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Everything posted by MehMan

  1. MehMan

    Battlefields Everon SP

    Ah wait, found the Engs, forgot to search for them in the sqm :P. There are also some Rus sounds. It's mainly sounds that are spoken that are not in ArmA. YouSendIt Link Fixed.
  2. Yeah, some new fresh info besides it'll be done when it's done would be great. It's a bit disappointing to hear nothing about the tools about a month after the US release. I'm not asking for the tools, just some info on their status or something.
  3. MehMan

    Battlefields Everon SP

    YouSendIt Link It should be working flawlessly now. I would like to know if anybody else gets any missing sound errors, want to know if they are on my end or is it the mission somehow. How I did it? Easy, you get the mission, unpbo it, edit the mission.sqm file in notepad and replace the addons and autoaddons with ArmA default mission ones. Then you change the folder "extension" to the name of the island and load the mission up in the editor and check what's wrong. Every "error: missing SoldierWLAW" error means that there's something wrong in the sqm. So you use the biki with the infantry and vehicle classnames and then use the notepad replace function to find and replace the names of what needs to be replaced. If you hit something you're not sure what it is(Like HeavyGrenadier for the east side) you either replace it with a default soldier or something that you see fit. You also have to change ammo and weapon classnames because they've changed from OFP. If there are any scripts with the mission look out for commands within quotation marks and replace the quotation marks with {}(can't remember the names of these:P). That's what I've discovered so far. But to convert each mission it shouldn't take longer than 20 minutes, not including testing.
  4. MehMan

    Battlefields Everon SP

    Yeah sure. I've just experienced the savegame bug. I'll have it up in about half an hour.
  5. MehMan

    Everon 0.1

    Hmm, even though this is an alpha release, I'd like to report that there's a problem with saving and loading. If you save a mission and then try to reload the land will disappear and you'll end up in the sea.
  6. MehMan

    Battlefields Everon SP

    Ah, also found one more scripting error that's now gone. Now for the final testing.
  7. MehMan

    Battlefields Everon SP

    Here's a few problems: The HeavyGW needs to be removed or replaced in the mission.sqm. The squad leader was replaced by the officer. SolderWLAW and ELAW needs to be replaced in the SQS. Heavy grenadier needs to be replaced with something. Jeep too. The ammo boxes need replacement. I've done all those for myself, so if anybody wants I can put up that version.
  8. MehMan

    Psychology of killing.

    Probably almost nobody.
  9. MehMan

    Psychology of killing.

    Probably almost nobody.
  10. MehMan

    Psychology of killing.

    Nobody knows unless you've been there and had to do it. And I doubt that people here could live without side effects, statisticly there are only 2% of people that can do that. Your basic human instinct tells you not to kill another one of your kind. But in times of crisis your other human instinct pops up that tells you to survive and it's stronger than the don't kill. Better him than me is the logic then.
  11. MehMan

    Psychology of killing.

    Nobody knows unless you've been there and had to do it. And I doubt that people here could live without side effects, statisticly there are only 2% of people that can do that. Your basic human instinct tells you not to kill another one of your kind. But in times of crisis your other human instinct pops up that tells you to survive and it's stronger than the don't kill. Better him than me is the logic then.
  12. MehMan


    Is this a sign that the new O2 is on the way or just so we can post our ArmA modding questions related to the old O2 here?
  13. MehMan

    No Elevation

    it didnt show anything like this on the video nor the features page of VBS2 homepage i think there is a differents between basic training and VBS, anyway not something needed to go deeply Yeah, I don't think VBS is meant to train soldiers how to use weapons but how to operate as unit in combat situtations.
  14. MehMan

    ArmA Photography I - No images over 100kb.

    A: F-8E WIP unreleased
  15. I've hit it and now I am clueless how to get past it. Here's my situation, the front racks should hold 4 rockets(2 on each side) the wing pylons should hold 8 bombs (4 on each side). So I've done the whole proxy thing, I've set up the sidewinder ones and the bomb ones, and this occured: Could anybody point me to any tutorial explaining how to get the bombs to work only on the wing pylons and not take over everything?
  16. Oh well. There are workarounds, so I guess I'll have to use those.
  17. MehMan

    Everon 0.1

    Great work! I hope that it'll be possible one day to enlarge the land mass of everon in a way, just making it about 3 times bigger. Then we wouldn't need Sahrani. Also, can't wait to see this at like 0.5 or something, with some rocks and objects added!
  18. I'm looking for some good infantry battle locations, so far I've found only one good one: Just west of obergan. It offers good visibilty and a good flatish terrain, The hills aren't too steep and it isn't too flat, the vegetation isn't overdone but there's enough to provide cover. There are other objects around that provide cover, the whole place is perfect for a nice infantry on infantry battle. Besides this I haven't found anything else, so does anybody else have any good locations where you could battle it out without one side being in a total and absolute advantage? And I don't mean deserts, they provide no cover at all. Also, the AI doesn't preform as well in urban enviroments as it does in open fields, so scratch anything more than four houses out. So, what else do we have?
  19. MehMan

    Good infantry battle locations?

    Hmm, well the Cayo area is all desert. And the desert is flat. AI snipes too well with single shots. Not a lot of fun. The Somato area also looks very nice. The Modesta-Gaula-Everon triangle area looks nice from the map.
  20. Good eye! Fixed it now, heh. A 250? Sure.
  21. I think this is not a standalone issue, but rather one very much connected to the question "Why improve the graphics so much and leave so many smaller realism-related tweaks out that people wanted so much?" Which is what I have been wondering myself as well. In OFP alot had to be scripted to circumvent engine limitations, which is what alot of people had hoped would be included in ArmA by BIS. OFP/ArmA players are mainly playing these games for the gameplay (realism), if they only wanted cutting-edge graphics they would be playing something else. These aren't cutting edge graphics. But I believe that so much has been missed out because they most likely made this game from 0 in a year and a half. Or at least with a small basis. As you can see a lot of other games have a development cycle that's a lot longer than this. So a lot was missed out. And to ensure sales they had to get some eye candy in there. You can't really show gameplay via screenshots.
  22. Well, after a long time I present a WIP: I'd like to thank the I44 team for allowing us to use their Mg34.
  23. I gotta say, why? Jeez man, if you want OFP graphics, stick with OFP. I don't have the cutting edge tech and I can run ArmA just fine at low with one setting at normal. I'm not too picky with the difference between 30 or 100 FPS. ArmA took OFP graphics on another level and it improves immersion(yeah I know, it's sooo cheesy to say this) atmosphere and general feel of the game. It's just better.
  24. MehMan

    Choppers paradise

    Gonna check this out. Thanks!