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Everything posted by madrussian

  1. I'm assuming you just tried jogging in slo-mo, using accTime=0.9 or something similar? Wondering because that's how I got started. TrueGameplay mods slows a good deal of the animations down by approx 10%. Â (Mostly jogs and sprints with the different weapons.) Â It does speed certain things up by various amounts, like swimming and certain transitions. In case you haven't looked yet, it's broken up into modules, so make sure and use the right one. Â The pack is really excellent. Â Just use the ones you like, and omit the others. Â (Range one in particular gives me troubles.) Â I use about 75% of the individual pbos. One mod in that pack you definitely shouldn't miss is the one affecting turn-speeds. Â It gives you a sense of momentum while jogging and sprinting. Â It also eliminates spinning so fast in circles while prone. Â It's really a must have. Another thing on the TrueGameplay speed reduction mod. Â It's mostly complete, but he did miss a number of animations, and thus there remain some inconsistencies. After a lengthy learning process and much blood sweat and tears, I "completed" what he started (for my own use, probably should release as an extension to his). Â Then I went a couple of steps further, carefully reducing all the sprint speeds a bit more so they make more sense with respect to one another. Â (i.e. A man should be able to sprint faster unarmed than he can with a rifle, for starters.) Then finally I closed the diagonal sprint speed exploit (BIS bug). Â You know how you were saying you sprint and sprint for a long time and get tired? Â If you switch over to diagonal sprint at that point you are full speed again. Â So I fixed that so you cannot sprint diagonally faster than the slowest you get after fatigue sets in. Â Yeah overall it's a pretty good addon that I spent a ton of time on. Â Just a single PBO. Â I probably should release it. So if TrueGameplay alone does the trick for you, then great. On the other hand, if you are interested in my extension addon, I'll certainly get it to you to see what you think. One way or ther other, we'll get your character at least partially de-humptied.
  2. The devil it is. Sounds like what might be on order for you might be one of a couple of possibilities. 1. Try slowing the jog down some.  See if that helps any. 2. If it's still too "humpy", you probably should consider replacing the jog animation with the sprint animation.  Then you would have two versions of the same sprint animation (one for jog and one for sprint), just one slower than the other  <-Now I've done funny one. I think you might be all set then, no? Yeah maybe well get such a thing in 2020. I am clueless about making animations, etc.  But I do understand the animation config at least enough to be dangerous.  If there's anything I know that will help you out in eradicating the "humpy" jog in ArmA so that you get a nice game again, I'll do what I can. btw- wow check out our posts... we got a lot of e-motions going on. Hahaha Heres a bannana for effect.
  3. It was you Sakura-chan! Â Thank you thank you thank you. Â You got the ball rolling. Â Everyone else just followed suit. btw- Mentioned above, but if anyone is interested, I've got a working set with all transitions fixed (that I could find). Â I fixed the remaining obvious ones and then found several broken transitions I didn't even know existed. Â I consider it exhaustive now. Any interest and I will definately package and release.
  4. You've got some good points there.  I never really thought about how I was moving when not under fire (which as you mention is more times than not). Hmmm... I'm going to end up looking a little deeper next time I fire up ArmA.  Now gosh dang-it.  If you've ruined ArmA anims for me I will never forgive you Special Ed! Not really. I'm curious now.  Do you always sprint or do a mix between jog and sprint?  I toggle it back and forth with the shift key (mapped to Turbo).  So maybe I'm always jogging when not under fire and you are always sprinting?  (which would really be bothersome I would think) Yeah, what we really need now is for the game to detect whether or not we are under fire and supply the appropriate animation.  (Teaser for OFP2 looked like it might be promising in that regard.) For the OFP->ArmA idea, Good luck with the port if you give it a go. EDIT: Also, I've slowed the jog and sprint down considerably on my setup so they don't seem so "humpy" if you know what I mean (as in vanilla).  Jog for me looks somehow more relaxed than in vanilla and a mix between jog/sprint is more for combat.  Maybe tyring something like that would help you out and prevent more "drastic" measures (i.e. the port idea)
