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Everything posted by madrussian

  1. madrussian

    Aim + SHIFT move means slower...

    Good deal... this gives me additional motivation to keep chipping away at it. (btw - @Alex, Didn't mean to get your thread off-track there. Back to Aim and SHIFT move means slower...)
  2. madrussian

    Island Panthera v1.0

    I just spent the past hour wandering around the mountains, towns, and rivers of this complex and gorgeous landscape. What a breathtaking map you have created! Both in terms of beauty and the work you must have put into it. Congratulations on this monumental achievement! :)
  3. madrussian

    Aim + SHIFT move means slower...

    @Nikita Answered your pm. A few things I've been working on as far as anims go: 1. I added a few transitions that weren't present. First was sideways run to sprint diagonal... in vanilla the player would stop first, and now it's smooth. I'm sure I'll find more. Now what I'm talking about here are not broken transitions like in ArmA1, where everything would WARP without transitions. These are more going through unnecessary animation states which just kind of make it a little clunky. 2. I re-enabled using the shift key to transition back and forth between run and sprint, and then walk and sprint. For some reason in vanilla ArmA2, you could hold shift to go to sprint, but when you release shift, he keeps sprinting, so I fixed that. This is different than #1, and I had to do some work with the "action states" to make it happen. 3. A realistic movement speeds mod. This may be blasphemy, but imo vanilla ArmA2 movement is almost as fast as (or faster than?) Quake (in a bad way). So I'm going through and lowering the speeds of most animations, with and eye for "Does this look like a real person moving." I've got all the rifle stuff done and it works great, and I'm ready to move on to the other stuff. I've made this part modular, so that people can adjust entire sets of things quickly and easily if they desire. Now please don't get too excited if these are things you're after. I tend to work as slow as molasses when I even get time and I never quite got my anims mod for ArmA1 released. Just as I finished it ArmA2 was released! Having said that, things seems to be going quicker this time around, because I know what I'm doing now. Plus, because ArmA2 was released in much better shape than ArmA1, there's much less that needs fixing. But there's no getting around the fact that working with animations is a tedious process, and it does take time.
  4. madrussian

    Aim + SHIFT move means slower...

    I had not noticed that yet. Gotta check it out tonight. Good clarification though... I can picture this perfectly (sitting here at work, wishing I was at home working on my missions and my anim mod for ArmA2). :)
  5. I for one do not think it should be like a join-any-time-you-want MMORPG. IMO, give it a beginning and an end... rather multiple endings, and make it highly replayable. Build it wide with content in terms of things you can do and things that can happen, vs long, narrow, and linear. Instead of a twenty hour linear experience that is identical every time, what's wrong with saga that takes a maximum six hour to complete (shorter if you lose earlier) that plays out completely differently every time? Also, make it hard enough that you don't generally win on the first go-around. Because it's such a different experience with each playthrough, players will not mind losing, and will instead actually look forward to starting over. Above all, aim for Civilization-style replayability! (OK, that's a bit pie in the sky but you get my point. ) :) edit: (Six hours is just an arbirtary number, but definately make the max length short enough that the game is designed to have no-saving. Multiple characters per player would be an interesting way to make the no-saving thing work. As you accomplish major tasks, maybe you get more characters. Once you lose them all, well... game over. But then you get to start over with a fresh new playthrough.)
  6. madrussian

    Aim + SHIFT move means slower...

    Interesting. I suppose I have not seen the two different walking speeds, because I remapped my shift key to the "turbo" control in order to accomplish the following setup (for me): 1. Under normal circumstances, holding down shift toggles between run and sprint. 2. And then when I press the Caps-Lock key (which I remapped to one of the toggles, can't recall which), at that point holding the shift key down toggles between walk and sprint. So maybe that's why I have not necessarily seen two seperate walking speeds. :) In any event, based on your last post, at least part of what you are after is a steady aim while in the slower walk? If that's the case, that part should just be a quick tweak I think. If you check out Truemods or TrueGameplay mods (or maybe it was Q's Proper?) I seem to recall one of them would give a steadier aim. Should be easy for you to go have a look and take care of that aspect quickly at least. Good luck!
  7. Agreed on the M&B idea! Except this ArmA2 mission/mod should end. As in you should be able to win and lose, unlike in M&B, which just goes on endlessly and eventually gets tedious. (Taking over the entire world doesn't count.) Plus ours needs some type of respawn other than unlimited (yawn) or perma-death (which is frusterating in a long missions). Something in between the two. The dying way to lose should be in addition to the other ways of losing.
  8. madrussian

