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Everything posted by MehMan

  1. Bumpedy bump bump. So the US release is past us. Any updates/more info on the tools? I'm not asking for the release date or for the tools right now, just some more info on what's going on. Or is it status quo?
  2. MehMan

    Why do distant soldier animations jerk?

    Makes perfectly sense for me as you ran a local server that applied server rules and I´d like to bet that it´s part of the netcode for server. Check if you can reproduce it in a SP map you  don´t play on a local server. I haven´t come across this anytime and I only play SP, so imo it is a netcode thingie to avoid bandwidth pacman. Try running it on low/normal object detail. You'll see the jerkiness happen at about 500m. In some desert fields, it can get annoying yeah. Luckly combat usually occurs at less than 200m so it's fine, but sometimes it really kills it...
  3. Don't worry, found the reason for the wavy textures at the intake.
  4. Depends how much they defer from the british troops, besides the arm patches or other minor things like that. Otherwise, not in the first release. I am working on this alone and I have more than enough work as it is.
  5. MehMan

    Armed Assault videos

    Average Joe you are so on the way to becoming my new hero. That afghan map will totally frigging ROCK in ArmA!
  6. Hello, I've hit a brick wall head on while riding a tricycle with learner wheels on it. ArmA in terms of modding and getting the addons ingame to show up properly and nicely is busting my b*lls squarely. Mainly because I have no expirence whatsoever with OFP/ArmA modding, besides basic configing(haven't even reached the part about weapons) and setting up the model in O2(control surfaces) and a few other things. I've done those things, and after a lot of trouble they are working nicely. But ofcourse, all is not perfect: (config at the bottom) Lets start with the small thing that I cannot in any way explain or solve, a distorted, wavy texture, but only on some parts, most notable on the wheels and intake: Compare that to these wheels and the bit of intake you can see: While the above render was made in 3dsmax it is completely the same in O2. it shows up crystal clear and nice. It is a 2048x2048 texture, psd->tga->pac, converted with texview. The tga is 24bit, what else would I choose if I don't have any alphas. Well, that's one problem I can't solve and have no idea how to solve. [EDIT] Shadows working now, had to reverse them and triangulate them. YAY FOR ME! Still need help with the texture please. Help please. Thanks in advance. Promised config: As you'll see, I took the RC Be-32k for the basis, I'm still using some parts of it. I hope I didn't ruin anything for anybody or something by posting this, if yes, then i'll remove it: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">#define TEast 0 #define TWest 1 #define TGuerrila 2 #define TCivilian 3 #define TSideUnknown 4 #define TEnemy 5 #define TFriendly 6 #define TLogic 7 #define true 1 #define false 0 #define private 0 #define protected 1 #define public 2 class CfgPatches { class f8     { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {}; }; }; class CfgSkeletons {  class Plane; //Define base class.  class f8Bones: Plane  { isDiscrete=1; skeletonInherit = ""; //Inherit all bones from class Car. skeletonBones[]= { "rudder","", "elevatorL","", "elevatorR","", "flapL","", "flapR","",         "aileronL","", "aileronR","", "gear front","", "gear front wheel","gear front", "gear front flap R", "", "gear front flap L", "", "WingtipR","", "WingtipL","", "gear flap top L","", "gear flap bottom L","", "gear flap bottom1 L","", "gear rear tube3 L","", "gear rear tube1 L","", "gear rear wheel L","gear rear tube1 L", "gear rear tube2 L","", "gear flap top R","", "gear flap bottom R","", "gear flap bottom1 R","", "gear rear tube3 R","", "gear