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Everything posted by madrussian

  1. madrussian

    Arma feedback thread - based on 1.11

    I'd be interested in seeing if other people agree with this assesment. Â I intend to try it out also, but it's kind of a tricky thing to test. Â Any others agree that with 1.11 Durgs Vegetation is no longer necessary?
  2. madrussian

    Enhanced Configuration System

    @ECS team: Â Good to see your ongoing support for your excellent mod. Â After using it the first time, I was hooked, as if on crack-cocaine. I cannot imagine playing ArmA without it ever again! Quick question regarding the awsome Dynamic Voices: Is it possible to continue using the dynamic voices, but disable them for one side only? Â Like for a zombie mission, you probably don't want the zombies yelling out anything other than moans, etc. Â How about dynamically reassigning them? Â On a related note, is the ECS dynamic voice system designed to easily add new voice banks (i.e. Nazis! )? Thanks for your highy immersive and necessary mod! <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">#define BULLET_CRACK_CLOSE_LEVEL 2.000000 #define BULLET_CRACK_FAR_LEVEL 4.500000 #define WEAPON_LEVEL 7.000000 #define WEAPON_MG_LEVEL 8.000000 #define WEAPON_AMG_LEVEL 9.000000 #define WEAPON_SNP_LEVEL 6.000000 @Fromz Curious but it appears your recommendation includes alternate volumes for the sonic bullet cracks. Â I was under the impression playing that ECS disabled those sonic cracks altogether? Â Is this not correct? Â Did they just make them really quiet? I'm only wondering because I have always hated hearing the sonic cracks, and thought ECS got rid of them... (even though they may be realisitc.) btw- Â I always use your sound pack... it rocks!
  3. madrussian

    new zombies mod

    Yes, please provide an option to disable the actual Combo-Breaker itself (not just the voice). Many of us think that it, like the voices, is very arcade like. Keep up the good work! Â
  4. madrussian

    Enhanced Configuration System

    After playing around with ECS for some time, I have to say... Â The AI improvements here seem massive to me! Â And the ambeint sound (both environment and speech) is really top notch. Â None of it seems overdone at all, which is really saying something. My only complaint at this point is when the player catches on fire he survives for way, way too long. Â You should be dead in a matter of around 5 or so seconds, no more. Other than that my jaw has hit the floor, and I'm still in awe. Â Makes we want to play ArmA more and start creating missions again. Having to start anew without ECP in ArmA really killed things for me for some time... no more! Â
  5. madrussian

    Resistance Units

    Cool.  Can wait for the opfor!  Out of curiosity, how do you plan on differentiating them from the good guys? If it’s not too much work, why not some of each?  If you have to pick, I’d go for the worn down civ clothes… as I think they’d be more versatile for mission makers. Well, keep up the good work, making the apocolypse for ArmA a reality and all.  You’ve made a lot of people very happy so far.
  6. madrussian


    Yeah, a job can a be a huge drain on time, energy, and creative thought... that is unless you are working for a game developer, publisher, or magazine. Â Some of them get to play games at work! Oh, the wonderous things I could create for ArmA if I wasn't in here all the time!
  7. madrussian

    Resistance Units

    Agamoth, I've got to tell you I've been waiting for diverse rag-tag units like yours since the dawn of ArmA. Â Keep up the excellent work! I was setting up a quick apocalypse mission last night an I started wondering: With your talent, have you considered cranking out a pack of regular civilians? ArmA is sorely lacking these... all we got is a bunch of beach bums and no women! I got to thinking, maybe create a "before" version of each of your units? Â (i.e. what they looked like before the descent into anarchy) The idea is, if we could combine the said regular civilians with your current apocalyptic pack, we could create missions that start out with "normal everyday life" not long before the [insert favorite end-of-humanity event here], and model the transition to full blown Mad Max survival! I get shivers just thinking about it... edit: sp
  8. madrussian

    new zombies mod

    Having to deliver headshots to bring them down can be fine if you want the "dead" variety of zombies. However, having required headshots really does not fit with the "infected" variety of zombies, who should go right down if you shoot them in the body. Any chance of adding a toggle for headshot required to accomodate both zombie types? Great mod... keep up the good work. Â
  9. madrussian

    Time Paradox

    Very interesting find! I can't seem to get time reaccelerated to normal for everyone else afterwards though... must just be part of the way the bug works.
  10. I had hoped that nobody asks for it I think that I insert a solution afterwards. You can send your solution to me with pleasure. Then I will check this. However, a bigger adaptation is necessary. Cool! Â I need to do a bit more testing of my solution in terms of respawn, and then clean it up a little. Â With any luck, I should be able to send it to you sometime this weekend (Fri-Sun for me). @anyone following this effort to add ability to change group counts in a given zone... quick update on my solution: Â I was able to add ability to change the number of infantry, wheeled, and tank groups. Â I've got this working, including in zones which have camps offering respawn. Â Next, is to give Silola a chance to evaluate for possible inclusion. @Silola- You have a new PM.
  11. madrussian

