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Everything posted by Marxis

  1. Marxis

    Merging Textures

    i can´t wait!
  2. nice , good to see something made only in new O2
  3. Marxis

    Merging Textures

    so , you are going to merge textures in old Oxygen and then add effects (HDR maps , shadows...) in O2?
  4. Marxis

    Hezbollah faction?

    it would be kinda grotesque to see an IDF and perhaps - Hamas play a PC game match
  5. Marxis

    Russian Federation Units V.1

    maybe this is not the right thread , but how can you distinguish Oxygen light and Oxygen 2 weapons?
  6. Marxis

    ArmA 2

    i hope not , because then Code guys will take the monopol
  7. Marxis

    Russian Federation Units V.1

    i vote for custom models in V2
  8. Marxis

    ArmA BHD:MOD

    good looking! are you working in the new tools?
  9. Marxis

    ARMA 2 Aircraft wishes

    well , an F-35 for the west and MiG 1.44 for east
  10. Marxis

    Russian Federation Units V.1

    sorry for my stupid question , i meant if you will have weapons modelled exclusivly for ArmA or OFP imports ?
  11. Marxis

    Russian Federation Units V.1

    so V3 will have "ArmA only" weapons?
  12. nice! you used new tools?
  13. Marxis

    Fixing ArmA

    XD !
  14. Marxis

    Operation Flashpoint 2 officially announced

    but what about state owned means of production?
  15. Marxis

    ArmA 2

  16. Marxis

    ArmA 2

  17. Marxis

    Need Mlods

    oh , thanks for info
  18. Marxis

    ArmA 2

    are the big quotes necessary?
  19. Marxis

    ArmA 2

    are the big quotes necessary?
  20. Marxis

    Need Mlods

    sorry for a stupid question m but what is MLOD? a blueprint?
  21. Marxis

    ArmA 2

    i like ArmA even though i cannot even run it. I have an original copy , i am a 5 year fan of OFP , i love to discuss ArmA related things amd i am tired of all the whining so why should i leave?
  22. Marxis

    ArmA 2

    i like ArmA even though i cannot even run it. I have an original copy , i am a 5 year fan of OFP , i love to discuss ArmA related things amd i am tired of all the whining so why should i leave?
  23. Marxis

    Quick Question About Addons. Then and Now.

    oh , thanks for exposing me some information because i was really confused
  24. Marxis

    Quick Question About Addons. Then and Now.

    so if i get this right , it is impossible at this time to make a fully new current engine addons ? (like AK-47 , T-80...)
  25. Marxis

    ArmA 2

    he meant that AI would act more natural , not robotic "see=kill"