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Everything posted by MehMan

  1. MehMan

    ArmA now found in Wal-Mart

    You seem to have not heard about the hideous LOD bug.
  2. MehMan

    Info on upcoming 1.08 patch

    I see that you've bought a bunch of crap on other forums. The devs themselves haven't said a thing about the release date and they are the ones in charge, so I don't expect anybody else to know any better. Besides, it's best not to set release dates for patches and so on. Remember what happened last time? It's just best to release it when it's done, not when you want it to be done.
  3. MehMan


    Nobody knows. Nobody knows a thing. The only thing we've seen in the form of tools is one tiny screenshot of O2 and the words we're working on the tools and they'll be released after the US release in May. And the first two tools to be released are: TexView and Binarize Now that was revealed some time before the US release, I think about two months or so ago. Now we haven't heard much about the tools since then. I'd be glad to just hear some news about the tools now that the US release is out, just some news. But oh well, I have my hopes that some news will get out after the 1.08 patch.
  4. MehMan

    Your home town/city/farm?!

    Canada? Domžale, Slovenia Half welsh though. I never knew my tiny little town actually has a wikipedia page. heh.
  5. MehMan

    Info on upcoming 1.08 patch

    Well ofcourse I&C will come back after the PR and just derail this thread again and just claim that you are a fan boy. That's his best rebuttal. Anyway, while I am excited about the patch, I'd also really like to hear something about the tools. Just some info.
  6. MehMan

    PMC WRP Demo islands released!

    I think this might mean that the Falklands can be fully intergrated and made! :O!
  7. You have to configure it under Customize->Prefs->Viewports->configure driver and then you can select the size of the map, or the closest to it. After doing that, restart Max.
  8. MehMan

    Serbian Special Forces Project

    Screenshots are too dark or from odd angles and don't show much so we cannot judge much.
  9. MehMan

    Info on upcoming 1.08 patch

    No. Because they are changing the game as they go, not big details, but small enough to make some addons not work but it's not a huge deal to update and fix it. That lies in the hands of the addon makers or yourself with the permission of the original makers.
  10. MehMan

    Info on upcoming 1.08 patch

    I'm guessing they are finally implementing what they wanted to from the start but ran out of time or something else.
  11. MehMan

    Drago Island relased!

    Yeah, I've noticed that on Everon too and I think that the problem will exist until the arrival of the tools. It's related to the terrain detail setting somehow, try setting the detail on low and then on high on one of these places and compare.
  12. So, you're jumping to conclusions. Where did he say that he is distributing content? He never gave a link to any BIS content here, merely a program that can extract it. And the program itself gives out a warning that it is meant for educational and viewing purposes only.
  13. MehMan


    operation madman, careful with that. For every good side there's always a bad side. You're walking a thin line there which you're crossing a lot. But ontopic, the medics in this game aren't medic medics, they are just guys who can bandage you, that's it, that's how I would describe it. Not exactly the guys that drag you away. Just a guy with a lot of bandages.
  14. MehMan


    Puma, can you just cut the damn flamebaiting and plain insulting?
  15. MehMan

    satchel radar

    AI is sometimes way too accurate in firing. I've had this happen to me a couple of times, the AI was about 300m away, I was lying down with my squad firing at them, they were retreating with a bang, I put my sights on a grenadier, took a shot, missed, the grenadier promptly made a 180° turn and fired his GP killing me with his first shot. And that is out of a sprint. And his back was turned to me. While not exactly an awareness lesson, it is an accuracy lesson.
  16. MehMan

    Drago Island relased!

    Very nice, just it misses one thing: rocks! Rocks and little things like that provide some excellent cover while patroling an open area and suddenly ambushed.
  17. MehMan

    Everon 0.1

    Any more updates?
  18. MehMan

    Everon 0.1

    One question concerning the grass and difficulty in LOD loading of the grass, sometimes you get both the long distance grass LOD and the upclose lod at the same time and it looks strange. Is this because of the way the island is imported(my guess) or is the problem only on my end?
  19. MehMan

    ArmA is just ... disappointing

    One of my biggest griefs with ArmA is the AI. I can get over the whole fancy pancy graphics and what not, but the AI is way too limited in urban action and even in open space combat. With the introduction of more urbanised areas I'd expect that the AI would get refined to work properly there. Instead they walk in the middle of the street, their idea of cover is to lie down in the middle of the street and the only chance of decent combat with the AI is their unique sniping ability and better detection skills than T-700. Same goes for open spaces, while they do flank and also leap frog to an extent, they do it without using proper cover. They leapfrog by running and stopping in open spaces, instead of going through cover to cover. Then again the cover is always sparse, a few rocks here and there but the terrain is too flat to actually provide good cover by itself. No small natural trenches or the likes that would provde good covering abilites. I'd like to see some microterrain managment, not just macro. I'd like to see some more options of cover besides those two rocks and lying down. Small bumps, drainiage trenches, roads are usually lifted off the ground etc, stuff that provides cover. Not just either really flat, or really hilly. And then the ability that the AI would use it without me having to drag it there and set all it's poses.
  20. And two more because of the limit :P:
  21. Well then, here are some wires:
  22. WIP=work in progress. My F-8E is a WIP. Loosen up. Jeez, I'll just remove the screenshots then if you people can't move on. But here are some WIPs if you want to judge them: I'd post wireframes but with my knowledge I don't know how to render them in max. I've tried some material editor ones, but they just seemed to do it wrong. I can however post perspective screenshots.
  23. MehMan

    Battlefields Everon SP

    Ok, I'll do Ninjas.