    Firing sound and animation glitch in mp

    I could, but as I said, it doesn't happen all the time, so it's not a specific mod. It only seems to happen on certain missions. Just because it's intermittent, that does not mean it's not a specific mod (or combination of mods) causing it. Â Or a specific mission or set of missions for that matter. Â Good luck finding the culprit.
  12. Sounds great! In addition to the specific case you mention here (remove groups that were inserted to DAC that were originally editor groups)... What about removing groups that were originally generated by DAC? Â I can think of many uses for this possibility. Â However, from reading certain passages in the Manual and having a quick look at the code, I realize this type of removal from DAC may be a bit more difficult to acheive. I had hoped that nobody asks for it I think that I insert a solution afterwards. You can send your solution to me with pleasure. Then I will check this. However, a bigger adaptation is necessary. Cool! Â I need to do a bit more testing of my solution in terms of respawn, and then clean it up a little. Â With any luck, I should be able to send it to you sometime this weekend (Fri-Sun for me). Just curiosity, but by "bigger adaption", I think you may be refering to the user being limited when the number of groups is reset? Â Also perhaps to keep a cap on the total number of groups DAC reserves for itself (i.e. relating to DAC_GroupPoolEast, etc. Â Maybe there is a way to release all the currently unused groups back to the mission creator?) Â Or something more entirely?!? DAC just keeps getting better. Thanks again for this monster you have unleashed!
  13. Congratulations Silola and all who contributed to this enormous undertaking! Â Â It's great to have the DAC back... and with all this new functionality! Â Just how many man-hours have logged by now, Silola?!? After the demo missions I was floored with all the new capability. Â Deactivation and reactivation of zones will open up new worlds and breathe new life into ArmA. There are only a couple of things I was hoping for that don't appear to have made it in. #1: We now have the ability to add editor groups via DAC_fInsertGroup, which is fantastic! Â I was kind of hoping for a function to remove a given group completely from the DAC on command (for things very specific to a given mission, where you know the group can't go back to being DAC controlled, etc). Â Any plans for this? Â #2: The new DAC_fChangeZone command is a great new enabler. Â But... In addition to what's already there, I was really hoping to be able to change the number of groups within a given type in a zone. Â Was this something you were planning on adding at a later time? Â Also, if there's something I'm missing here please advise (knowing me, I wouldn't be surprised). In the mean time, I have added this capability to change the number of groups for a type in a zone, via a new function. Â (This was not trivial, due to how the DAC "reserves" groups and the manner in which it rebuilds them, but I was able to accomplish it.) So far I have it working for infantry. Â I done a descent amount of testing... no bugs that I can find. Â In a few minutes, I'm going to tackle wheeled vehicles and tanks, which should be no problem... then I may have a look at helos and bases to check on feasibility. There are two restrictions to be aware of - First, the changes only take affect upon reactivation of the target zone. Â And secondly, the new number of groups you select for the zone upon reactivation must not exceed the original value. Â This is not a problem because you should be able to anticipate the max number of groups you'll ever need in the beginning. Â (i.e. With current DAC 2.0 we do this anticipation already anyway! ) In any event, I'd be happy to provide my solution via pm to you Silola for evaluation or post it here if you desire. [i needed this capability for a phase-based mission I'm putting together. Â Think of it in terms of a series of days of combat, with planning during the "breaks". Â btw- Without DAC 2.0, my mission would never have even a chance!] Anyhow, I have trouble putting in to words just what a marvel DAC 2.0 really is. Â Thanks so much for everything you have done! Â What a gift for so many of us.
  14. madrussian

    3d goggles - total immersion? (z800 3dvisor)

    You have got one of these set up?!? Mind if I ask a few setup questions? What projectors you are using? Are they specially designed for stereo 3D (i.e. fast burning green phosphor, etc?) Are you using shuttering or polerizing for your 3D? What resolution is each projector running at? Two seperate video cards? Are you using the stereo drivers Nvidia released some time ago? (Last I checked they hadn't updated them in quite a while.) I've been thinking about such a setup since around 1999 or so... kinda forgot about it for a while though until you mentioned it! edit: btw Fresh- Dual projectors really is the way to go, if you've got the $. Â It's going to be several more years to get an acceptable resolution/refresh with displays contained inside goggles... unless you're willing to spend a fortune. Â Not to say that dual projectors won't take a chunk out of your wallet though!
  15. madrussian

    P V P

    It wouldn't necessarily be a bad idea to have various realism levels (more options is always better), provided that the realism setting was defaulted to ultra-realisitc. But please do not tie them to mission "styles". Â I for one want realisitc control mechanics (speed, acceleration, etc), no matter WHAT mission or style I am playing, coop, PvP, or otherwise. Â Likewise, I'm sure there are others out there who would like the exact opposite (i.e. sped up gameplay) in all modes. Â Why not let the user select for himself on a case-by-case basis? Side note - Some of you may have played the revolutionary Mount and Blade, which has taken mounted combat to a whole new level. Â This game has an interesting new feature: a combat speed setting (Slow, Normal, and Fast). Â First time I've ever seen that option in a game, but it makes perfect sense. Â Let the USER decide how realisitc he wants things... In this case how fast he would like the in-game combat to play! Â (...and selectable directly from the menu at that! )
  16. Can't wait to try this out! Â Been waiting a long time for something just like this. Â From a quick look, sounds very configurable.
  17. madrussian

    Is there any way to...