  5. I hated the ArmA animations at first.  Soldiers sprinting at speeds that would make Olympians jealous...  Broken transitions all over the place...  Soldiers warping from a dead halt to a full bore sprint in an instant and then pop!  Dead stop again.  Patch after patch and BIS never fixed it! Then someone (can't recall the name) fixed some of the transitions.  It was like a great weight lifted off my shoulders.  Then TrueGameplay came along and fixed some more transitions.  Finally I learned how and fixed the remainder.  (I never got around to releasing, if anyone is interested, just holler). Truegameplay also slowed everything down enough that things seem realistic now (imo).  I had to lower the various sprints a bit more and do some other tweaking… Suddenly, I really liked ArmA anims! But after having that whole experience I do feel your frustration not to have the amins just like you want them.  The good news on OFP/ArmA as you mentioned is that it is possible to get them just as you like (with potentially a huge amount of effort that is). Regarding vanilla OFP animation, imo they are fine and they do capture that feeling of being a soldier in battle taking fire.  My only issue is that iirc your gun was always pointing forward, and that’s absolutely not possible while trying to jog or sprint in real life.  This is where I think that ArmA has got it right.  [No offense meant to the maker(s) of the replacement anims for OFP but they seemed way too stiff and rigid for my tastes.]  Interesting idea you’ve got to port OFP animations to ArmA.  I bet many folks would be very happy at that.  Huge amount of work probably though.  In the mean time let’s hope we are all less offended by ArmA2 anims!  And I mean when it launches. Not a year later once we wring all the bugs out.
  6. I may have an interum solution for all of you fixed-horizon-in-3rd-person haters. I've been working diligently on a improved 3rd person camera tool that allows the 3rd person camera's orientation to be fixed to the vehicle's orientation instead of the horizon. (It uses quaternion rotations... Â loads of fun! ) The tool is easy to use (toggles on a key) and works great. Â After playing around with the tool in the editor, I find myself consistently amazed at just how bad ArmA's default 3rd person camera really is (and how badly it makes ArmA's flight model appear to be when in reality ArmA's flight model is actually pretty good.) For 3rd person gunner views, I've got the camera rotating pivot-wise with respect to the gunner's head instead of the vehicle center... so you can actually see what you are shooting at in 3rd person! Â In addition, having the camera oriented with the vehicle (vs horizon) allows for much better aiming while on slopes. Â (i.e. Ever try in vanilla to shoot from a vehicle on a hill in 3rd person? Needless to say it dosen't really work.) If there's interest in my improved 3rd person cam tool, I can accellerate production (it's fairly close) and try to get it out soon in an attempt to help people out who hate the fixed horizon thing and are stuck flying that way atm with the WW2 mod, due to no cockpits.
  7. Thanks for the thorough update Rip31st and your continued support. Thought of another quick one... Â Regarding the 88mm gun, I blasted away at the occupants with various hand weapons... they wouldn't die. Eventually the whole gun blew up. Don't know if this is a problem with all artillery or not. Â At work right now or I'd check it out. I'm sure you're already on it.
  8. Agree completely... and well phrased.
  9. Great units, lots of fun so far! The feeling is definitely there. Some quick feedback: With all the aircraft, roll and pitch are way out of balance with respect to one another. Â IMO, roll is far too quick. Â This can be seen with simply putting joystick hard to right, then to left then back in rapid sequence. Â Prop aircraft cannot do that in real life... not that quick anyway. Pitch on the other hand is excruciatingly slow as compared to normal. Â I'm sure it ain't perfect, but the way the BIS Camel has roll and pitch is really good for gameplay imo. The only other real hum-dinger I'm seeing is the speed of various turrets turning. Â I have to admit it is cool seeing the AI slowly turning turrets, but for a player it's probably set a bit excessively low, especially raising and lowering the elevation of turrets on some of the tanks. Anyhow, awesome work so far! Â Can't wait for all upcoming updates and/or new equipment!
  10. madrussian


