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MR Weasel

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Everything posted by MR Weasel

  1. thanks for the help and sorry i could not find the vista thread befor
  2. MR Weasel


    Does anyone know if ArmA will work on Windows Vista because i am getting a new pc and would like to find out
  3. works good for me well done ,no more earacke can you do the same for the tanks ?
  4. MR Weasel

    How to play CZ/GER version completely in English

    let me get this right-i install the game CZ DVD,then the pach1.01 and then 6thSense-ArmA_Language_Patcher_v0.8.exe. and the game will be pached and translated in to english and not crash!
  5. thanks sorry i forgot about the nosplash thingy
  6. Do i need to run this in a mod folder as it said in the readme or can i just backup the original files and over wright them and the game will run ok ! . beacause when i run the mod shortcut there is no intro screen and i would like to make missions and play the game with out shuting it down and starting again with the moded shortcut or have i just insalled it wrong ps: good work and well done
  7. MR Weasel

    Armed Assault is -AMAZING-

    I have got the Czech version converted into English and have only played it for 6 hours in the mission editor and agree with RedStorm.I have to say if you like ofp you will love this the sound,gameplay,graphics all surpass ofp and make the game much more immersive. there are some bugs but i dont care . i give the game 9/10 P4 3.6HT 2048MB ATI,X850XT,256MB. Game running on Normal/High view 1200 about 30fps/give or take 10fps lol .