    Agree with Balschoiw and all the other umpteen people who hate the mouse auto-center. Â It's annoying and consolish, and there's really no technical reason why we shouldn't get at least an option to turn it off. If anyone does not believe this is a big issue for a huge number of users, go look it up on the bugtracker. Â Its up there near the top in terms of votes.
  18. madrussian

    PROPER Mods

    First off, thanks for everything you've done in regards to the anim speeds so far, in terms of being able to adjust them. I just spent a bunch of time looking around and fiddling in E:\Games\ArmA\@Essentials\Addons\proper_anims_fast_forward_transition\h\core.hpp" I see you've already got these four taken care of: #define PROPER_SPEED_GENERIC 2 #define PROPER_SPEED_DIAGONAL_SPRINT 1.75 #define PROPER_SPEED_WALK 1.5 #define PROPER_SPEED_DIAGONAL_WALK 1.5 In addition to what you've already got, I'd be most interested in being able to seperately adjust the two overall running speeds ("jog" and "sprint") regardless of weapon or other factors (although realizing the need for subcategories for the diagonal movement in each). Â Also, the ability to adjust strafe speed in various directions would be great (all regardless of weapon or other factors to start with). At this point I don't really have recommendations for speed values... but if you can just get those broken out (maybe assign them a factor of 1 for starters?) that would be wonderful. Now, if somehow you could provide a comprehensive break out for all of the movement anims organized in some sort of standard way (i.e. easy to use like the four you've got already), I would be in shock and awe! Â I realize this last request is probably a little far fetched, but hey might as well ask, eh? Thanks much for your efforts!
  19. madrussian

    PROPER Mods

    Q, thanks for all your Proper fixes. Â I use many of them regularly and can't imagine the game without them now... Keep up the good work! Â If you keep chipping away we'll eventually get there! (Also thanks much for keeping them all seperate... such a keen eye on the fact we all have different tastes. Â Â ) Just tried Anims Fast Forward Transition, and I'm getting the following error: "Data file too short" I've tried it in a single mod folder with no other addons included, ArmA version is 1.08, etc. Â Any idea what might be causing this? Â Are any of the Proper addons dependent on others?
  20. madrussian

    Sprint and Animation fixer

    Amen to that!
  21. madrussian

    Sprint and Animation fixer

    Here's my two cents on the whole reloading while walking running thing. Reload while walking is probably ok... But reloading while jog or sprint is very unrealistic imo. In any event, if anything like this ever gets implemented, please keep the release seperate from the basic fix, so we all happy.
  22. madrussian

    Sprint and Animation fixer

    Lots of cool new animation ideas everybody! @Sakura-chan: If you or anyone else starts to implement any of these "extras", please consider keeping one version with just the fixed default ArmA anims (i.e. no extras). Â That way those of us who like all the new shiney anim features that go beyond just the fix can be happy, while any of us who don't prefer all the extras can still enjoy the basic fix. Â I tried out the fixes last night, and man oh man was I impressed... like a whole new game! Â With all respect for other opinions, imo the transition speeds are perfect as is... start speeding things up and it gets arcade-like. Just get those last couple core fixes in place (including jog to sprint pointed out earlier by Q) and we'll be all set. Â Thanks a million for bringing this game back from the grave for me!
  23. madrussian

    Sprint and Animation fixer

    I'm so happy I'm almost speechless! Â Too bad I'm at work now... seriously considering taking off early to try this out... this set of anim-transition-related bugs has single-handedly ruined ArmA for me thus far and it sure sounds like you're on track to have it utterly squashed!!! Thank you Sakura-chan. [Hmmmm... that may be the first time I've EVER used the love icon... you certinaly deserve it though!] BIS, hope you agree this is a critical game fix and definately should be in the 1.09 patch. (Ironic in a way that this simply critical fix coincides roughly with ArmA's One-year birthday.)
  24. I do have to say on this - The broken amin transitions are my #1 most hated bug in all of ArmA!!! Â Glad to see this one is in the process of getting squashed for once and all! (ok, actually it's tied with the god-awful mouse auto center while driving... can you fix that one too Sakura-chan? )
  25. Are you saying you fixed the broken transitions without having to eliminate the walk funcionality?!? Â If so, then congrats! Thanks to all who have contributed to the effort by characterizing the problem and all it's permutations, and to all who have attempted to fix it. Â Indeed, this was a big issue! edit: understand it's a work in progress... can't wait for the final result!