    Aim + SHIFT move means slower...

    @Alex72 I've spent a lot of time in the animation cfgs, so it's possible I may be able to help out with your understanding of how to potentially get this added. First off, sounds like you are really after two seperate walk speeds, correct? The other possibility is that you just think the default walk speed is too fast. If that's the case, it's a relatively simple matter of adjusting the speed value for that animation in the config. If you really want two seperate animation speeds however, you may have to give up something else. Note that there are a limited number of controls available for you to use. If you take a look in CfgMovesBasic.hpp and CfgMovesMaleSdr.hpp, you'll see how the animation system is all connected. I have no idea if you'd like to try and tackle this yourself, but here a quick (inexhaustive) low down on how it works: First off, using the command "animationState player" in the editor will do just what you'd expect... it gives you the animation state of the player. You can set a script to give you a continuous display of what anim state you're in. You can locate these anim states inside of CfgMovesMaleSdr. The variables for each animation specify all kind of things. One of the those variables is called "actions", which refers over to CfgMovesBasic. Here's a quick sample to help visualize it: class AmovPercMwlkSrasWrflDf : AmovPercMstpSrasWrflDnon { variantsAI[] = {}; visibleSize = 0.800121; file = "\ca\Anims\Characters\data\Anim\Sdr\Mov\Erc\run\ras\Rfl\AmovPercMrunSrasWrflDf"; speed = 1.34; duty = -0.1; soundOverride = "walk"; leaningFactorBeg = 0.75; leaningFactorEnd = 0.75; aimPrecision = 0.15; soundEnabled = 1; limitGunMovement = 0.6; actions = "RifleStandActionsWlkF"; headBobStrength = 0.20398; ConnectTo[] = {}; InterpolateTo[] = {"AmovPercMwlkSrasWrflDnon_transition", 0.015, "AmovPknlMwlkSrasWrflDf", 0.03, "AmovPercMwlkSrasWrflDfl", 0.025, "AmovPercMwlkSrasWrflDfr", 0.025, "AmovPercMrunSrasWrflDf", 0.025, "AmovPercMevaSrasWrflDf", 0.025, "AmovPercMrunSrasWrflDf_AmovPercMevaSrasWrflDl", 0.02, "AmovPercMrunSrasWrflDf_AmovPercMevaSrasWrflDr", 0.02, "AmovPercMrunSrasWrflDf_AmovPercMevaSrasWrflDb", 0.02, "AmovPercMwlkSrasWrflDf_AmovPercMstpSrasWrflDnon_gthStart", 0.1, "AdthPercMstpSrasWrflDf_1", 0.01, "AdthPercMstpSrasWrflDf_2", 0.01, "AdthPercMstpSrasWrflDf_4", 0.01, "AdthPercMstpSrasWrflDf_8", 0.01, "AmovPercMstpSrasWrflDnon", 0.02}; }; Now in CfgMovesBasic, you'll see class Actions listed. Inside the Actions class are all the possible "action states" the player can be in. Within each "action state", you'll see variables like this (noting the inheritance): ... class RifleBaseStandActions : RifleBaseLowStandActions { ... walkF = "AmovPercMwlkSrasWrflDf"; walkLF = "AmovPercMwlkSrasWrflDfl"; walkRF = "AmovPercMwlkSrasWrflDfr"; walkL = "AmovPercMwlkSrasWrflDl"; walkR = "AmovPercMwlkSrasWrflDr"; walkLB = "AmovPercMwlkSrasWrflDbl"; walkRB = "AmovPercMwlkSrasWrflDbr"; walkB = "AmovPercMwlkSrasWrflDb"; ... class RifleStandActions : RifleBaseStandActions { ... class RifleStandActionsWlkF : RifleStandActions { ... Those correspond directly to your controls! So it's kind of like a vicious loop, back and forth from CfgMovesMaleSdr to CfgMovesBasic and back: 1. Based on the currect animation, CfgMovesMaleSdr sets the "action state". 2. Based on the "action state" in CfgMovesBasic and the control you are pressing on, a new animation is chosen that feeds back into CfgMovesMaleSdr. (Or potentially the same anim, if you keep holding the same key). So perhaps you can begin to see what changes you'd need to make to get those two walking speeds. I hope some of this is helpful to you. :) Hmmm... Just noticed you posted this in the Suggestions subforum and not in Configs, etc. Sorry if this is too much info. :eek:
  9. madrussian