    Looking great! Trying not to be greedy here, but is a towering scorpio and/or wasp in the works, like with the ant?
  11. madrussian

    alien scorpion ready !

    Nice thing about tough scorpions (or any other creature) is that you can easily lower their health from the get-go, via the setDammage command. Â So you can really make em just as resilient as you want. Â You can even modify their health randomly for some variation. Sounds like you were already having a blast, though.
  12. madrussian

    31st Normandy mod -WW2

    @Rip31st Don't know if this has been covered before, but I am very curious... Considering the flurry of everything you are accomplishing, do you work a full time job too?!? Just wondering if we are ever going to lose all this ongoing effort due to any upcoming employment. Â One way or the other, keep up the good work man!
  13. madrussian

    Mouse-Auto-Center Defeated!!!

    @rundll.exe Good to hear! Yeah, mine was also way too aggressive, early on. Â I just kept fine tuning the range, and now it works great. Â Based on what you are reporting, just keep increasing the range until mouse-auto-center starts rearing it's ugly head again. Â Then back the range off in small increments (to the point MAC disappears again), and you should have a finely tuned mouse-auto-center elimination with the ability to steer easily! Do let me know how it comes out... I'm anxious to hear it!
  14. It's official... Mouse-Auto-Center has gone the way of the Dodo. As I mentioned earlier on the development thread, I recently spent over ten minutes straight just driving around an empty Rahmadi with nothing but me and my Humvee. Â And let me tell you, it was everything I thought it could be. Â Smooth as silk, with no back-talk from my mouse what-so-ever. Â You really do have to see it to believe it. Â And now you can! For those interested in some background information you can read about it here. Â Ladies and gentlemen, after much blood, sweat, and tears, I proudly present you with: MadRussian's Eliminate Mouse-Auto-Center v1.0 Here are some highlights from the readme: Summary: This modification provides a means to eliminate the unwanted mouse-auto-center "feature" while mouse driving that has been plaguing many members of the ArmA community since vanilla ArmA was released. Â (Installation instructions are in the contained full readme.) Requirements: PPJoy version 0.82 (or greater) http://www.geocities.com/deonvdw/Docs/PPJoyMain.htm GlovePIE version 0.30 (or greater) http://carl.kenner.googlepages.com/glovepie_download Usage: Always ensure the GlovePIE script provided is running. Just toggle it on and off using the keystroke defined in the GlovePIE script. Â (I defaulted it to the TAB key, but feel free to reassign it. Â Do a find on "Tab" and change it there if you like.) Note that there are plenty of cases where you will want to toggle it off and regain x-axis control of your joystick. Known Issues: During mouse-auto-center elimination, Mouse-Look steers the vehicle, and it should not. Â This is at the top of the list for fixing. Â Already have an idea on how to fix that for a future release. Due to the necessity of sensitivity tuning (see Installation step 10 in the full readme), during mouse-auto-center elimination, the maximum allowable resulting steering sensitivity in-game is a bit lower than I'd like it. Â It's far from intolerable... Â Anything to eliminate the mouse-auto-center! Setup is a little bit painful. Â If anyone sees a way to streamline it, please, I'm all ears. edit: The more I think about it, I'd really consider this release both an addon (because it contains scripting), but perhaps more importantly a guide, because everyone's setups are a bit different. Â You will see what I mean when you check out the full readme. Â In the mean time I kind of view it as a race to see which one of you will get everything up and running properly first... smooth as silk with no back-talk from your mouse. Â Just got to get it set up properly once and you are good to go. Credits: This addon is dedicated to all of our ArmA community members afflicted by this dreaded hardship of mouse-auto-centering for so long. Â This addon would not have been possible without all of you. First of all, can't forget to thank BIS for this wonderfully modifiable game. Â Lets get a toggle for this mouse-auto-center thing next time! Â My social life needn't suffer any more than it already has making this. Many thanks to Blazin, Average Joe, layne-suhr, madine75, alef, sparks50, nuxil, Q, 4 IN 1, Kremator, ck-claw, MehMan, and zGuba for your support and ideas. Â You guys gave me the energy to finish this. Particular thanks to alef for pointing me in the right direction by mentioning PPJoy and GlovePIE. Â Ironically, he laid out the roadmap over 2 months before I saw the light! Finally, thanks to my longtime friend and roommate Lito. Â Time and time again, she has put up with my binge programming sessions. Â She even chips in an idea and sometimes sits down to help me squash a bug every now and again. Sometimes it helps to have a Java programmer around. If I happened to have missed anyone, please let me know. Link And without further adieu, here's the link for v1.0 on rapidshare. I should be around to help out with the setup (it takes a bit to get it up and running), but I'm getting called downstairs for dinner (and movie). Â I'll check back up after a couple of hours. Â Happy unafflicted mouse driving!!!