rear tube1 R","", "gear rear wheel R","gear rear tube1 R", "gear rear tube2 R","", };  }; }; class cfgModels { class Plane; class f8: Plane { skeletonName = "f8Bones"; sectionsInherit=""; sections[]= { "light" }; class Animations { class F8_wheelrotate_RR {    type = "rotationX";    source = "wheel"; selection = "gear rear wheel R"; axis = ""; memory = true; sourceAddress = "loop"; minValue = 0;          maxValue = 1;           angle0 = 0;    angle1 = "rad -360";  }; class F8_gear_RR_wheelin { type ="rotation"; source = "gear"; initPhase=1; animPeriod =5; selection ="gear rear wheel R"; axis ="axis rear wheel R"; angle0 =0; angle1 =0; }; class F8_gear_RR_tube_1 { type ="rotation"; source = "gear"; initPhase=1; animPeriod =5; selection ="gear rear tube1 R"; axis ="axis tube 2 R"; angle0 =0; angle1 ="rad -120"; }; class F8_gear_RR_tube_2 { type ="rotation"; source = "gear"; initPhase=1; animPeriod =5; selection ="gear rear tube2 R"; axis ="axis tube 3 R"; angle0 =0; angle1 ="rad -120"; }; class F8_gear_RR_tube_3 { type ="rotation"; source = "gear"; initPhase=1; animPeriod =5; selection ="gear rear tube3 R"; axis ="axis tube 1 R"; angle0 =0; angle1 ="rad -120"; }; class F8_rear_gear_flap_bottomR { type ="rotation"; source = "gear"; initPhase=1; animPeriod =5; selection ="gear flap bottom R"; axis ="axis gear flap bottom R"; angle0 =0; angle1 ="rad -60"; }; class F8_rear_gear_flap_bottom1R { type ="rotation"; source = "gear"; initPhase=1; animPeriod =5; selection ="gear flap bottom1 R"; axis ="axis gear flap bottom1 R"; angle0 =0; angle1 ="rad -60"; }; class F8_rear_gear_flapR { type ="rotation"; source = "gear"; initPhase=1; animPeriod =5; selection ="gear flap top R"; axis ="axis gear flap top R"; angle0 =0; angle1 ="rad -60"; }; class F8_wheelrotate_RL {    type = "rotationX";    source = "wheel"; selection = "gear rear wheel L"; axis = ""; memory = true; sourceAddress = "loop"; minValue = 0;          maxValue = 1;           angle0 = 0;    angle1 = "rad -360";  }; class F8_gear_RL_wheelin { type ="rotation"; source = "gear"; initPhase=1; animPeriod =5; selection ="gear rear wheel L"; axis ="axis rear wheel L"; angle0 =0; angle1 =0; }; class F8_gear_RL_tube_1 { type ="rotation"; source = "gear"; initPhase=1; animPeriod =5; selection ="gear rear tube1 L"; axis ="axis tube 2"; angle0 =0; angle1 ="rad 120"; }; class F8_gear_RL_tube_2 { type ="rotation"; source = "gear"; initPhase=1; animPeriod =5; selection ="gear rear tube2 L"; axis ="axis tube 3"; angle0 =0; angle1 ="rad 120"; }; class F8_gear_RL_tube_3 { type ="rotation"; source = "gear"; initPhase=1; animPeriod =5; selection ="gear rear tube3 L"; axis ="axis tube 1"; angle0 =0; angle1 ="rad 120"; }; class F8_rear_gear_flap_bottomL { type ="rotation"; source = "gear"; initPhase=1; animPeriod =5; selection ="gear flap bottom L"; axis ="axis gear flap bottom L"; angle0 =0; angle1 ="rad 60"; }; class F8_rear_gear_flap_bottom1L { type ="rotation"; source = "gear"; initPhase=1; animPeriod =5; selection ="gear flap bottom1 L"; axis ="axis gear flap bottom1 L"; angle0 =0; angle1 ="rad 60"; }; class F8_rear_gear_flapL { type ="rotation"; source = "gear"; initPhase=1; animPeriod =5; selection ="gear flap top L"; axis ="axis gear flap top L"; angle0 =0; angle1 ="rad 60"; }; class F8_WingtipR { type ="rotation"; source = "user"; initPhase=1; animPeriod =2; selection ="WingtipR"; axis ="axis WingtipR"; angle0 =0; angle1 =1.574387; }; class F8_WingtipL { type ="rotation"; source = "user"; initPhase=1; animPeriod =2; selection ="WingtipL"; axis ="axis WingtipL"; angle0 =0; angle1 =-1.574387; }; class F8_wheelrotate {    type = "rotationX";    source = "wheel"; selection = "gear front wheel"; axis = ""; memory = true; sourceAddress = "loop"; minValue = 0;          maxValue = 1;           angle0 = 0;    angle1 = "rad -360";  }; class F8_front_gear { type ="rotation"; source = "gear"; initPhase=1; animPeriod =3; selection ="gear front"; axis ="axis_gear_front"; angle0 =0; angle1 =-1.574387; }; class F8_front_gear_flapL { type ="rotation"; source = "gear"; initPhase=1; animPeriod =4; selection ="gear front flap L"; axis ="axis gear front flap L"; angle0 =0; angle1 =-1.574387; }; class F8_front_gear_flapR { type ="rotation"; source = "gear"; initPhase=1; animPeriod =4; selection ="gear front flap R"; axis ="axis gear front flap R"; angle0 =0; angle1 =1.574387; };  class f8_aileronL {    type = "rotation";    source = "aileron"; selection = "aileronL"; axis = "axis_aileronL"; memory = true; sourceAddress = "clamp"; minValue = -1;          maxValue = 1;           angle0 = "rad -45";    angle1 = "rad 45"; };  class f8_aileronR {    type = "rotation";    source = "aileron"; selection = "aileronR"; axis = "axis_aileronR"; memory = true; sourceAddress = "clamp"; minValue = -1;          maxValue = 1;           angle0 = "rad 45";    angle1 = "rad -45"; };  class f8_Rudder {    type = "rotation";    source = "rudder"; selection = "rudder"; axis = "axis_rudder"; memory = true; sourceAddress = "clamp"; minValue = -1;          maxValue = 1;           angle0 = "rad 25";    angle1 = "rad -25";  };  class F8_ElevLeft {    type = "rotation";    source = "elevator"; selection = "elevatorL"; axis = "axis_elevatorL"; memory = true; sourceAddress = "clamp"; minValue = -1;          maxValue = 1;           angle0 = "rad 15";    angle1 = "rad -15";  };  class F8_ElevRight {    type = "rotation";    source = "elevator"; selection = "elevatorR"; axis = "axis_elevatorR"; memory = true; sourceAddress = "clamp"; minValue = -1;          maxValue = 1;           angle0 = "rad -15";    angle1 = "rad 15";  };  class F8_FlapsRight {    type = "rotation";    source = "flap"; selection = "flapR"; axis = "axis_flapR"; memory = true; sourceAddress = "clamp"; minValue = 0;          maxValue = 1;           angle0 = "0";    angle1 = "rad -25";  };  class F8_FlapsLeft {    type = "rotation";    source = "flap"; selection = "flapL"; axis = "axis_flapL"; memory = true; sourceAddress = "clamp"; minValue = 0;          maxValue = 1;           angle0 = "0";    angle1 = "rad 25";  }; }; }; }; class CfgVehicles { class All {}; class AllVehicles: All {}; class Air: AllVehicles {}; class Plane: Air {}; class f8: Plane { scope=public; model="\f8\f8"; displayName="F-8E"; side=TWest; crew = "SoldierWPilot"; driverAction="Mi17_Pilot"; Icon = "\RC_Be32K\e\rc_be32_icomap.paa"; picture = "\RC_Be32K\e\rcbe32_ca.paa"; accuracy=0.30; gearRetracting = true; nameSound="plane"; soundEngine[]={"\RC_Be32K\engine.wav",4,1.2}; soundEnviron[]={"Objects\noise",db-60,1.0}; // Cessna sound soundServo[]={"Vehicles\gun_elevate",db-40,0.4}; // Cessna sound maneuvrability=30.0; maxSpeed=800; armor=50; ejectSpeed[]={0,0,0}; flapsFrictionCoef = 0.5; cost=20000; type=VAir; threat[]={0.1, 1, 0.7}; aileronSensitivity = 0.5; // relative aileron sensitivity elevatorSensitivity = 0.5; // relative elevator sensitivity noseDownCoef = 0.2; // how much goes nose down during turns landingAoa = 7*3.1415/180; brakeDistance=500; // vehicle movement precision steerAheadSimul=1.0; steerAheadPlan=2.0; extCameraPosition[]={0,3,-20}; // 0,5,-30 is standard Air class // Radar stuff irTarget=true; irScanRange = 2000; irScanGround = true; // Weapon and ammo weapons[]={}; // none magazines[]={}; // none      class UserActions { class wingtipup { displayName="Wingtip up"; position="pos driver"; onlyforplayer=0; radius=10; condition= "this animationphase ""F8_WingtipR"" < 0.1"; statement = "[this] exec ""\f8\tipdown.sqs"""; }; class wingtipdown { displayName="Wingtip down"; position="pos driver"; onlyforplayer=0; radius=10; condition= "this animationphase ""F8_WingtipR"" > 0.99"; statement = "[this] exec ""\f8\tipup.sqs"""; };         }; }; };
  7. I think I've found the problem. It's the glass that seems to be causing problems. Blah!
  8. MehMan


