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Everything posted by Marxis

  1. Marxis

    ArmA 2

    he meant that AI would act more natural , not robotic "see=kill"
  2. Marxis

    ArmA 2

    now this isa community , 26 pages of complaining i would not be surprised if ArmA 2 was deleted (but it wont be because of dollars)
  3. Marxis

    ArmA 2

    now this isa community , 26 pages of complaining i would not be surprised if ArmA 2 was deleted (but it wont be because of dollars)
  4. Marxis

    Oxygen 2

    an error appeared in the program System Windows now gathers informations about the error and generates needed files Please wait , this operation can last a bit longer...
  5. Marxis

    ArmA 2

    and how about a world war between PC gamers and Jack Thompson´s crew?
  6. Marxis

    ArmA 2

    and how about a world war between PC gamers and Jack Thompson´s crew?
  7. Marxis

    Oxygen 2

    so when can we expect the first addons?
  8. Marxis

    O2 its here!!!!

    umm , Personal means you cannot release addons to the community?
  9. thanks for the answer
  10. maybe its a stupid question , but if you use a custom jpg face in your profile will players in MP who dont have this face see you with this face?
  11. Marxis

    PAA Editing Tool

    hmm , it does for in Photoshop CS2 for me.
  12. Marxis

    CSLA Studio

    keep up the good job , czechoslovak brothers!
  13. Marxis

    Arm Patch

    Hmm , i will be fun to see a SLA soldier with a US flag on his arm or a US soldier with a red star
  14. Marxis

    CSLA Addons

    Good to see my parents homeland army here Dobra praca s8n
  15. great work s8n , have you tried retexturing RHS ArmA ported Hind ? , by the way , i am also Slovak
  16. Marxis


    theyre not russians , theyre from North Sahrani Army
  17. Marxis

    RHS - FSB Special Forces v1.00

    do you plan any enhancements to wep pack? Like PM , PMM , RPK-74M , AK-47 , AKM with a steel mag , PKM , RPK-47....
  18. is there the proclaimed 128 player warfare?
  19. Marxis

    RHS release 6

    when you will finish the reconstruction of your site?
  20. is th ere an alternative mirror? Because this one decrease download speed to 10% on my side
  21. i have a questiong for Conspiracies fans : which would you prefer? DELUXE or EXPERIENCE ?
  22. Marxis

    RHS releases

    i ve been waiting for RHS to come back for very long time!
  23. Marxis

    FFUR 2006 2.0 Total conversion pack

    wont there be Llauma faces in 2.5?