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Everything posted by Marxis

  1. Marxis

    MI 24 : Who wants it ?

    Thank you for making that slovak hind RH , it looks very life-like!
  2. Marxis

    MI 24 : Who wants it ?

    The pics are bit shitty but here <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">http://www.maydown.co.uk/pages/041_1958_RJa.htm <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">http://www.maydown.co.uk/pages/041_1956_RJa.htm <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">http://www.richard-seaman.com/Aircraft/AirShows/Ciaf2006/Highlights/SlovakHindHeadOn.jpg
  3. Marxis

    MI 24 : Who wants it ?

    Anybody in for a slovak hind? <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">http://img227.imageshack.us/img227/1314/800pxslovakiapresov454cs0.jpg
  4. Marxis

    MI 24 : Who wants it ?

    Wow , Robert , you don´t like sleeping , do you?
  5. Marxis


    A lot of hard work done here! Good job , is a damage model planned for the future?
  6. Marxis


    But i´ve seen african partisans wearing all kinds of berets on the field...
  7. Marxis

    CSLA Studio

    I meant federative army.Can i find ACR and OSSR weaponry list somewhere? Couldn´t find it quickly , ill look into valka.cz
  8. Marxis

    CSLA Studio

    Great work! You can still see those trucks roaming through Czech rep./Slovakia some times Maybe a little OT , but i read somewhere that CSLA had its own grenade for RPG-7 , i didnt know our army had RPG-7 , i thought we only had RPG-75 , what happened to those 7s?
  9. Is the project alive?
  10. Marxis

    RH weapons

    Hmm its just an optic illusion or are those AKs a bit small? Can you please tell me how it looks ingame?
  11. Marxis

    Rellikki's stuff

    No YOU didn't. what did you mean?
  12. Marxis

    ArmA 2

    that would be nice but those things arent usually added on the battlefield through firefights and ArmA is mostly about that i think.
  13. hows your project going Eric?
  14. Marxis

    Russian Federation Units V.1

    wow , those features are amazing!
  15. Marxis

    ArmA 2

    LAV-25 , BTR-80 , BTR-90 , MiG-21 , MiG-25 , MiG-29 , Su-27 , Su-25 , MiG-39 , F-35 , F-18 , AK-47 , M16A2 , M16A4 , M4A1 , AK-74M , AKS-47 , AKM , AKMS , AKS-74U , AKS-74M , AKS-74 , AK-74 , AK-103 , M9 , Yargin , Kord , M2 , C-130 , An-26...some of those i would like to see
  16. Marxis


    oooh , is the comander MG functional?
  17. Marxis

    Russian Federation Units V.1

    wow! those guns are new or imported? a piece of hard work!
  18. quality piece! which tools did you use m8?
  19. Marxis

    Hezbollah faction?

    wow , where they got such modern armory? and AK-103? i thought its only for export and used in Venezuela and in small numbers in Russia