless other people who have already voiced concerns similar to mine. You appear to be an exception...all I can say to that is "lucky you."

    Sorry, that one doesnt fly.

    In fact its the other way around.

    In this forum you will mostly see the people having troubles with the game.

    The thousands without any serious problems are not voicing anything in here.

    They are playing the game ......


  4. Can anyone give me a heads up of any good video recording software that works with DR, since Fraps doesn't? I tried ZD Soft but I don't find it's quality options to be good enough. Really want to make that comparison video.

    You could try gamecam, I use it often.

    Not sure whether it works with DR tho.


  5. Thanks DMarwick.

    After extensive testing we have come to the conclusion that using setvehicleinit and Processinitcommands does not work in MP for us.

    In fact none of the other players could even see any smoke at all.

    Part of the code we used looked like this:

    for [{_i = 0}, {_i <= 5}, {_i = _i + 1}] do


    _shell = "Smokeshell" createVehicle [0,0,200+random100];

    _shell setPos [objX,objY,3];

    _vectdir = _dir;

    _velocityFactor = 15;

    _velocity = [((_vectDir select 0)*_velocityFactor),((_vectDir select 1)*_velocityFactor),((_vectDir select 2)*_velocityFactor)];

    _shell SetVehicleInit format ["This, setvelocity %1;",_velocity];


    sleep 4;


    In fact the setvelocity command also doesn't work in MP either.

    The only thing that works right now in MP is a createvehicle statement.

    So as a workaround we create our smokeshells on the spot where we want them to end. A sub-optimal workaround because tankcrews can create a smokescreen behind houses etc :(

    Any more suggestions are welcome of course.

    After all there is still something we are missing because the guyz from ACE are able to do this :)

    Thanks, Monk.

  6. I still am certain that for most configurations XP is the winner.

    If you have a choice then I suggest 32bit XP, other choices could work out fine, but will seldom give you the same performance.

    Of course there could be other considerations about choosing another OS, but IMO if you want to play arma then there is only 1 best choice: XP 32bit.


  7. Gents,

    Our tanks have the ability to produce smokeshells.

    The gunner has an action in his menu to "pop smoke".

    The code which is run is an sqf-file and it looks like this:

    /* 	pop_smoke.sqf
    Script to produce a smokewall fired by a tank
    The smokewall will be in front of the turret where the turret is aiming at
    Called by: PzKpfwV.hpp and other tankscripts with popsmoke ability
    Version: 1.0
    Date: 04/10/2009
    	0) the tankobject
    	1) name of the main gun on the turret
    	2) reloadtime in seconds
    _armored = _this select 0;
    // The name of the main weapon 
    _nameofmainweapon = _this select 1;
    // The reloadtime
    _reloadtimesmoke = _this select 2;
    _reloading = _armored getVariable "I44_reloadsmoke";
    if (_reloading > 0) exitwith
    hint "Smoke dischargers are being reloaded";
    _armored setVariable ["I44_reloadsmoke", 1];
    //Get tank postion and direction of the turret
    objX = getpos _armored select 0;
    objY = getpos _armored select 1;
    _dir = _armored weaponDirection format ["%1", _nameofmainweapon];
    objdir = (_dir select 0) atan2 (_dir select 1);
    for [{_i = 0}, {_i <= 5}, {_i = _i + 1}] do
    _shell = "Smokeshell" createVehicle [0,0,200+random100];
    _shell setPos [objX,objY,3]; 
    _vectdir = _dir;
    _velocityFactor = 15; 
    _velocity = [((_vectDir select 0)*_velocityFactor),((_vectDir select 1)*_velocityFactor),((_vectDir select 2)*_velocityFactor)]; 
    _shell setVelocity _velocity;

    So basicly we are using a createvehicle and setPos to create and move a smokeshell.

    The problem

    In our dedicated server ONLY the player launching the smokeshell sees the smokeshell. So the script is not run on the other clients.

    What are we missing here ?

    How can we make sure this smoke is to be seen by all other clients and the server ?

    Thanks gents, Monk.