  15. After thinking long and hard about zombies in ArmA and OFP, it occurred to me that while at first these missions are usually tense and exciting, after a while you realize that you can simply outrun the zombies.  Often the result is that things become tedious. A number of zombie missions have invented creative ways to combat this by keeping the players in a certain area.  For instance, Zombie Outbreak Simulation for OFP (ZOS for short and the greatest zombie mission of all time imo) had you geared up in NBC suits, traversing into towns and villages to locate survivors, and then calling in teams of trucks that would enter the zone, load up the survivors, and extract them.  All the while,  survivors were continuously attacked and infected, exponentially increasing the ranks of the ravenous pool of zombies.  Even the intro was excellent- On TV, the outbreak was explained by a realistically distraught news-caster. The mechanism of keeping the players in place in ZOS was that once a group of survivors was located and the extraction team was called in, there was a period of time while the truck was in-route that the survivors were vulnerable.  Your job as the player was to keep those survivors alive until the trucks got there and loaded them up.  (I’m simplifying this slightly.)  Highly creative and it served well to produce a compelling reason to stay in one place (at least until the last survivor was hauled off). The problem that came into play, however, was that the survivors just had to just sit there for all this to work.  This was highly unrealistic… who would just stay put in the face of an oncoming horde of zombies?!? In various other zombie missions, I’ve seen artificial boundaries introduced, where if the player leaves the boundaries, they lose the mission.  Not very realistic either.  IMO… A groundbreaking improvement for zombie mission makers everywhere would be a realistic fatigue system so that the players cannot simply run circles around the zombies. I have mastered changing the speed of various animations in the config, and seek to create an appropriate system to keep players afraid for their lives when the zombie start coming.  However, I’m having a bit of trouble. The blueprint for my fatigue system is to have the player’s speed degrade over time the longer they run.  Then as they rest a while, their stamina comes back and they can run full speed again until they get tired again, etc.  The zombies, on the other hand, are dead or infected, and so they undergo little or no speed degradation.  At the same time, perhaps they do not run as fast as the player when he is at full speed.  You see where this is going… eventually if the player is on the run, he will be overwhelmed and eaten alive. Now vanilla ArmA already has speed degradation built in, but I am having a devil of a time affecting it in the config. =============== Here’s the question: =============== After doing some tests, I have discovered some interesting facts (testing vanilla): 1. The speed command only gives forward speed (in km/h). 2. If you want to see speed in other directions, a special script is required.  Check out mine at the end of this post. 3. Player speed (while going forward) will degrade after sprinting for a long time.  4. Diagonal speed will never degrade.  This can be used as an exploit.  (i.e. when you get too tired and botton out going forward, start going diagonally.)  I have written an addon (not released yet) to address this (read on). 5. Forward speed will degrade, but only to 17.7 km/h (measured by my script, which I am using for all measurements) With that information, I started doing some experimentation in the config (in CfgMovesMaleSdr).  Here are my observations: 1. This item is good news: I am able to affect the amount of time it takes for speed to degrade while going forward.  (This is governed by duty) 2. The problem with the diagonal sprints is that the degradation cutoff is incorrectly based on a forward speed of 17.7.  When you are going diagonal in vanilla, you are already going slower than 17.7 km/h forward.  Thus no degradation.  Thus the exploit. 3. I cannot seem to affect this 17.7 floor cutoff for speed degradation, no matter what I change!  (all my changes have been in CfgMovesMaleSdr.) That #3 is the killer… Does anyone have any information that might help? Btw-  My workaround addon for the diagonals exploit is to only allow sprinting diagonal speed of 17.7, so players cannot run faster than the 17.7 in any direction after they are tired.  It does work, but like I said it's really a workaround. If I could lower the firm 17.7 km/h cutoff for degradation, we could really see a decent fatigue system.  And hopefully some great new zombie carnage! Also, if anyone understands exactly what relSpeedMin and relSpeedMax do, please provide a detailed explanation. Here’s my speed detection script.  It detect's ArmA speed command speed, any-direction speed, and also animation. Some of you may find it very useful for various applications. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> ; _speed is in KM/Hr ; LongCalc and ShortCalc have both been tested and give the same correct results ; ShortCalc also gives an average speed since movement started ; LongCalc now considered obsolete _loop = "ShortCalcLoop" ;_loop = "LongCalcLoop" ;_loop = "JustAnimLoop" ?(_loop == "JustAnimLoop"): _delayS = 0.01; goto "JustAnimLoop" _speedThresh = 1 _minIters = 2 _delayS = 1 _delayM = _delayS/60 _delayH = _delayM/60 _iters = 0 _speedsTot = 0 _samples = 0 _avg = "N/A" _prevPos = position player ?(_loop == "ShortCalcLoop"): goto "ShortCalcLoop" #LongCalcLoop _curPos = position player _distM = [_prevPos,_curPos] call DistancePos _distKM = _distM / 1000 _speed = _distKM / _delayH _prevPos = _curPos hint format ["%1\nSpeed (F): %2\nSpeed (T): %3", animationState player, speed player, _speed] ~_delayS ?(true): goto "LongCalcLoop" #ShortCalcLoop _curPos = position player _distM = [_prevPos,_curPos] call DistancePos _speed = _distM / _delayS * 3.6 _prevPos = _curPos ?(_speed > _speedThresh): _iters = _iters + 1 ?((_speed > _speedThresh) and (_iters>_minIters)): _speedsTot = _speedsTot + _speed; _samples = _samples + 1; _avg = _speedsTot / _samples ?(_speed <= _speedThresh): _iters = 0; _speedsTot = 0; _samples = 0; _avg = "N/A" hint format ["%1\nSpeed (F): %2\nSpeed (T): %3\nSamples: %4\nAvg: %5", animationState player, speed player, _speed, _samples, _avg] ~_delayS ?(true): goto "ShortCalcLoop" #JustAnimLoop hint format ["%1",animationState player] ~_delayS ?(true): goto "JustAnimLoop"
  16. madrussian