    Lovely plane indeed. The only bad part is that I live in the landing path of our only international airport and An-124s make a lot of noise and a lot of shaking on approach.
  9. Yeah these points are where the errors report them. I'll try reexporting from Max to see what it'll do. Just one thing though, if the Uvmap is distorted, wouldn't it show up in O2 already? [EDIT] Aw son of a.... it was that. Damn it, now I gotta redo nearly everything. [EDIT2] SON OF A ...... DAMN IT! After spending an hour getting everything just right, it's still there. FFS! This is really bugging me out .
  10. MehMan


    The Armory is stupid sometimes. I took the rubber boat for a ride and it put me on land for my challenge...
  11. Warning: UV coordinate on point 4007 is too big UV(386.061340, 45.576820) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results I get a lot of these errors...
  12. MehMan

    make a car to drive straight

    Make it a script and loop it. Like so: #loop codecodecode goto "loop"
  13. MehMan

    ArmA Photography I - No images over 100kb.

    A: My F-8E(unrel. WIP)
  14. Well, it's smooth ingame. Dunno why the viewer doesn't like me. Can anybody point me towards a weapon tutorial that I can also apply in ArmA?
  15. MehMan

    nvidia 5200 fx

    Were is the important factor. Sorry mate, but your computer is outdated, you shouldn't expect more than 10 FPS with that setup. It's outdated for any new game. I think it doesn't even support directx 9.0c. IIRC it only supports up to 9.0a.
  16. In bulldozer or O2 itself? In bulldozer here's how it looks: In O2: Only one view LOD for now, still haven't fixed all the problems that would enable me to get to work on the other LODs.
  17. MehMan

    Beta 1.07.5154 feedback thread

    That's not a bug, that's your hardware lacking.
  18. MehMan

    Patch 1.08

    Are you aware that a implementing DX10 would require an entire engine change? It wouldn't be in a patch. Unless you want a 3 gig patch that won't work properly with older cards. And it's BIA and they do not work on ArmA, only BIS does. BIA handles VBS, BIS handles ArmA.
  19. MehMan

    Patch 1.07 will not run on Win2K

    I wish everybody could post like you Tako_Kichi. At least in the sense that there's no flaming in it.
  20. MehMan

    Public Beta Patch 1.07.5154

    I have good preformance, haven't tested to see if it's better or worse, but it looks better. Also, the A-10 kicks ass, the AV-8B finally engages laser targets, the AH-6 also engages infantry(WOOT), it's a step up for me and many other non 8800 users.
  21. MehMan

    The A-10

    I don't think drag is a problem on the A-10 at all. The plane isn't meant to go really really fast, it's meant to go slower and be a flying tank. And it's doing one heck of a job at it. IIRC the marines were/are eyeballing with the A-10 because it's superior CAS capabilites than the AV-8B or F-18.
  22. I'm a bit devided. I like WW2 mods and I also like Vietnam era mods. But which one do I love? Hmm, tough question... Eh screw it, I just voted for WW2, heck even my mod is WW2.
  23. MehMan

    Errm, where's my A-10 again?

    As far as i know there is no GBU version as someone made a config in the addons section to rectify this. I'll admit i'm amazed that there was no GBU official version  Actually it isn't surprising. We have the AV-8B with GBUs.
  24. That depends wildy on when the tools are released. I can do the model and texturing, but beyond that I'd rather not play with the old tools and wait for the new ones to get things working like they should.
  25. MehMan

    ArmA Photography I - No images over 100kb.

    E: Photoshop A: Unreleased F-8E(still WIP)