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Everything posted by Moezilla

  1. Moezilla

    Upcoming big game needs tester/stressers

    I'd love to have a go. I'm always willing to shoot people, and be shot at, in the name of science.
  2. Thanks for the clarifications The.D. Good idea about a html version, it would give you more room, more control over layout and navigation plus you could go nuts and add before and after screenshots for each addon.
  3. First of all I would like to say thank you for sharing this guide with the community and also for keeping it up to date. Two queries have cropped up while working through your guide to enhance a newly installed 1.08 gold edition: 1) The 6thSense.eu pack 1 v0.4 does not seem to have a \dta\SIX_Misc.hpp file yet your guide states that SIX_Misc.pbo relies on it. Is the file missing or is the guide incorrect on this point? 2) The sky replacement in section 2.6 is dated 13th March 2008 however there is a sky replacement included in the Infantry weapon replacement pack which is dated the 27th March 2008. Is the newer file the correct one? Thanks again.