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About Myrmidan

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  1. Myrmidan

    Arma online distribution by SPROCKET

    Hey, Sorry if I sound negative but I see this whole distribution idea as a money making exercise. They only released ArmA in certain countries for a reason. If they hold out long enough without releasing it to France,UK and the US they know people will download the Czech version and patch it to English. While safe in the knowledge that when they release the english version with extra bells and whistles people will buy it. My point is they are trying to get people to pay for the same game twice and so far it looks like that plan is going to work.
  2. Myrmidan

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    Personally I dont see Dx10 coming in to play for a long time if at all. At the end of day it all comes down to the market if people dont buy vista then they will not buy/use dx10. Vista being Another example of Microsoft tryin to cash in and close an end of the market. When PS3 comes out the xbox 360 will crash and burn bill gates knows it and so does every developer out there. And when it comes down to it a developer can make or break a platform if they see a component as being to hard to use or no profitability then they wont use it. Cos at the end of the day "money dont make my world go round, I'm reaching out for a higher ground"-Dave Brent.
  3. Myrmidan

    Robocop MOD

    Hi All, Was just wondering if anyone else has thought of, or made anthing to do with Robocop. Could you imagine controlling a squad to take down five ED-209's. "please put down your weapon you have 20 seconds to comply" and then they completely obilterate you. Classic I'd love to make something myself but I completely suck at Oxegen.
  4. Myrmidan

    Us colonial marines

    Kool thats great thanks
  5. Myrmidan

    Us colonial marines

    Hi Guys, Is this mod stillin production it'd be a huge shame if it wasnt. There looks like theres a huge amount of effort been put into it. And Im not chasing the mod to be released I know what thats like. Just wondering if its been scrapped?? Thanks