    Mouse-Auto-Center Defeated!!!

    They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Â OK then, hopefully this will help. If you are having any trouble getting this addon working, best thing is to make sure it is running correctly before you even start up ArmA. Open your Game Controllers window. Â Make sure that "Parallel Port Joystick 1" is the only item in the list, like this: If there are other items in the list, start unplugging all your other game controllers for now until "Parallel Port Joystick 1" is the only item in the list. Â This will ensure ArmA will be using your virtual joystick. Next open the properties for "Parallel Port Joystick 1". Â Then open GlovePIE and run the script provided with this addon (using the big green run button). Â Click on the Var tab (third one over). Â At this point the windows you have open should look something like this: Move the mouse around, noting that none of the variables change. Â Note that state=0, meaning that the mouse-auto-center eliminator is currently toggled off. Â Note that joyX=0, which means your virtual joystick's X-axis is not currently affected. Now press the TAB key once. Â The state variable should change to 1. Â At this point, moving your mouse left and right will change the joyX value, which is being mapped to virtual joystick's X-axis. Â Most importantly, note in your "Parallel Port joystick 1 properties" window, your virtual joystick should be moving! Â <- This is how we overcome mouse-auto-center! Your screen should look something like this now: Now, can someone please let me know how things are coming getting this working? Â (Thanks to rundll.exe and 4 IN 1 for reporting btw, and thanks to everyone for the interest in this topic.) I really have spent a lot of time thinking about how to eliminate mouse-auto-center, devising a program that gets the job done, assembling the readme and release, and then coming out here to try and help you guys get it working. Â It would really suck if it turns out I am the only one in the ArmA world actually using it! Perhaps, the reality is that everyone is getting it up and running based on my outstanding readme instructions (doubt that! ) and thus poor rundll.exe and 4 IN 1 are the only ones with reason to visit the forum for help?!? In closing, if people are simply choosing not to use this addon for whatever reason, could you please at least extend the courtesy of letting me know why? Â (i.e. too complicated, afraid of installing PPjoy and running GlovePIE, maybe some people actually love mouse-auto-center , maybe something else all-together?) Truth is your feedback will help me make this addon better and hopefully create even better addons in the future.
  17. madrussian


    I really like it! If you are taking requests, how about some giants wielding large spiked clubs! Or even some sharks to make people think twice about getting in the water?
  18. madrussian

    Far Cry 2

    Yeah, my understanding is the editor is only for multiplayer... and only their imposed multiplayer game modes at that. I want to invent my OWN game modes (SP and MP)... FC2 may be beautiful and have a huge game world but imo you can't really even call it a sandbox if they are gonna impose game modes on you!
  19. madrussian

    Mouse-Auto-Center Defeated!!!

    @rundll.exe I did a few quick google searches on PPjoy, and there seems to be a ton of info out there on people having trouble getting it to install. Â I'm headed to work right now or I would reasearch it a little more for you. Â In any event I do hope you are able to get it running. I will not give up on you rundll.exe. Â No one should have to endure mouse-auto-center. Is anyone else having rundll.exe's problem trying to install PPjoy? @4 IN 1 We'll eliminate the possibilities one at a time and get this working for you. Few questions for you: 1. By not working, I'm assuming you mean after setting everything up, you are pressing the TAB key in ArmA, and nothing is happening? 2. Are you using XP or Vista? 3. Are you trying the setup first with no real joystick (even though you have may have a real one)? 4. Is "Parallel Port Joystick 1" the only item in your Game Controllers window when you start ArmA? 5. Probably a silly question, but is GlovePIE actually running? 6. Do a favor and post your GlovePIE script. 7. Do a favor and from PPjoy, post your "PPJoy Virtual joystick 8" mapping. With all that info (and maybe a bit more based on the answers), I'm sure we'll get you up and running. @all Thanks to all who are trying this. Â How are the rest of you doing? Â Based on what I'm seeing at Armaholic and ArmedAssault.info (btw, thanks for the mirrors guys), over 250 of you are attempting to free yourself from mouse-auto-center and have downloaded this. How it coming? Â How far are you getting? Â What particular steps are giving any trouble? Good luck getting this working. Â I am here to help you.
  20. madrussian

