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Everything posted by memphisbelle

  1. memphisbelle

    Terrain Builder Crashes

    What does ArmA3tools.rpt say?
  2. memphisbelle

    Hightfield not beeing used by Terrain builder

    To be honest...I never thought that far. I was actually happy to at least have the rough shape of the two Islands been done in L3DT. I have made a long break as it has originally been an ArmA2OA Project for Visitor 3. My common ArmA activity is pretty less at the moment. So all I´d like to do is to have somethings to play around with from time to time. So I consider this as an constantly ongoing project where I dont know whether it will ever be finished.
  3. memphisbelle

    Hightfield not beeing used by Terrain builder

    Thanks for the tips, I´ll remember them. The Island building process was selfmade (so to speak by hand) but the Island I have had as model was rook island from Far Cry 3....ok...the basic shape is similar the Mesh is obviously not the same, as this is not possible. I also didnt want to get in any Copyright issues with Ubisoft :D
  4. memphisbelle

    Hightfield not beeing used by Terrain builder

    @BadLuckBurt your tips somehow helped to figure what I made wrong. It really seemed somethings to do with the rebuilt Terrain Function. Although...and to be honest...I do not yet exactly know what I made wrong. At least it works now, I got my 3d Map in Terrain Builder and Buldozer. I nonetheless have added 3 Screenshots of the Project...ahhh...before I forget, I also followed this Tutorial. My Project using an early SatMap created in L3DT...it´s actually an old project since I have started the first work of this Island back in 2013. http://puu.sh/f6wIj/b3b29388e8.jpg The hightfield works great now, it needs but lots of improvements yet. http://puu.sh/f6xT5/156fdd5f4f.jpg And the Buldozer view...the Original Island is actually an 4096 sized Project...I have resized it to 2048 just for testing Purposes. http://puu.sh/f6wKV/4585821292.jpg
  5. memphisbelle

    Hightfield not beeing used by Terrain builder

    I have pressed on that "rebuilt terrrain" button. From the Heightfield Layer I pressed on "refresh content from source" and TB asked then for the source file to be used and thus I pointed TB to my .xyz file....the result can be seen in the screenshots above
  6. memphisbelle

    Hightfield not beeing used by Terrain builder

    Hey there and yes, I am using L3DT. As of this I have also exported the heightfield.xyz from L3DT. I will try what you´ve suggested. I also tried another shot and at least made it happen to show up the heightfield in the Scene View Window. It now shows up in Terrain Builder but not yet in Buldozer (as it still rests under water). The surface is covered with the Texture again, so this works out. For the Rest I try what you´ve suggested. Edit: by the way...is it important to specify a certain UTM selection in the very first step? Usually it is set to 31 (0E - 6E) Subzone N (whatever this means) /Edit Screenshots: The Buldozer View compared to the Position on the heightmap. and the same place but just under water, with Textures beeing painted on the Surface
  7. memphisbelle

    Hightfield not beeing used by Terrain builder

    hey there, I did already and it doesnt show up the hightfield. If I import the Sat and the Mak map, so this button shows them up...but it doesnt apply for the heightfield...its simply not there
  8. memphisbelle

    Urban Patrol Script

    Thanks, I am goin to try it
  9. memphisbelle

    Urban Patrol Script

    Thanks for this, do I simply put this right into the code block like this? { _c=_c+1; if (_c>1) then { _newunit = _grp createUnit [typeof _x, getpos _x, [],0,"form"]; KRON_cloneindex = KRON_cloneindex+1; _newunit setVehicleVarName format["%1%2",_nameprefix,KRON_cloneindex]; call compile format["%1%2=_newunit",_nameprefix,KRON_cloneindex]; _newunit setBehaviour _orgMode; _newunit setSpeedMode _orgSpeed; _newunit setSkill skill _x; //Give Unit Essential items [color="#FF0000"]{_newunit linkItem _x} forEach["ItemWatch", "ItemGPS", "ItemRadio", "ItemCompass", "ItemMap", "NVGoggles"]; _newunit addweapon "Binocular"; if (side _newunit == EAST) then {_newunit linkitem "NVGoggles_OPFOR";}; if (side _newunit == WEST) then {_newunit linkitem "NVGoggles";}; if (side _newunit == INDEP) then {_newunit linkitem "NVGoggles_INDEP";}; [/color]//_newunit setVehicleInit _initstr; [_newunit] join _grp; };
  10. memphisbelle

