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Everything posted by MehMan

  1. MehMan

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    Stupid VLC, how can I disable the double click adding to the playlist instead of playing the video feature?
  2. MehMan

    What Do These Mean?

    No they don't. They don't look anything like those.
  3. Dunno, I'm not getting the same problems the reviewer is. And many of us arent.
  4. What is not understandable in my post? I am suffering from this problem too and it's annoying me too.
  5. MehMan

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    Give us your budget first and we can work it out!
  6. MehMan

    Why don't retard Mortar teams fire?

    Gonna have to learn to use the editor.
  7. MehMan

    Where is the new patch?

    Oh noes you have to wait more than two weeks!
  8. Is it just me or does the weapon gain some momentum when you move your weapon around really fast? not as if the senstivity is off but the weapon/cursor continues to move after you've stopped the weapon, is if it's gained momentum. It seems chunky. Yes I know there are other identical topics, but I'm special so screw you.
  9. MehMan

    Aiming with momentum?

    I don't mind the dexterity, I mean big heavy weapons can feel big and heavy no probs. But when I stop my mouse the weapon needs to stop too.
  10. First time I ever heard of that.
  11. Silence you. I feel this lag as a kind of momentum the character gains after you move the weapon around fast. It just goes on a bit further than you'd like to and you can't control your character as smoothly and as sharply as you can in other games and that's a bad thing.
  12. The enviroment is awsome, but man the campaign annoys me. I mean, the voice acting is sometimes bland, sometimes annoying and I just don't like being the macho main character that I think the character wants to portray me as. Kinda breaks the immersion. Somebody should make a campaign through the eyes of Colby Buzzell. Because that's where I think I'd be in the end, in the infantry, not the marines, not the SF, nothing special.
  13. MehMan

    Aiming with momentum?

    My car's in the shop and I'm avoiding work so I'm spending my day annoying as many people as I can. FINE, I'll do the proper thing and READ the other topics. Actually might find a remedy.
  14. MehMan

    Texture lag. How to solve it ?

    Far bigger view distance, far more objects to render, a heck of a lot more information for the GPU to handle, more units on screen than in Far Cry 2, etc etc. Far Cry 2's VD is at around 200m. ArmA2 has the default viewdistance set at 1600m.
  15. MehMan

    can I run Arma 2?

    Much has been said about this and you haven't bothered using the search function. Or searched through the topic Tophe kindly linked you to. Apparently you haven't even looked the minimum requirements that have been posted all over the place. So no, we won't answer your question, because it has already been answered.
  16. MehMan

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    What's your budget?
  17. MehMan

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    It's not. Do NOT buy a prebuilt PC. You overpay it and it's usually not as good as a custom built rig.
  18. MehMan

    The best video games.

    Dangerous Dave in the Haunted Mansion
  19. MehMan

    The best video games.

  20. Eh, Far Cry 2. So dulllllllllllll. Pretty. BUT DULL TO THE BONE.
  21. MehMan

    ArmA II Random Lockup

    Doesn't happen to me and many many other people. So I guess it's not the game code. What could be helpful is if you put your specs here, driver versions, etc. YES THAT'S HOW BIS HAS ALWAYS BEEN. BIS have always supported and kept releasing patches for their games well after their inital release. So name one developer that releases a patch for a game 3 years after it's inital release. It's a very short list isn't it? Also, relax, it's JUST a game. It's not the end all drug of your life.
  22. MehMan

    3Dsmax ArmA2 modding toolset

    YES! Also, what about scale? I really sucked at syncinc the O2 scale and max scale.
  23. MehMan

    Community Awards. . .

    I mean you no harm, but I think the community awards should be left to the community, as in, sites like Armaholic, armedassault.info could promote a poll that could've been setup elsewhere or an email thing like you had setup. I think you have better things to do than worry about a modder competition when it's all completely subjective.
  24. MehMan

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    I do. Otherwise it's no better than a BF clone. And it will have bugs. IT WILL. As a game grows more complex more variables are in play and inevitably more chances for bugs. Changing stance are we.