    Invasion Warfare

    Just discovered your mission here... I really like the idea! I've never been a huge Warfare fan, but turning it into an Invasion really adds something. It reminds me a lot of Axis and Allies (the board game). Germany and Japan, starting out with a huge military buildup but far less income than the Allies, must lash out and take over the pourous Allied territory quickly, before the economic might of the Allies becomes too much and overwhelmes them. On top of all this coolness, the idea of a Coop game with a scant five lives per player really sounds appealing. Especially when compared to the old stand-by of countinuous respawn (yawn), or the whole one kill perma-death and you get to sit there and watch your buddy for hours (fine for short scenerios but extremely frusterating for long missions). Very good ideas here... can't wait to check this out! :D
  10. Kind of a crazy idea but here goes... Start off with Warfare so you've got the requisite ongoing struggle. Then strip away all the interface and such relating to the player, so he can start out as a truley neutral entity. It would probably also be necessary to slow down the pace of the Warfare model running in the background, to get the desired ambience. Then build up quests and such from there... and keep adding new and interesting things until there are plenty of varied activities and things to do, etc. btw- I have absolutely no idea how hard this would be to implement!
  11. madrussian

    North America Release / Publisher

    I checked once again... mine is sourced/processing too now! Ordered mine 2nd day FedEx... so hope it arrives Wednesday. :) (This has been a very hard wait overall though. Good thing I still got ArmA1 to fiddle with in the mean time!)
  12. madrussian

    North America Release / Publisher

    I just checked my GoGamer order and now it says "Processing" again... very weird. I hope that switching of order status is a sign they got their big ArmA2 shipment in. :D
  13. madrussian

    All factions playable?

    Has anyone checked how many concurent sides are allowed now? Is it still?: 1. West 2. East 3. Resistance 4. Civilian
  14. madrussian

    North America Release / Publisher

    I ordered my 505 copy from GoGamer, shipping to central USA. Their ArmA2 page now says "Ships within 24 hours", which is consistant with the release day they had listed previously. I logged into GoGamer today to check the status of my order. Apparently, my order is "On Hold". (For the past several days, it said "Processing".) How about all you other 505 GoGamer people... everyone else showing "On Hold" as well?
  15. madrussian

    Do You find ArmA Infinite Land Spooky?

    Anyone try placing anything out there yet? Might get even spookier still... btw- Still awaiting my 505 copy... Wondering how the procedural coastline turned out?
  16. Still awaiting my 505 copy (I'm in NA)... I've seen a bit about there not being many enterable buildings, etc, which is a definately a bummer. But what I'm really dying to hear about is the partially destuctable building system. A few general questions: 1. So roughly what percentage of buildings can be partially destroyed? 2. Do all enterable buildings undergo partial destruction? 3. Do any non-enterable buildings undergo partial destruction? 4. How many phases of destruction do buildings go through? 5. What's your overall impression of the partial building destruction system? Some modding related ones: 6. How difficult does it appear to create your own partially destructable buildings, or convert single destruction stage buidlings into multiple stage versions? 7. Are any mod teams working on this already? 8. How many of you think we will eventually get entire cities of custom enterable partially destructable buildings from the mod community? Any info will surely help out with this long and trying wait. Cheers! :)
  17. madrussian

    List of animals i can use in the editor.