    Urban Patrol Script

    At first I want to say thanks Kronzky for this great script. I am using this with CAF Agressors 1.5 and it works actually quite well, only thing I am figuring is that cloned units dont recieve the same equipment as the parent unit. If I assign a NV Goggle to the original unit so the clones wont have some...how can I fix that? EDIT: in the script there´s the part where the clones are getting created (line 469 and around), but they dont recieve the NVGoggles although the actual unit get one. What do I have to do to become the clones equipped with NVGoggles as well? I tried this but it doesnt work: { _c=_c+1; if (_c>1) then { _newunit = _grp createUnit [typeof _x, getpos _x, [],0,"form"]; KRON_cloneindex = KRON_cloneindex+1; _newunit setVehicleVarName format["%1%2",_nameprefix,KRON_cloneindex]; call compile format["%1%2=_newunit",_nameprefix,KRON_cloneindex]; _newunit setBehaviour _orgMode; _newunit setSpeedMode _orgSpeed; _newunit setSkill skill _x; [b][color="#FF0000"]_newunit addWeapon "NVGoggles"; [/color][/b] [color="#0000FF"]I also tried this: _newunit addWeapon {NVGoggles}; [/color] //_newunit setVehicleInit _initstr; [_newunit] join _grp; }; any advices in this matter?
  11. I am experiencing that the Server window always says port 2314 although I didn´t defined it anywhere. Does anybody know why this is?
  12. yeah, I am sure. The server given in the result is the only one that we run at the moment. I have direct root access to our root server and can start and stop them as I wish. But the query port thing wonders me as well as the gameport. I am using the correct ports in the cfg file and the .bat file...see below. Additionally according to gameport, I dont have set 3214 anywhere but it always shows is as soon as we start the server. // // ArmA 3 Server Config // // GLOBAL SETTINGS hostname = "[sIM] ARMA SIM - COOP"; // The name of the server that shall be displayed in the public server list password = "ourAccessPassword"; // Password for joining, eg connecting to the server passwordAdmin = "ourAdminPassword"; // Password to become server admin. When you're in Arma MP and connected to the server, type '#login xyz' reportingIP = "arma3pc.master.gamespy.com"; // This is the default setting. If you change this, your server logFile = "arma3_console.log"; steamPort = 8766; steamQueryPort = 27016; according to steamport and steamqueryport...I also used 3200 and 3201 which both didnt worked out as well.
  13. Statusreport... I tried the mentioned things today morning when I came home from work. - port was just a test and is already set to 2302 - -exThreads=7 was changed to -exThreads=1 (although I left them away now anyways for testing porposes) - I created a shortcut from ArmA3Server.exe and added this into the targetline, instead of using the .Bat file - NAT Traversal for respective incoming rules is enabled (outgoing cant be set at all) These are the rules that we set so far for steam and ArmA3...are there any rules missing yet? [b][color="#008000"]incoming rules:[/color][/b] steam: 8766 (TCP and UDP) NAT enabled steamquery: 27015 - 27016 (TCP and UDP) NAT enabled ArmA3: 2300-2305 (TCP and UDP) NAT enabled[color="#808080"](these ports are just for one server, once we get it to work we would open further ports for further server)[/color] [b][color="#008000"]outgoing rules:[/color][/b] steam: 8766 (TCP and UDP) steamquery: 27015 - 27016 (TCP and UDP) ArmA3: 2300-2305 (TCP and UDP) C:\GAMES\A3_Dedi\a3_coop\arma3server.exe [b][color="#FF0000"]-ip=OurRootServerIP -port=2302 -config=arma3server_COOP_NEU.cfg -mod=@cba_a3;@ASC;@inidbi;@bcombat;@ASDG_JR;@A3MP;@CaribouFrontier;@massi;@CAF_AG1.5;@IanSky_Scope_Mod;[/color][/b] but still no luck, the Server is not listed on STEAMWORKS master list....what the heck is the reason? I double and tripple checked the port rules and made sure that we opened ports for outgoing AND incoming ports...no luck. I really dont know what else I can do in order to become this damn server visible on the steammaster. EDIT: Server is visible via api.steampowered.com link, but not in steammaster "response": { "success": true, "servers": [ { "addr": "OurRootserberIP:10522", "gmsindex": 65534, "appid": 107410, "gamedir": "Arma3", "region": -1, "secure": false, "lan": false, "gameport": 2314, "specport": 0 }, ] } }
  14. Hello Dwarden, at first thanks for your presence and support here. Secondly, the port was just a test...I have changed it back to 2302 again already. I will also change the exThreads to the mentioned value. As I am in Nightshift at the moment and using my phone to reply here I'll check the server appearence Tomorrow (German Time) and will report back as soon as I know more.