    Civilian Airfield (Geo Specific)

    I haven't had a chance to try this yet. Â Looks very cool. After reading the comments on incorporating into a larger map, an idea hit me. Â I wonder it it would be possible to incorporate both this excellent airfield and Schmalfelden both into one of the more empty stretches in Northern Sarhani. Â Anyhow, probably just a crazy idea anyway.
  21. madrussian

    Arma Vs Ofp

    Amen MehMan. Well said.
  22. madrussian

    Mouse-Auto-Center Defeated!!!

    @rundll.exe I just installed it on my XP partition without any problems. Â Just an outside shot here, but seeing as though PPjoy is emulating a Parallel Port Joystick, maybe it needs other drivers in place to support its operation. Â Is it possible your chipset drivers are not installed, hence no parallel port support? Anyone have any other ideas that might help out rundll.exe? @all I'm getting the sense that some of you are probably finding the setup a little daunting... here a quick suggestion for you: Even if you have a real joystick, trying it first with no real joystick should be a snap. Â Simply: 1. Create a PPjoy virtual joystick (using #8). When you go to map it in PPJoy just accept all defaults! Â That should make it easy. Â (will add to the readme) 2. Ensure ArmA is not running. Â Then from the Windows control panel, bring up Game Controllers, then unplug all your joysticks and game controllers from your computer. Â You should have only one item still listed (your virtual joystick). 3. Now bring up my script in GlovePIE, make sure var.usingJoy=0, and run the script. 4. Fire up ArmA, open the editor, jump into your favorite wheeled vehicle. Â Drive around a bit, observing crappy default mouse-auto-center. 5. Press TAB key. Â You should immediately notice at least a partial defeat of mouse-auto-center. 6. Tune the var.range value in the GlovePIE script until mouse-auto-center is eliminated for good! Â (You can have ArmA running while you alt-TAB in and out to make your GlovePIE edits.) After freeing yourselves from the bonds of mouse-auto-center even for a few minutes, I am confident those of you with real joysticks will be highly motivated to tackle the somewhat more complex step of mapping your real joystick. Any questions, comments, etc, please don't hesitate!
  23. madrussian

    Arma Vs Ofp

    I don't really know how to say this but I try it anyhow... Maybe it is not ArmA that has changed. Â Maybe it is us. I'd hate for you to spend a ton of time and port everything back to OFP, and realize even then that somewhere inside it is you who have moved on. I had the same odd feeling for the longest time about ArmA. Â Then one day I fired up OFP again and all the magic was just gone. Â Now that it's all patched and modded nicely, I play ArmA, just never as much as good old OFP, which is just a fond memory for me now. Â A really really stand-out fond memory burned in for probably the duration of my life, but a memory none-the-less. God, I hope this isn't getting too depressing... On the bright side, the mods just keep rolling out for ArmA and it is aging like a fine wine. Â (Funny I say that, I don't even drink wine.) And ArmA2 is not too terribly far off. Â I'm sure the micro-ai and new scenery will do wonders for all of us. Anyhow, I hope you keep going with your mission. Â The concept is extremely interesting. Â Maybe what you really need is a nice break from OFP/ArmA. Â Go play some different games for a few day just to see something fresh. Â Even casual games maybe. Â Yeah, once the OFP/ArmA AI starts getting really predicatable again, it's probably time to let it go for a few days/weeks/months, whatever it takes. Â Always seems to do the trick for me and when I fire up OFP/ArmA again for the first time, I'm always hooked again for weeks on end.
  24. madrussian

    Rest In Peace Frontier !

    Sorry to hear about your friend's tragety. Â It's got to be very difficult for you after being his friend for so long. Â Indeed, it seems sometimes life comes out and hits you hard in the gut. Â My condolences also to his family and other friends. Hang in there.
  25. madrussian

    Mouse-Auto-Center Defeated!!!

    @paragraphic and Namikaze Thanks for the info. @Yoma np, matey. btw- Anyone got it working yet? By working I mean fine tuned with all mouse-auto-center eliminated?