    So the most dangerous appears to be the Wild Boar... Bummer, I was really hoping for some bears, lions, sharks, and komodo dragons. You never know though, it kind of depends on just what kind of Rabbit we've got there. I've seen some pretty terrifying movies with killer rabbits and such. :D
  18. Looking pretty good to me! :cool: edit: Especially with all the new building destruction in ArmA2... can't wait to run like hell with those terminators knocking holes in all the buildings.
  19. Nice video... That appeared to be a non-enterable building getting chipped away at. Well one big chip at least. :D I would have liked to see what was left over when the whole thing went down, but he turned wawy a little too quick at that point.
  20. Hi all, I'm working on a dynamic prisoner escape mission and making some big strides... including a working overlapping full-coverage activating/deactivating DAC system, as well as relentless secret police that hunt you down like a dog (tracking you and the other escaped prisoners via "tags" that were implanted back in the prison before you escaped). I've just started using locations recently. Mighty handy, especially when you want to get the closest locations to a position via nearestLocations. After some experimentation, it appears there are no "Name" type locations by default (unlike with the other location types I checked). So I've been using those for my aforementioned DAC system. Now I'm realizing I really need at least a few more unused location types, for use on the civilian settlements, military bases, and then the dynamic invasion of liberation that may occur once randomly at some point in the mission. Seems like we should be able to define our own location types. So the question is this: 1. Anyone know where location types are defined in the config? 2. Stepping back a bit, are locations types even defined in the config, and if not, then where? From the wiki:
  21. madrussian

    New location types... how?

    Thank you so much Planck! :) I would have had no idea where to start looking... And now I have defined all sorts of useful new location types for my mission. Locations are so incredibly powerful it kind of boggles the mind really. Looking back, I'm not sure how I ever got by without them. Especially when you take into account that locations can store their own variables via setVariable and getVariable. For instance, I've currently got a system going where I create a series of locations with markered point clouds around them (read in by a purpose built ReadMarkers function). Then I systematically move my deactivated DAC zones on top and swap out the DAC points with my point clouds. And it's sooooo easy now, due to nearestLocations, setVariable, and getVariable and all the new capability they allow. Anyhow, here's the new location types I came up with, in case anyone may be interested for their own mission ideas and such: btw- Turns out I needed to create mirrors for the three standard settlement types (NameCityCapital, NameCity, and NameVillage), because apparently you can't use the standard map ones to store anything. (Even though they are detectable and you can get thier position, they don't really exist in memory for variable storage without using createMarker, or so it appears.)
  22. Thanks for the responses. :) 50% of all buildings having partial destruction is actually way more than I had anticipated! Very cool indeed. :D So it sounds to me like non-enterable buildings go down all at once, and then are replaced with one of a number of ruins models... so you can't chip away at any un-enterable buildings, piece at a time? I recall seeing that video a while back where they shot the corner of an solid un-enterable building out without destroying it completely, and then took cover in the newly created nook carved out from the solid building. It's definately not like that then? Also, these resulting ruins, are they unique to the building that got destoryed, or does it seem very random what shows up when a non-enterable building goes down? Regarding enterable partially destructable buildings, what's the survival rate like when a unit is inside and something takes out only a chunck of the building? Does it seem to matter where in the building you were located then the chunk goes kaboom?
  23. Hi Silola! Good to see you on the board. :) I had a couple of questions, if you happen to know the answers:
  24. Opps... not sure how that happened. :eek: Here's a new link: http://rapidshare.de/files/47586785/Rellikki_Urban_1.2.rar.html I tested it this time! Have fun with the mission. :) edit: Reread your post... looks like you found it already. Good deal, at least you are up and running!