  15. it might be very simple, but it nonetheless doesnt work...at leats not for us. What we managed to do is to get the server back online on the Gamespy Tab, but this will be history soon. I set up all the things mentioned in the link that you´ve provided above, Dwarden. It nonetheless does not work. I waited 20 Minutes and it still does not show up. Thats what I did: - opened all needed ports from 2300 up to 27016 - enabled NAT traversal for all respective rules. - set the ports as mentioned in the Biki link - re downloaded all stuff via steamcmd to make sure I have the latest version installed on the root all of this turns out to result in NOTHINGS! any further advices? This is our server.cfg file. // STEAM steamport =8766; //default 8766, needs to be unique if multiple serves on same box steamqueryport =27016; //default 27016, needs to be unique if multiple servers on same box // GLOBAL SETTINGS hostname = "[sIM] ArmA Sim - COOP"; // The name of the server that shall be displayed in the public server list password = "Password"; // Password for joining, eg connecting to the server passwordAdmin = "Password"; // Password to become server admin. When you're in Arma MP and connected to the server, type '#login xyz' reportingIP = "arma3pc.master.gamespy.com"; // This is the default setting. Leave empty for private servers if you do not want your server listed publicly logFile = "arma3server.log"; verifySignatures = 0; equalModRequired = 0; // kick if data/mods aren't equal requiredSecureId = 2; // was used to define type of secureID we are starting the server via batch file which looks like this "arma3server.exe" -ip=OurRootServerIP -port=8766 "-config=arma3server_COOP_NEU.cfg" "-profiles=arma3server_COOP" "-name=COOP" -cpuCount=8 -exThreads=7 -maxMem=4096 "-mod=@cba_a3;@inidbi;@bcombat;@ASDG_JR;@A3MP;@CaribouFrontier;@massi;@CAF_AG1.5;@IanSky_Scope_Mod;" exit ::
  16. Sorry, that I wasnt able to assist, but congrats that you figured it out. That might be a help for others as well. Thanks
  17. Hey guys, I am not sure whether this question has already been asked. But what is about the server.cfg when Gamespy shuts down? I am refering to this entry to be found in the server.cfg. reportingIP = "arma3pc.master.gamespy.com"; Sorry if this has already been asked, I havent found it then
  18. Thanks to both of you @Goodson and @Master85, I am in nightshift at the moment and will try to check the mentioned things tomorrow. What you've said (Goodson) sounds like a hard time for the ArmA Community...I really hope that BIS will find a way to solve this issue. Thanks guys, I'll report back tomorrow about what I figured.
  19. hey there, I am just about to edit a little in my mission and wanted to remove everythings from him with this commands in the initline: removeallweapons this; removeallitems this; removeallmagazines this; Now I noticed that it seems not to be possible anymore to remove magazines. Everytime I am doing this I get the same errormessage can anybody confirm that the command removeallmagazines this; is outdated or buggy? I also tried things like naming the unit and using this sort of command: Name of Unit: s9 Initline: removeallmagazines _s9; no luck
  20. yes, thios seems to be working. at least there´s no errormessage... so I think I am gonna to report this on the tracker
  21. would someone please be so kind and tell me where exactly I have to change what? I went through the whole thread and tried all the things that were mentioned here but nothings helps. My or better our server(s) dont show up at all. These are some details: result from http://api.steampowered.com { "response": { "success": true, "servers": [ { "addr": "ourRootServerIP:27016", "gmsindex": 65534, "appid": 107410, "gamedir": "Arma3", "region": -1, "secure": false, "lan": false, "gameport": 2314, "specport": 0 } ] } } the .bat file which we are using to start a server: "arma3server.exe" -ip=ourRootServerIP -port=2302"-config=arma3server_Memphis.cfg" "-profiles=arma3server_Memphis" "-name=Memphis" -noPause -noSound -cpuCount=8 -exThreads=7 -maxMem=2047 "-mod=@cba_a3;@A3MP;@ctab;@massi;@rh_m4;@rh_pistols;@HAFM;@IanSky_Scope_Mod;@CAF_AG1.5" exit :: Global settings from our server.cfg // GLOBAL SETTINGS hostname = "[sIM] ARMA SIM - COOP III"; // The name of the server that shall be displayed in the public server list password = "hidden"; // Password for joining, eg connecting to the server passwordAdmin = "hidden"; // Password to become server admin. When you're in Arma MP and connected to the server, type '#login xyz' reportingIP = "arma3pc.master.gamespy.com"; // This is the default setting. If you change this, your server steamPort = 2300; steamQueryPort = 2301;
  22. thanks, so I´ll keep searching for further information in the proper forums
  23. hmmm, thanks at least to you letting me know. I hope the devs will know what is this about.
  24. memphisbelle

    Any idea why this doesn't work?

    I believe the magazine needs to be defined first and then the weapon to become the weapon loaded with the magazine. Did you tried that out already?
  25. Hey guys, sorry for asking this question, but I start to get mad here. I cant find the easiest Objects anymore such as a burning or nunburning Fireplace...where have they been gone? It´d be great if someone could help me please. I am searching for a simple Fireplace, which has previously been in the Class Objects (which doesnt exist anymore).